The ideal organic soil


Well-Known Member
So my friend decided to make his grow an organic grow when he gets the first clones from some 1 month old plants. This being said, he wants to grow completely organic. So I ask you, what would the most ideal soils be for both veg and flower? I really don't know much about organics, so I'm gonna read up about it, but I just want everyone's opinion. (Money is no object for the best medium, there are (9) 2 gallon pots).

Also, now that I think about it, what should clones be started in?


So my friend decided to make his grow an organic grow when he gets the first clones from some 1 month old plants. This being said, he wants to grow completely organic. So I ask you, what would the most ideal soils be for both veg and flower? I really don't know much about organics, so I'm gonna read up about it, but I just want everyone's opinion. (Money is no object for the best medium, there are (9) 2 gallon pots).

Also, now that I think about it, what should clones be started in?
Clones can be started in plain water, not city water please with all those chems they use for health reasons, distilled, catch some rain water which I think is the best but it rains a lot here. I use Super Thrive one drop in my water and I use plain mason sand (the pure white stuff) and keep the sand moist with that water solution....but everyone has a different method, so I suggest read lots of threads and then try several and see which you like best for yourself. Soil is about the same everyone has different ways to make or formulate they soil, I make mine from compost, regular dirt and some rocks to help drain the water away. Good Luck:leaf:


Well-Known Member
that would be your best bet if u dnt want 2 make dirt. should also feed plants for a month. im using the planting mix, ocean forest and happy frog potting soil combination. i love the smell of organic dirt!!!


Well-Known Member
what do you start your clones in?
Mattplusness... Clones love Rapid Rooters, Rockwool (soaked overnight in unchlorinated water with a pH of 5.5 - then squeeze out excess water) or Jiffy Peat Pellets.
All three will work.
A simple / effective soil mix : Happy Frog (potting soil) 50 percent, 30 percent peat moss (or well rinsed coco fiber - aka - coco coir), 10 percent perlite and 10 percent worm castings is a good mix, once roots are popping out of your starting plugs (mentioned above).
That's an easy mix to obtain, it works well and isn't expensive to make.
Then later, you can make your own from compost, guanos, peat moss, etc... after you get the hang of organics....
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real...Organic.....


Well-Known Member
thanks alot, i got around a month and a half before i need anything anyway, so i'm gonna think about it for a while

tea tree

Well-Known Member
I have mixed a premier peat, composted forest humes and steer manure, worm casts, perlite, blood, bone, and kelp. That gives a killer soil that when you let it sit wet for a month or two will feed the plants to their liking for a long time.

Amending soil may be too complicated for one post. But that premier peat moss is nice shit. Lowes has it along with the composted steer manure for 3 bucks. Perlite I get for seven gallons! for 15 dollars on eBay. Wormcasts is like 9 dollars.

A nice mix would be happy frog soil conditioner to peat moss. one bale to one bale. It is "soiless" which mean you have to mix your npk into it to give the plants their food. Or just feed right. I prefer the "super soil". Pre-amended soil.