Obama ... He's Lookin' Good!



You seriously must be trolling us all, cause no one could believe that without laughing.

I think she said she's done in politics for good.

Bitch didn't belong there to begin with.

She'd make a great daycare center director or somethin' though...


New Member
Yes, we wouldn't want to have a politician cut from everyday cloth. We need really really smart ppl to screw us over! :lol: At this point I'd vote for Joe the Plumber....


New Member
You get my drift...... I could have come up with actual real solutions better than Obama has. Fixing the economy wasn't his top priority though now was it.........a charade.


Well-Known Member
You get my drift...... I could have come up with actual real solutions better than Obama has. Fixing the economy wasn't his top priority though now was it.........a charade.
I think his top priority is probably pleasing lobbyists, but I'm reserving judgment for a while longer. I will not suspend debate on the matter, however.


New Member
They are ALL owned by lobbies. You just don't get to that level of politics and stay clean. I put that as a given and accept it. I just don't understand Obamanomics.... it just doesn't add up. And what's all the rush and NO debate? There is no real emergency going on that warrants such reckless abandon? Europe is swinging to the right (fiscally) to solve their problems, as they well should. We are going the wrong way....the only sector that can SUSTAIN an economic recovery by spending is the PRIVATE sector. This BASIC concept seems lost on the President and the majority of Congress. The media has abdicated any credibility to safeguarding the public by specifically not asking the tough questions.

Wait and see, wait and see. Think about what that means and how with the 20/20 hindsight of history, that attitude has brought big headlines of trouble.


New Member
I think his top priority is probably pleasing lobbyists, but I'm reserving judgment for a while longer. I will not suspend debate on the matter, however.
Why in the world are you reserving your judgement on this issue? In view of where the unions stand with the Obama administration, i'd say that reserving judgment is a bit on the "conservative" side, wouldn't you? :lol:



I'm high as hell right now... ^^ was funny as fuck...

Fuck em both, howbout that?


Well-Known Member
i guess i got in trouble for thaT so i hope it was funny. lol. apparently some of the mods are obama marks. i am unsubscribing to this thread since i cannot post freely. take care.


Well-Known Member
i guess i got in trouble for thaT so i hope it was funny. lol. apparently some of the mods are obama marks. i am unsubscribing to this thread since i cannot post freely. take care.
That does seem dangerous round here; like pulling out your cock in a police station. :mrgreen:

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
all i want to know is . when is he going to make weed legal. otherthan that noone running the world (think about it) is doing a good job.

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
Obama could do it tomorrow and he would not be the best leader......you need to set your sights a bit higher....:peace:
NO!. thats high as i need. every leader is a tool, they have no real power. so if i atleast get what i wont i be happy.and to me that alone would make obama the greatest leader of all time. think about it if bush on his way out the door would haves said " and by the way for my last action as the leader of the freenation i am legalizing POT " if he would have said that no one would have said anything bad about hem he would have went in the histry books as the greatest man alive . every good that he did (which he did a lot of good) would have been the only thing peopel talked about, ohyeah and the fact that he made weed legal
But the truth of the matter is the no one man has that power. the leader can not just wave his had and say this is legal or that is legal. thats why i say that they all are tools every last one of them. they are put in place to confues us to disstact us. to make us fight each other
and why not
with every world leader even in other lands the masses (the people) are more worryed about there personal life then what really going on. the government of the worlds are rocking everyone to sleep and we all fall for it
who ever the leader is doesnot matter. black , old , disabled, female,,, doesnot matter. there just going to do as told just as you would have too..............

so back to what i said early whoever legalize weed would be the best ever..................... point said. and yes you would agree. you just dont want it to be the current tool....stop