brown tips and spots (pics)


Well-Known Member
ok so my plant is a month and 3 weeks old im usin soil formy grow medium only m/g peat moss all purpose m/g plant food n i want to start flowering as soon as my nutes get here but i m worrie dat something might go wrong if i dont handle this asap. i just flushed yesterday n it still dnt look good it just looks over watered the leafs are just drooping so if any one can help me with this + rep points for u i just need help



Well-Known Member
ok so my plant is a month and 3 weeks old im usin soil formy grow medium only m/g peat moss all purpose m/g plant food n i want to start flowering as soon as my nutes get here but i m worrie dat something might go wrong if i dont handle this asap. i just flushed yesterday n it still dnt look good it just looks over watered the leafs are just drooping so if any one can help me with this + rep points for u i just need help
damn ain't no one gonna help me dats fuked up if u do n can help me thank you n if u can help me but don't den fuk u n I hope u n ur plants die slow hoes


Active Member
damn ain't no one gonna help me dats fuked up if u do n can help me thank you n if u can help me but don't den fuk u n I hope u n ur plants die slow hoes
OK - so are you saying that you are using straight miracle grow peat moss as your growing medium? I would think peat moss all by itself for a mj plant would be bad, as peat moss retains a lot of water. You could possibly be experiencing root rot. MJ plants need to get air to the root system - something like vermiculite mixed into the soil (before repotting the plant into the pot) would've helped if that is the issue. You will be hard pressed to accomplish that now though...that is, without stressing out your plants in a major way.

This could be the main issue, but there are other questions to be answered as well - what is the ph level of the water that you give your plants? What type of lighting are you using? How often are you feeding (BTW, it is my understanding that miracle grow is pretty low on the totem pole when it comes to happy plants). What are the average temps in your grow room? Do you use fans to move the air in your grow room? ...etc...

As much info as you can think of will help RIU users help figure out what is goin on with your grow.


Active Member
it looks like possible over fertilization with the burnt tips .. how do you put pics on here...pllease
That's likely part of the problem, but look how badly those leaves are drooping. The browning at the tips is there, but I don't think that's the worse of what all is going on here.

OP - what do the leaves feel like? Are they moist, or do they feel kinda dry and paper- like?


Well-Known Member
That's likely part of the problem, but look how badly those leaves are drooping. The browning at the tips is there, but I don't think that's the worse of what all is going on here.

OP - what do the leaves feel like? Are they moist, or do they feel kinda dry and paper- like?
ok well thanx for replyin but ph is at 7 I use daylight cfls temp is alwayz around 80 f n yea they do feel dry but tha room has a fan blowin for 3 hours a day


Active Member
ok well thanx for replyin but ph is at 7 I use daylight cfls temp is alwayz around 80 f n yea they do feel dry but tha room has a fan blowin for 3 hours a day
How often do you water, and how often have you been feeding with the miracle grow? Also, at what strength do you have the MG feedings (half recommended dose, full dose..)?