Oh Snap! Palin's Gonna get Indicted

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
What does this statement even mean? You literally do blame the liberals for everything. Literally. This is so funny......

Just out of curiosity, what other grievous sins did the liberals commit? Did they kill Kennedy? Or maybe Jesus? Do they light flaming bags of poo on your doorstep?
So you're saying there isn't a double standard then? If Pelosi was a republican would she still be speaker?

John Edwards can commit adultery while his wife dies of cancer, but heaven forbid if a republican gets caught cheating.


Well-Known Member
So you're saying there isn't a double standard then? If Pelosi was a republican would she still be speaker?

John Edwards can commit adultery while his wife dies of cancer, but heaven forbid if a republican gets caught cheating.
I SAID THERE WAS A DOUBLE STANDARD IN MY LAST POST! READ!!!!! My dear lord, can you read? You challenge me by asking my position on something I stated as clear as day dude! Back up and read my flippin' post!

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
I SAID THERE WAS A DOUBLE STANDARD IN MY LAST POST! READ!!!!! My dear lord, can you read? You challenge me by asking my position on something I stated as clear as day dude! Back up and read my flippin' post!
Cut back on the buds man, you never said that in this thread.

P.S. The caps add a sense of style to your post.


Well-Known Member
I hope the republicans do put her on the ticket in 2012, that's a guaranteed win for democrats once more no matter if obama screws up even more or not.

Thank you , you ignorant slut.
actually the republican party is looking at an Indian man by the name of Bobby Jindal for the ticket in 2012.


from rumors Ive heard...he's pretty much a shoe in because they want to be able to compete with Obama in 2012 or any other race/sex that may run. Steering away from the "old white guys" after bushy and mccain.

Personally I think its going to be a long time before america has any faith in a republican nominee after 8 years of bush.

Personally, Im pretty liberal, but I don't vote based on party...I research and vote based on who I think will do the best job regardless of affiliation. and also, who is going to look out for my right to choose what i do to my body. thats a big one in my book.

Palin...is a twat. I hope she gets attacked by a pack of wolves and polar bears.


Well-Known Member
Cut back on the buds man, you never said that in this thread.

P.S. The caps add a sense of style to your post.
Here's what I wrote to you personally in another thread about 10 minutes before you posted your question. Clear as day.

"However, I agree there is a double standard regarding Palin. I have never commented on her looks nor will I ever because it's disgusting to objectify women. However, in this case, her looks got her to where she is. It's not necessarily her fault unless she pandered to this flattery, but it nonetheless exists. So for Palin detractors to call her offensive names based upon her looks is ridiculous. If we criticize her for the silly ideas she enacts, then it's fair game. All politicians know this. You will be criticized for what you do. It simply sucks for women - particularly ones that fit the beauty ideal - because they will have idiots demeaning them with comments about their appearance."


Well-Known Member
actually the republican party is looking at an Indian man by the name of Bobby Jindal for the ticket in 2012.


from rumors Ive heard...he's pretty much a shoe in because they want to be able to compete with Obama in 2012 or any other race/sex that may run. Steering away from the "old white guys" after bushy and mccain.

Personally I think its going to be a long time before america has any faith in a republican nominee after 8 years of bush.

Personally, Im pretty liberal, but I don't vote based on party...I research and vote based on who I think will do the best job regardless of affiliation. and also, who is going to look out for my right to choose what i do to my body. thats a big one in my book.

Palin...is a twat. I hope she gets attacked by a pack of wolves and polar bears.
The RNC is looking closely at Jindal. He even gave a rebuttal speech to Obama earlier in the year (sponsored by the RNC). His speech was unanimously considered a flop and he's not quite a lock for their next big candidate. I think it'll be Steele. Who wouldn't vote for a man whose last name is Steele? I mean, come on...


Well-Known Member
He also says he voted for other democrats in the past as well.

But he still got a position pretty high up with the repubs, It could happen.

Not saying it will, it's just something I'd like to see.

He is way more qualified then Obama.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
As a democrat? It's his only choice at this point.
Agreed. Even conservatives don't like him now. Hell, I don't even think he could run as an independent and be taken seriously.Possible maybe. He could always start a Progressive party though.


New Member
There's independent information from multiple sources that Palin's recent announcement precedes what are said to be possible federal indictments against Palin, concerning an embezzlement scandal related to the building of Palin’s house and the Wasilla Sports Complex built during her tenure. Both structures, it is said, feature the “same windows, same wood, same products.” Federal investigators have been looking into this for some time, and indictments could be imminent, according to the Alaska sources.

I called it fellas. You can take your 2012 bid and shove it. Responses?
I swear this site is a rolling joke... Please. This kind of stupidity is exactly why Obama is President. WHAT INDICTMENT?!?! Every single accusation so far against Palin has been proven false and frivolous. And resigning would not make a difference if there were to be such an insane circus. And this will have NO EFFECT on Palin as a politician. If anything happens, this will strengthen her political clout as she moves through the lower 48. There's 101 reasons why she resigned, and not one of them involves any wrong doing on her part.

To say that this is motivated by pending indictments is asinine, and you are making a fool of yourself with this post. The FBI actually had to come out publicly a couple of days ago and state on the record that Palin is not under any investigation. For there to be "indictments" you need an investigation first. jrh called it alright... And I'm making a call now-- jrh is a huge idiot that should be ignored like the babbling bum he is.

Save this crap for the Michael Jackson freaks.


New Member
Holy shit - I just read the whole Vanity Fair article on Palin. Brilliant article. It exposes her for exactly what she is. I can't believe I waited this long to read it.




New Member
I still think there's something behind her resignation. Levi leaked a story, the FBI's after her, something...

And she deserved everything she got from the media. You saw the damn interviews - she's an absolute idiot. She fires people because they disagree with her and that's wrong as well. I would feel sorry for her if she didn't deserve every damn of bit of negative attention that she got.

She WILL fade away into obscurity. I guarantee you that. People keep saying we will see her again in government (for prez), but we won't. She's done. I will put $500,000 on it - seriously. How in the hell will the repubs allow her on the ticket when most of them can't stand her?
Look at this.... he is proven to be a total idiot and he still insists on his 'belief'. I mean this jrh guy is a laughing joke, and what's more pathetic is the people that entertain his ideas.

For the record, I have not seen Palin do anything wrong. Everything bad is coming from the big media outlets and idiots like jrh. This is beyond bizarre. The stupidity and ignorance is sickening.

And he says he doesn't like Obama. What a joke!

It's that 'belief' that got us to where we aare today.


Well-Known Member
I swear this site is a rolling joke... Please. This kind of stupidity is exactly why Obama is President. WHAT INDICTMENT?!?! Every single accusation so far against Palin has been proven false and frivolous. And resigning would not make a difference if there were to be such an insane circus. And this will have NO EFFECT on Palin as a politician. If anything happens, this will strengthen her political clout as she moves through the lower 48. There's 101 reasons why she resigned, and not one of them involves any wrong doing on her part.

To say that this is motivated by pending indictments is asinine, and you are making a fool of yourself with this post. The FBI actually had to come out publicly a couple of days ago and state on the record that Palin is not under any investigation. For there to be "indictments" you need an investigation first. jrh called it alright... And I'm making a call now-- jrh is a huge idiot that should be ignored like the babbling bum he is.

Save this crap for the Michael Jackson freaks.
You make me sad for humanity. Continue berating people online. Please compensate for your inadequacies by assaulting me verbally. And when you take a little break from your tirade, please read up on TONE. You clearly cannot pick up on it.