Kings Kush leaves clawed and yellow


Well-Known Member
well as you can see in the pics my kings kush's leaves are clawed down and turning yellow. I am using a 250 watt hps in a homebox L. The Ph is stable at about 6.0, I have a chiesel plant that I am growing in the same rez and it was showing yellowing and I gave it more nutes to fix the problem as it seems to be a magnesium problem and the chiesel got better but the king kush is still turning yellow and clawed while my other two plants seem to be doing fine. I also bought a better air stone for the rez a few days ago and the leaves are still curling and I dont know what to do and I do not want to start flowering process until all of my plants are healthy. Also the plants are about 38 days into veg.


Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
I'll help you bump this thread. Sorry man I have no input though.
Hope some one can help you out.


Well-Known Member
i'm no hydro grower(soil is my game), but the 'claw' is practically synonymous with too much nitrogen
maybe an experienced hydro grower will chime in


Active Member
i'm no hydro grower(soil is my game), but the 'claw' is practically synonymous with too much nitrogen
maybe an experienced hydro grower will chime in

Isn't the first sign of too much nitrogen excessivley dark green, lush foilage?

Joe Camel

Well-Known Member
Thanks man. Here are some pics of my other plants
Yeah those look healthy as a bitch :joint:.
If all three plants have the same control medium, maybe that one is just the weakest link.

I would suggest looking in the FAQ for tips. Sometimes they grow out of problems. Might be a good thing if that turns out to be male.


Well-Known Member
Yeah those look healthy as a bitch :joint:.
If all three plants have the same control medium, maybe that one is just the weakest link.

I would suggest looking in the FAQ for tips. Sometimes they grow out of problems. Might be a good thing if that turns out to be male.
Nah no males they are all feminised


Active Member
well not positive but id think temp is your culprit,with nute burn it ussually starts at the bottom of the plant and works up.what is your grow room temp and light size and nearnest to the plants?these are the things id be looking at.


Well-Known Member
well not positive but id think temp is your culprit,with nute burn it ussually starts at the bottom of the plant and works up.what is your grow room temp and light size and nearnest to the plants?these are the things id be looking at.
The light is aa 250w hps. I have it about 2.5 feet above the tops of the plants. As far as temps go I'm not sure but I'm growing them in my room and during the day I leave both doors of the homebox open and it sits right next to an ac vent which is on about 70 degrees all day and night so I'm sure the temps are ok as the other 2 plants seem to b doing fine. Shuld I just get RO water and calmag and flush?
Also I was thinking of building my own bubbler from rubbermaid tub as it would probably give the plants root systems a little more room to grow and breath.