Maturing and Harvest Time?

din'e medicine

Active Member
;-)Hey! My plant is 79 days old and 49 days flowering. Some pistils have turned brown to orange and im using one 150 watt HPS, two 42 watt flouros and two 4ft. shoplight 40 watt flouros for flowering. She is 16in. tall growing in a 5 sq. ft. area. How much time do I have left so I can cut her and dry her?? The main cola is over 2in. in diameter. What you guys think? Wait one more or two more weeks?? please help.


Well-Known Member
When all of the pistils or 95% have changed to orange and start to cringe on top, she is ripe as can be (with out a scope).


Well-Known Member
this is true..but the best judgement you will have to admit is thru a scope..they are pretty cheap at radioshack or something

din'e medicine

Active Member
LOL...What would be the difference, in between the taste, smell, and yeild, when Harvesting them at 70% , rather then 100% complete ripened??


Well-Known Member
Well if you wait to long (all the pistils have changed) you could be past ripe. It's best to get them when they are just ripe. If you had a scope you could look at the trichs and pick the high you wish, like UP or couch lock.

din'e medicine

Active Member
Hey, all my fan leaves came off, even the small ones down the stems from the nodes. Theres bud there too but all my fan leaves came off easily. Theres only the buds and the small leaves that grow with it. What you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Did your leafs turn yellow first or did you knock them off? If they turned yellow and you sort of touched them and they fell, them you are getting close to harvest and the bud leafs will keep the buds/plant going. Make sure when you harvest you use all those bud leafs for buttter.


get a microscope and when the trichones are around 40% brownish orange harvest for a ass kicking speedy high. I will wait till around 60% brownish orange for a more relaxed high.


Well-Known Member
i know i will be ridiculed for saying this, but getting one of those scopes is not the only option. i used one for my first grow lost it and have never used one again, nor will i ever.

The almighty FDD2BLK has a sticky in the harvesting section that tells you how to see when your bud is ready. heres a link

I am guessing that you will have at least another week, since you are at 49 days. it could be way longer depending on the type of your bud, pics would help. good luck.

din'e medicine

Active Member
Well When I was checking my plant out, I felt aronud and some leaves just like snapped off or looked dead exhausted. Its between 70-85 and sometimes 90. My temps are high because I dont have good ventilation. Ive had a hard time keeping her conceled from prying eyes, but, ill do a better job next grow.


Well-Known Member
2-3 weeks left. Closer too 2 I say. Go by the hairs if no scope. When they start to shrivel back, harvest.
wow, is that normal to have two weeks left and no leafs??? do buds still grow like this? thats weird, looks like mine after i trim it...never saw a plant naturally lose all that.



Well-Known Member
wow, is that normal to have two weeks left and no leafs??? do buds still grow like this? thats weird, looks like mine after i trim it...never saw a plant naturally lose all that.

Naturally lost leafs? Kinda doubt it. But I am going off the pistils (hairs). They need all the leafs they can get. Check oput my veg grow and see what I mean. Gonna drop one or two of them into the flower room in about another week or so.