Brown lumps growing out of control! (pic)


Active Member
For months I've looked for an answer to what this is, and what to do about it. But it seems like nobody has ever seen anything like this before...?

What you can;t see in the pic, is that there is a lot of sap that seems to be coming from these lumpy growths. And some leaves are turning black (as if charred) on the ends.

Any ideas? Thanks!


you need to cut and burn that bro it looks dangerous it gives my skin the creep i dont know about you but i got goose bumps all over


Active Member
Hhhhmmm you could try scraping those things off with a razor ...then clean the stem with one and a half table spoons of hydrogen peroxide ...apply it about 3 times up and down the stalk with a paint brush or somthing alike let it dry out between each application


Active Member
!!!!!!!!!!!thats ^^^^^^^^^^^^^one and a half table spoons of hydrogen peroxide per cup (250 ml) of water*****


Active Member
pop one off and see if it has little legs underneath it.
No legs. Nothing but a dark brown shell filled with what I can only describe as a mushy gray substance, and some trace amounts of sticky sap.

Here's a closer look at a branch. (Its the best my camera can do, sadly...)



Active Member
My $$$'s still on hemp canker.
I think you're probably right. Though the descriptions I've found of Hemp Canker so far, don't mention these obviously notable lumps.

Now I need a plan to keep this from happening with the next generation...

So what causes Hemp Cankers? Could it be nutrient deficiency? Contamination from some other type of plants? Maybe too much moisture build-up from lack of proper drainage?

As to this "Burn It" idea... In a week I'll be burning it one bud at a time. Flowering is almost complete. If the lumps appear on the next generation, I'll cut them off and see what happens.

Thanks for the advice guys :D

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
For months I've looked for an answer to what this is, and what to do about it. But it seems like nobody has ever seen anything like this before...?
What you can;t see in the pic, is that there is a lot of sap that seems to be coming from these lumpy growths. And some leaves are turning black (as if charred) on the ends.

Any ideas? Thanks!
its a good thing you didnt try licking the sap