Top 5 must Grow Strains


Well-Known Member
i am thinking about crossing four fruit strains together too see what i end up with.
Not sure bro... I'm dumb as shit on this strain business...

But I still vote for the Juicy Fruit... (which by the way is a confirmed BC Juicy Fruit that came to me as a Bagseed)


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Well-Known Member
1. bagseed
2. bagseed
3. bagseed
4. bagseed
5. bagseed

That rounds out my top five of what I have actually grown. It was all my first grow.

Second grow I'm growing, THC Bomb and Caramelicious which is a forty percent sativa, sixty indica mix. Both supposed to be in the eighteen to twenty percent thc level area. The bomb is also supposed to be a bigger producer than big bud and better than pure power plant, we'll see. My partner is growing crystal, a cross of northern lights and white widow and mazar. I also have some Pat's. Just some really good bagseed we have grown in our first grow. Three of those and one is frosting nicely, very nicely. Today is five full weeks of flowering.


Well-Known Member
Not sure bro... I'm dumb as shit on this strain business...

But I still vote for the Juicy Fruit... (which by the way is a confirmed BC Juicy Fruit that came to me as a Bagseed)

dude WHERE can i get seeds of this shiyate? :shock:

it's probably the yummiest looking strain I've ever seen. :clap:


New Member
LSD [Skunk#1 X Mazar] looks lovely - with a THC % of 24 and CBD 1.3%

65-75 days of flowering

from BF seeds [fem'd]


Well-Known Member
the leaves on some of those bud pics look burned a bit.
I assume you mean mine...:-P

My op is far from perfect.. and of all the strains I have, this is the one that suffers the most..:sad:

I run one res for all 7 strains and all stages..:o

from day one to harvest ... 5.8/1400 ppm....:shock:

she is the least adapted to that regime...:spew:

I fuck up all the time... never perfect... but still... pretty eh?!?!:-P


Well-Known Member
also gotta remember they are on the final stretch...:razz: :hump:

done done... so yeah not the healthiest... since she's dying and all...:lol:

but you're right.. they're not perfect...:lol:

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
yeah looks good. its tricky growing multiple strains in one res as one strains fert level is another strains death. i have experienced that with watering soil grows with the same ferts for multiple strains some want way more or less than others. but i refuse to grow 1 or even 2 strains exclusively as i hate smoking the same strain all the time i build tolerances very quickly.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
looks like a touch of fert burn or light burn been there myself. hard to tell i assume there on no ferts now as there near harvest.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
wait so your running 1400ppm now near harvest or did i misunderstand if that is correct thats the problem. irun around a 1000ppm for most strains.


Well-Known Member
I have a strain that likes 2000ppm...

at 1000 she is dull and hardly moving...

1400 is what I found works the best... even if the lowest and higher tolerance plants may no be in optimal conditions....

I still get a zip a day, everyday from my op... so it's not too bad...

2 pounds a month from 4x 600...:razz:

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Well-Known Member
yeah looks good. its tricky growing multiple strains in one res as one strains fert level is another strains death. i have experienced that with watering soil grows with the same ferts for multiple strains some want way more or less than others. but i refuse to grow 1 or even 2 strains exclusively as i hate smoking the same strain all the time i build tolerances very quickly.

I have three different strains going one of them being bagseed. I might actually have five different strains going because I have three bagseeds but I'm pretty sure they are all from the same batch of street weed. I won't keep seeds if they are ho-hum, they have to be really good. I say to myself, if this is this good pollenated, how good would it be if it was not pollenated? I'm about to find out in a month or so. I agree with you, variety is the spice of life. My partner is growing crystal and mazar so we'll have quite a variety soon and they are all looking good. Today is the fist day of week six of flowering.

I feel like the old chambers brothers song 'time' waiting for them to get done. You have to be old enough to know the song to know what I mean.

Edit. I must be stoned, I forgot half the reason for responding. My caramelicious and one of the bagseed, definately do not like the amount of ferts the rest of the girls do, and I never go more than fifty percent strength of the directions. From here on out I may not give them any more ferts, just go with fox farms tiger bloom and big bloom.

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Well-Known Member
I have a strain that likes 2000ppm...

at 1000 she is dull and hardly moving...

1400 is what I found works the best... even if the lowest and higher tolerance plants may no be in optimal conditions....

I still get a zip a day, everyday from my op... so it's not too bad...

2 pounds a month from 4x 600...:razz:

Am I understanding you correctly, four plants under six hundred watts? Two pounds a month?

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
thats fine running whatever level ppm different strains need but towards the end more ferts wont help growth as the plant is done growing and has stored energy to finish its bloom anyways. without a week or so with no ferts flavor and smoothness will suffer as youll be smoking some of those stored mineral salts. the smoothest smoking bud comes from plants that are showing yellowing at harvest on all fan leaves imo.


Well-Known Member
Am I understanding you correctly, four plants under six hundred watts? Two pounds a month?
I'm sure gypsy will respond to this as well, but I thought I'd comment. He has many many plants under 4 600w bulbs, and harvests a couple plants every day or two. Equaling about 2 lbs a months off the 4 600ws.