How Many Times Does This Happen To You?


So we all know those times where you make someone laugh so hard they blow the bowl pack, or drop the weed. Sometimes you're the one doing it.

I wanna know how many times does this happen to you? What was the funniest time?

Last time it happened to me, I was smoking with Dee and I made her laugh, but she didn't blow the bowl pack, she made the burning buds fall out. Then they landed on her lag and burnt her. Ah, that was funny to us at the time.


Well-Known Member
yeah that shit has happened to me like 3 times in my life. twice with a dry pipe, once with a bong. totally wet the entire bowl :(.


Well-Known Member
Seems like this happens to me all too often, Its never me but my friends. I prolly lose 3 or 4 bowls a month cause of them lol. i dont care though, were usally having fun when it happens.