VHO, very high output from advanced nutrients


stays relevant.
Do you have a reliable source for that info?
I can vouch, Gino and Robert were both in very serious trouble for trafficking, not only by helicopter, but airplanes, tunnels, etc. I'll see if I can find a little information on Google for you... gimme a minute.

fat sam

Well-Known Member
the ones that bag on AN are either to broke and cant afford it or they are stuck in the stone ages and use shit like peters and miracle grow.... i mean yeah they are pricy but it is a pot specific product.....unlike a lot of others


Well-Known Member
Which pot is that?? Sativa?? Indica?? Strains that evolved in equatorial regions?? In the mountains?? Anybody who has ever grown out a pack of seeds knows that plants have individual appetites.. And distant genetics can have VASTLY different nutrient needs.. Thats why alot of ppl prefer to grow an entire table of identical clones rather than mess with individuals..
Its actually not that easy to find MSDS on AN products, but when you do its pretty fucking hilarious... I'm surprised they don't sell that stuff off the back of a wagon while travelling from town to town..

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Its actually not that easy to find MSDS on AN products, but when you do its pretty fucking hilarious... I'm surprised they don't sell that stuff off the back of a wagon while travelling from town to town..
I have never found that much difference between genotypes regarding nutritional requirements, and I have grown pure sativa to indica dom clones and everything in between in the same garden. Everyone gets the same treatment. I prefer potting mixes rich in organic nutrients like the meals, ONLY because they are slow release and that's what growing premium quality plants is all about - giving them a little over a long period of time.

Having said that, some of the best plants I ever grew indoors was using cheap off the shelf plant food like Miracle Gro (see my avatar) or something I picked up at Walmart. "Cannabis specific" foods are a joke, appealing to the naive and those that dream of da big bud that don't know any better. After all, "we're all dreamers, and con men fulfill that dream."

Wean yourself off the charts and the hype and learn what makes a plant tick people. ;)



Well-Known Member
I actually found individuals from the same pack of NL5 to be fairly finicky compared to siblings, but then again that was in hydro, so none of that nice soil compensation.. Aside from Mg, which some wanted and others didn't, it was more about ppm than ratios though.. And there are a few strains known to like more/less concentration, I haven't done them myself, but autos are apparently really light eaters.. Does AN make special considerations for these??


Well-Known Member
Everything works, shoot distribution is about genetics and auxin distribution.. I'm not saying it doesn't work, I'm sating that all that K is there for appearance sake, it does make a plant look vigourous and healthy, but in the end it will actually reduce the yield your plants could have had if they were grown well with better proportions..
To make an analogy its like a person who digs ditches during the day, and body builds as a hobby.. Sure the body building can let them mold their body to appear more proportionally Adonis like, but really they'd be more productive if they used that time/energy to dig more ditches..