Iguana Juice Thread!!!!


Yes it stinks, I've used it in soil. It gave me the tastiest buds to date. Its hard to come by in my area though. It takes a good 2 hour drive to anywhere that carries advanced. I was skeptical of using it in hydro the employee at the store said no, and someone here said to never use organics in hydro. So i called advanced and they said as long as its not in aero its fine. Adjust to 5.6 every couple days if its in the rez and top up with plain water. I'm gonna give it a try in the E&F and see how it does. I may do the second tray in sensi a & b though. Just to see side by side which works for me better.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
i have used it in hempy which is a hybrid hydro without issue. the more smelly going in the plant the better the taste of the end product imo.


Well-Known Member
The IG grow is tolarable in smell. The bloom for flower smells so freakin bad I can't see anything being worse. If you want to know what it smells like just throw an old dead fish in a pot and smell it a couple weeks later. You will get the idea....Just getting started with it so it better make a good final product.....


Well-Known Member
what is the best mix of ij and other organic nutes and soil combo to give me the best yield potentcy and flavour


Well-Known Member
what is the best mix of ij and other organic nutes and soil combo to give me the best yield potentcy and flavour

im using all the advanced nuits, a compleet line. Grow a& b bloom a& b, b52 , perana, scorpion juice terantuala, carbo load , vida boost,overdrive, big bud, beracade & hygrozime insted of senzime. And flush with final faze. Works grate.


Well-Known Member
nice seems alot do u have a cheaper alternative
i really havent try'ed anything else yet, i got a gallon each of the bloom and grow and then slowly add the rest. the bloom and the grow is a well rounded nuit, anything u add after that is a bonus. u can veg without iguana juice, but with it , it is much better. bigger and more roots. i don't know wich is better subculture b & m , or ij. with subculture u get more roots and healthy bigger plants. thats why i just go for it. if u are hydro u need microbes and beneficial bacteria, other wise u will get rot. if u have a healthy plant u will never have to use h2o2 or things like it.

here are the results at 21 days.



Well-Known Member
I usually use the whole foxfarm line but Im gonna switch over to Advanced Nutrients cause from what I hear its the best. I just have a quick question about AN feeding. Looking at the schedule, do I feed the what it says with every watering for that week or every other watering? Cause I know with Foxfarm they recommend using their nutrients with every other watering. I already have Connoisseur Part A and Part B, Big Bud, Overdrive, and the B-52. Very excited about my next crop.


Well-Known Member
i usually use the whole foxfarm line but im gonna switch over to advanced nutrients cause from what i hear its the best. I just have a quick question about an feeding. Looking at the schedule, do i feed the what it says with every watering for that week or every other watering? Cause i know with foxfarm they recommend using their nutrients with every other watering. I already have connoisseur part a and part b, big bud, overdrive, and the b-52. Very excited about my next crop.
im doing a dwc system and i change every week. If u r in dirt then it's water , water , feed.


Well-Known Member
what is the best mix of ij and other organic nutes and soil combo to give me the best yield potency and flavour
I'll give you my mix recipe for soil.
:::Given out my trade secret here:::
Grow soil
1 - bail of Canadian peat moss
1 - bag of perlite with micro nutrients/trace minerals added
3lb - fresh worm castings
3 cups - Indonesian bag guano
3 cups - Blood meal
3 cups - Dolomite Lime
Mix it all nice and even in a wheel barrel and add 4 gallons of iguana juice grow and sensi zym enriched water, cover with plastic and let sit for a week or so.
This gives the sensi zym time enough to turn all these nutrients into plant food.
Bloom Soil
1 - bail of Canadian peat moss
1 - bag of perlite with micro nutrients/trace minerals added
3lb - fresh worm castings
3 cups - Indonesian bag guano
3 cups - Blood meal
3 cups - Potash
3 cups - Dolomite Lime
Mix it all nice and even in a wheel barrel and add 4 gallons of iguana juice bloom, sensi zym and bud candy enriched water, cover with plastic and let it sit for a week or so . . .
I only use pure water for the first month or so to make sure not to over feed the plants. Then if they start too look like they need something I just water with whatever phase plant food and sensi zym. Oh yeah, I use bud candy in the water throughout flowering.


Well-Known Member
Ok, here is one of my mother plants that I keep cutting clones off of, you can see where the new tops formed as a result of the cuttings. . . This was grown with the iguana juice enriched soil I listed above.



Well-Known Member
nice seems alot do u have a cheaper alternative
You might want to try dutch masters advanced or gold packs. They have a multi part program just like advanced nutrients and they even have a full line of foliar spray products. I'm going to use dutch masters in a week or two with my next indoor aeroponics grow to see how it is. I'm not one to believe what I see in those nutrient challenges. . . I have the Dutch Masters Advanced grow A&B, bloom A&B, penetrator gold, feminizer, folitech, and Max FX. All in 1liter containers and it cost me under USD$100.00


Well-Known Member
where do u guys buy Iguana juice online? its not on htgsupply which is my usual site.


Well-Known Member
Juicy buds- sorry to burst your bubble but that looks time consuming, expensive and the plant pics outrite suck. Take a look around bud and see if your workin too hard. FF OF is all you need with some perlite and domo lime.


Well-Known Member
Juicy buds- sorry to burst your bubble but that looks time consuming, expensive and the plant pics outrite suck. Take a look around bud and see if your workin too hard. FF OF is all you need with some perlite and domo lime.
Ok, it might not look all that impressive, but I did cut some great clones off this plant, around 2 dozen. Here have a look; Afghani bullrider:

Note: No cloning gel was used I simply cut them and stuck them in the soil mix I posted. A few I stuck in peat pellets to see if it had any effect. Only 2 died but I only have 20 spots in my aerocab.
Oh, found another pic of what they look like before they go in the ground


Active Member
does iguana juice smell that bad
O ya!!! It is the worst smelling stuff!! I have used it on 2 feedings now and my whole room smells like dead fish!! I can't deal... I am taking it back and going with something else... GROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:spew: