Oh Snap! Palin's Gonna get Indicted


Well-Known Member
Or - even better - the repubs can put her on the ticket, guaranteeing a loss. The dems can put Obama on the ticket and if he keeps screwing up, he will lose, paving the way for America's first third party president. Wouldn't that be something?

A man can dream...
couldn't agree more.

we need like a 5 party system


Active Member
Palin Federal Indictment ?

July 4, 2009, 8:43AM

Rumors abound on the intertubes that the Palin house was built with funds and or kickbacks from Federal Funds for the Wasilla sports complex. Palin's claim to fame as Wasilla Mayor was getting the funds for the complex. Rumors say that it seems that supplies and contractors from the sports complex also helped build the over 3000 square foot Palin home.
Again, unconfirmed rumors are that Federal Indictments will be announced next week.


Well-Known Member
fuck sara palin, figuratively, who cares really? she so fuckin ignorant and stupid. honestly i think she would make the WORST president EVER and when that pro palin thread was floating around i wanted nothing to do with it. who cares she was miss america or something and govoner of alaska and old ass john mccains running mate. being gov of alaska is like being gov of bears and fish and snow and eskimos oh and oil pipelines too. so whats the deal who really cares about this dumb bitch, let her retire in peace and not let her family members get abortions the way the good lord intended.

ps- i just needed to vent and i was pissed about palins news hype


Well-Known Member
Ok, try to box me into whatever category makes you feel comfortable. The truth is, everyone thinks they're objective when it comes to politics, but we all know that's not true. If you follow my take on issues, and know politics well enough to know what issues fall into what side each fence you'll see that most of my leanings fall into that of a conservative libertarian. I usually vote republican because it's supposedly the next closest thing. The Bush administration spent like drunken sailors too, and if I'd been on this board during his term, you'd have seen me bitch about that too, so don't try to tell me I'm one sided! I too, wish there were more viable voting parties out there, but it seems building a larger consensus hasn't taken hold enough. Hopefully, and by the sounds of things on this board, as well as nationally, there's a cry for at least a viable third party, hopefully more. I can't stand the thought of a big, instrusive government, and what we have sitting in the white house now is doing exactly that.

As far as Palin goes, the media assault on her was one of the most dishonest, disgusting things I've ever seen. My problem lies not with liberals per se, but their intelectual dishonesty, and that I rarely see the same sets of criteria used to judge people on BOTH sides of the political fence.

See, by me wanting in general the government to GTFO, I infringe nothing on you. It doesn't ask for more of your money, ask you to do/not do anything, just to leave us the hell alone. I can only assume, since many of you libs keep voting for laws and people that vehemently disagree with that ideology, that you take offense to that as well. To that, I bid a welcome fuck you. Have a nice day.:)


Well-Known Member
Mcgicitian said:

"See, by me wanting in general the government to GTFO, I infringe nothing on you. It doesn't ask for more of your money, ask you to do/not do anything, just to leave us the hell alone. I can only assume, since many of you libs keep voting for laws and people that vehemently disagree with that ideology, that you take offense to that as well. To that, I bid a welcome fuck you. Have a nice day.:smile: "

This I agree with.

If the dems put up anyone as dumb as bush or palin I'd feel the same way and wouldn't vote for them either and would make fun of them just the same. We need intelligent literate educated experienced honest people in government but the way the system works now those people generally wouldn't want to work in government. Say what you want about Obama, at least we all know he has a brain.


Well-Known Member
We need intelligent literate educated experienced honest people in government but the way the system works now those people generally wouldn't want to work in government.
I agree. It is too bad she had to resign because of the blockade, but, she'll get around it. Don't worry, friend. Palin will be back! And then we'll have the government we deserve. (Not that we don't have THAT, now.)


Well-Known Member
i guess we'll know next week

and she was almost VP(according to fdd) she could have been prez if john mccain died. he is like 70 or something


Well-Known Member
McCain is 72 fucking years old, one heartbeat away from death (not that he's already sick or anything but you can't count on health for anyone at that age) making palin president.

chchoda I wish personal insults and attacks were allowed I'd tear you a new one for being so d_mb with what you said in your last post. Not that I have anything against you or will hold a grudge, tomoorow I probably won't even recognise your name just damn, thinking that way is thick.


Well-Known Member
McCain is 72 fucking years old, one heartbeat away from death (not that he's already sick or anything but you can't count on health for anyone at that age) making palin president.

chchoda I wish personal insults and attacks were allowed I'd tear you a new one for being so d_mb with what you said in your last post. Not that I have anything against you or will hold a grudge, tomoorow I probably won't even recognise your name just damn, thinking that way is thick.
I'm so very glad you liked it, my yellow bellied friend. :grin:


Well-Known Member
i guess we'll know next week

and she was almost VP(according to fdd) she could have been prez if john mccain died. he is like 70 or something
I still think there's something behind her resignation. Levi leaked a story, the FBI's after her, something...

And she deserved everything she got from the media. You saw the damn interviews - she's an absolute idiot. She fires people because they disagree with her and that's wrong as well. I would feel sorry for her if she didn't deserve every damn of bit of negative attention that she got.

She WILL fade away into obscurity. I guarantee you that. People keep saying we will see her again in government (for prez), but we won't. She's done. I will put $500,000 on it - seriously. How in the hell will the repubs allow her on the ticket when most of them can't stand her?


Well-Known Member
I still think there's something behind her resignation. Levi leaked a story, the FBI's after her, something...

And she deserved everything she got from the media. You saw the damn interviews - she's an absolute idiot. She fires people because they disagree with her and that's wrong as well. I would feel sorry for her if she didn't deserve every damn of bit of negative attention that she got.

She WILL fade away into obscurity. I guarantee you that. People keep saying we will see her again in government (for prez), but we won't. She's done. I will put $500,000 on it - seriously. How in the hell will the repubs allow her on the ticket when most of them can't stand her?

And you wonder why I question your credentials? :-o If you are what you say you are, as I said before, God help us all... We desperately need to solve that problem, ASAP!


Well-Known Member

And you wonder why I question your credentials? :-o If you are what you say you are, as I said before, God help us all... We desperately need to solve that problem, ASAP!
Wow - you really like this girl. Someone's getting mad. Have we hurt your feelings?

And don't worry about my credentials - you're right. I never went to college, don't teach at a college, and cannot even read. I don't even know how to write. I know nothing about Kierkegaard's teleological suspension of the ethical, or Kant's critique of pure reason. I cannot tell you the difference between phenomenalism and epiphenomenalism. I don't know who Nietzsche or Locke is. I don't even know what philosophy means. I do not know anything, so please use these claims against me. Ad hominem. Ad hominem. Ad hominem.

Keep the abuse coming baby because at the end of the day, I am what I am and I'm very happy with it. I love what I do and will not engage in an ethos battle with you. It's my summer and damn it, I'm going to enjoy what's left:weed: