Light schedule


Active Member
I'm about to transplant my plants outside to flower. I have them under CFL's with 24/0 light. I'm guessing i should change the light schedule before i do to prevent pre-flowering. So what should i change the light schedule too? And when's the best time to do it? Thanks.


Well-Known Member
i'm about to transplant my plants outside to flower. I have them under cfl's with 24/0 light. I'm guessing i should change the light schedule before i do to prevent pre-flowering. So what should i change the light schedule too? And when's the best time to do it? Thanks.
id start running 18-6 . If ure gonna flower outside wait till ure time is right or begin flowering inside begin 12-12 for a week or 2 then move outdoors


Active Member
I live in northern Ontario. I am hoping to get a few more weeks of veg when i put them outside before flower. If i were to guess id say were getting 13-14 hours of sun. What's the best time to change the light schedule?