Oh Snap! Palin's Gonna get Indicted


Well-Known Member
Look at this.... he is proven to be a total idiot and he still insists on his 'belief'. I mean this jrh guy is a laughing joke, and what's more pathetic is the people that entertain his ideas.

For the record, I have not seen Palin do anything wrong. Everything bad is coming from the big media outlets and idiots like jrh. This is beyond bizarre. The stupidity and ignorance is sickening.

And he says he doesn't like Obama. What a joke!

It's that 'belief' that got us to where we aare today.
Two threads in a row berating me simply because I started a thread for the purpose of engaging in hypothetical discourse on the resignation of a politician, employing a highly irreverent tone. Bad day at work?


New Member
You make me sad for humanity. Continue berating people online. Please compensate for your inadequacies by assaulting me verbally. And when you take a little break from your tirade, please read up on TONE. You clearly cannot pick up on it.
berating people??? I want to beat the living shit out of you!!! I probably would if this discussion was in person. If no one can talk sense into you when it's hitting you in the head, what is berating gonna do?

a wise man once said to me, "you can argue with a dumb man forever, but he will always understand an ass beating" Sooooo true in your case jrh.

And by the way. I'm not a Palin fan. I'm not a Rep or a Dem. Just an educated patriot.


Well-Known Member
Gotta love the tuff guys. To resort to the internet (of all places) for bullying others - wow!
:: slugs JRH ::

Oh, I thought you said it was time to bully others, my bad...

Though I don't think the internet bullies have a dime against the one's in Congress. Now those are some major bullies.

Or even the one in the White House.

So much for bipartisanship...


Well-Known Member
:: slugs JRH ::

Oh, I thought you said it was time to bully others, my bad...

Though I don't think the internet bullies have a dime against the one's in Congress. Now those are some major bullies.

Or even the one in the White House.

So much for bipartisanship...
The White House itself is a symbol of the typical bully, don't ya think?


Well-Known Member
The White House itself is a symbol of the typical bully, don't ya think?
I don't know if I'm thinking right now...

:: taps skull ::

Nope, sounds hollow to me, I'll let you know when my mind gets back.

Actually, as far as symbols of bullying, how about Mount Rushmore. I mean, what kind of ego trip does it take for a nation to decide it is going to deface a freaking mountain to carve the faces of a bunch of dead guys in it?

As far as the White House... yeah. Problem with Democracy, the Minority is always getting trampled. So much for Representative Government.


New Member
With her hair up and glasses on unatractive I agree, just has a bitchy look but I bet in bed with those two things remedied you wouldn't say that.
The problem is, If she opened her mouth for anything besides oral sex, the wilting would begin. The only way to have pleasurable sex with that woman, would be to keep her mouth full of something so she couldn't talk at all times.


Well-Known Member
berating people??? I want to beat the living shit out of you!!! I probably would if this discussion was in person. If no one can talk sense into you when it's hitting you in the head, what is berating gonna do?

a wise man once said to me, "you can argue with a dumb man forever, but he will always understand an ass beating" Sooooo true in your case jrh.

And by the way. I'm not a Palin fan. I'm not a Rep or a Dem. Just an educated patriot.
I dont think people should be allowed to enter the politics section if they can't respect others opinions and debate things in a constructive manner.

Unfortunately, someday you'll learn that everyone has a different view on how things should be done and who should do it and no matter how angry you get at them on the internets.....its not going to change their opinion.

if you can't handle a healthy political debate then you probably should not be entering this section of the website.


New Member
I dont think people should be allowed to enter the politics section if they can't respect others opinions and debate things in a constructive manner.

Unfortunately, someday you'll learn that everyone has a different view on how things should be done and who should do it and no matter how angry you get at them on the internets.....its not going to change their opinion.

if you can't handle a healthy political debate then you probably should not be entering this section of the website.
A-fucking-men, I hate dumb ass bullies. I'll bet he is a pencil-necked-geek.


Well-Known Member
I dont think people should be allowed to enter the politics section if they can't respect others opinions and debate things in a constructive manner.

Unfortunately, someday you'll learn that everyone has a different view on how things should be done and who should do it and no matter how angry you get at them on the internets.....its not going to change their opinion.

if you can't handle a healthy political debate then you probably should not be entering this section of the website.
All I've gotta say is.... :clap: :clap: :clap:

P.S. Love your sig! :mrgreen:


New Member
You make me sad for humanity. Continue berating people online. Please compensate for your inadequacies by assaulting me verbally. And when you take a little break from your tirade, please read up on TONE. You clearly cannot pick up on it.
My best friend is UBER-conservative and he'd love nothing more than to see this woman in jail. In fact, I know many conservatives and they tend to dislike Palin more than anyone simply because she sets their party and movement back by at least 20 year. Remember, the repubs are trying to get rid of the neo-cons. American clearly voted them the hell out of the political arena.

Conservative are great - I have no problem with them. But dear God - no more neo-cons.
Giving it your best effort, please explain what it is that makes Palin a NeoCon. Is it her ideas? If so, please list those ideas and why they are in league with Neocons. Is it her stance on foreign policy? If so, please square the Neocon's foreign policy views with Palin's.

Thanks ...



Well-Known Member
Giving it your best effort, please explain what it is that makes Palin a NeoCon. Is it her ideas? If so, please list those ideas and why they are in league with Neocons. Is it her stance on foreign policy? If so, please square the Neocon's foreign policy views with Palin's.

Thanks ...

The typical neo-con, in my book, focuses on God, guns, and gays.

They want religion to pervade politics, which is absolutely frightening to me. Palin has said that her religion is inseparable from the decisions and policies she makes. Does that mean science books must teach creationism and absurd biblical origins of the earth? Does that mean knowledge would be HIGHLY censored? Because we know she's all for censorship and will even fire librarians who disagree.

They have liberal (free, open, unregulated) stances on gun control, which I have no problem with.

And they want gay marriage and gay rights to be abolished solely because of religious issues (see point #1). Why should gays not be allowed to marry? If your justification is Biblical, then you are shoving your religion on others. If Palin believes gay marriage is wrong, then that's fine. She has religious reasons for believing this. However, to force your religion down other people's throats by changing laws is ludicrous and absolutely against our fundamentals.

So the focus on religion makes her a neo-con more than anything else. And this is not to say that all religious people are unfit to lead - just keep it to yourself. You can be a religious person and not let it invade your politics. Her judgment and high and mighty tone really bother me. More than anything else, I think Americans should fear a leader who is a religious fanatic. They are scary people.


Well-Known Member
Check the news today, my friends - another ethics violation has been filed against Palin. It appears as though she's been illegally charging the state for stays and commutes to Wasilla. Let's see if this one sticks...

Instead of quitting in order to hide from the law, maybe she should just move out of the country. She can keep a better eye on Russia if she simply moves there.

what... huh?

Active Member
LOL... bet she regrets pushing that law through that made it easier to file those complaints eh?

Or was it all part of her brilliant scheme?


Yet again, demonstrating a lack of foresight, ending up in "tax wastes", also providing the citizens a vehicle to file a free complaint... miring ANY elected official in financial ruin... and wasting tax dollars.

And you want her on the ball for a financial crisis of this magnitude? How do you guys keep arguing this?