DIY Closet DWC Grow - First grow ever


Well-Known Member
I love you tom... always keeping me honest.

Pics to appear below in 10 minutes or less.
Haha you're so awesome jigfresh. I too have a grinder like the one you described. When I first got it I was so mad at myself for ever breaking up weed. And I used to remember in dry spells I would smack that thing and scrape every nook and cranny to get just something to help me sleep. Grinders really do make for a much easier burning hit also. I love ripping finely ground herb in the bong, the fine stuff just catches so much easier bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I have the same grinder as you jigfresh except mine has a confederate flag where yours has a ying yang symbol. They buds look outstanding man and judging by the amount of keif you got it must be some good shit

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
helll yea thats a nice bunch of kief you have ...... i am guessing that it came from your home grown and dam man speach less........ i dont have any kief coming in my grinder from my homegrown:-(

I normaly use a small brush and tooth pick to try and get all my kief and small nugs out of the grinder to clean it. It only works so good then i have lots of hash or resin not sure what you want to call it alll built up inside my grinder on the screen and yea everywhere (i can take a pic if you want haha). I normaly just use bong cleaner to clean it to a sparkel but i know i can smoke all that if i could get it off some how.

:lol: lmao sorry so long :lol:

So yea to the
Question: How do you clean your grinder after it builds up allot ?


Well-Known Member
So yea to the Question: How do you clean your grinder after it builds up allot ?
I got no idea... I just got it. I've only ground up like 10 loads or something.

That keif is from about 2 grams of herb. From your guys' reaction I'm guessing that's a lot. I don't know I've never used a grinder before.


Well-Known Member
Question: How do you clean your grinder after it builds up allot ?
I have the exact same grinder, different design. I went and bought a standard razor blade that just happens to perfectly fit and allows me to turn it along the inside in a circular motion.

I clean the grooves and cracks with the razor as well. Once I have spent far too much time trying to get every morsel, I clean it with hot water and let it dry. You will always waste some...but you waste some smoke everytime you load a bowl and hit it, as it burns in between passing.

Or, if you are smoking by yourself, even a bigger waste!

I like freshly chopped bong snappers, little personal hits that are just the right size to "snap" through but not enough to make you choke and become overwhelmed ;-)

Hulk Nugs

Well-Known Member
I have the exact same grinder, different design. I went and bought a standard razor blade that just happens to perfectly fit and allows me to turn it along the inside in a circular motion.

I clean the grooves and cracks with the razor as well. Once I have spent far too much time trying to get every morsel, I clean it with hot water and let it dry. You will always waste some...but you waste some smoke everytime you load a bowl and hit it, as it burns in between passing.

Or, if you are smoking by yourself, even a bigger waste!

I like freshly chopped bong snappers, little personal hits that are just the right size to "snap" through but not enough to make you choke and become overwhelmed ;-)
thanks man for the info ... i did see some guy use a lighter and a razor blade to my scrapper tool for the grinder and got a nice little ball off it just a little to big to fit inside my grinder i will look for a small one or shit try and cut a blade in half.

i hate wasting but your right always a little is wasted even when we filter it in the bong with ice it takes away from the amount of resin or thc that we get but fuk it, i like my sparkling clean bong with ice cold water then curshed ice filled to the brim then my fresh nug grinded up then packed and a little sprinkle of kief on top, dam makes me want to take a hit bongsmiliebongsmilie

bongsmilie 4 jig


Elite Rolling Society
You are going to love saving that Kief and making hash. You need to also GRIND all the trim leaves from manicuring, to make Kief for HASH. AND if you freeze the trim leaves first, you get more kief.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys... I tried some of the White Widow. Still tastes like crap, doesn't really burn well. Guess it still has a bit of drying to do. Anyways... IT"S FIRE.

Hindu Skunk seems much more of a hybrid in comparison. The WW makes your whole body Heavy, like you are physically 'stuck' to the couch. It's really something. I can't wait till its cured a little and I can actually give it a good try.

I'll be sure to have a full smoke report later. Same with the Hindu Skunk... I'm still waiting for some to have a really good 3 -4 week cure. It just keeps getting better and better taste, smell, high. I love it.



Hey guys... I tried some of the White Widow. Still tastes like crap, doesn't really burn well. Guess it still has a bit of drying to do. Anyways... IT"S FIRE.
Try to water cure the WW. It will take out all the toxins or fert that is left over.

1 - Mason Jar (your choice)
2 - enough water to fill the mason jar atleast 3 times
3 - Time

Put your bud in the mason jar, fill with water. After 24 hours replace water with clean water. You can choose to collect what is being drawn out with a coffee filter and a strainer. I wouldnt, I would just let it go. I heard about it from a buddy and told him he was full of $h!t, but i had some come from my table that tasted just like a bottle from General Hydro!!!:weed:


Well-Known Member
I, like you thought of your buddy, think you are full of sh*t, haha. No but seriously that sounds crazy, but I'll try it. I trust you, it just sounds nuts.

I'll water cure a couple grams... let you guys know how it turns out.

So you just soak the bud in water???? That sounds crazy.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like you're really enjoying the results of your hard labor. Congrats jigfresh... looks like you're having a lot of fun. So question for you... about how much bud (dried) do you think you yielded per plant?


Well-Known Member
So question for you... about how much bud (dried) do you think you yielded per plant?
11.2 oz/ 6 plants = 1.9 oz/ plant. That's dried bud. No stems of leaves. Maybe 1.8 if you want to be safe.

The biggest plant was 2 and 3/4 oz. The smallest was about 1 oz.

Glad to see you around.