watering whilst on holiday


i am going on holiday in august and i will need to water my plant whilst i am away as i dont really wanna tell any1 im growing it is there a simple method that i can use do acheive this or am i gonna have to ask some1. i am only away from monday mornin till friday night but i am a bit worried as i am currently giving my girl 200ml every other day any tips would be very welcome


Well-Known Member
look into aquaglobes i think there called. they look like bongs with out slides and feed your plants water as the soil drys. remember them from infomercials?


Well-Known Member
I've been wondering the same thing as I'm going on vacation in a few weeks. I do the same as OP, give them around 200ml every second day, and have never completely soaked them and seen how long it would take to dry.

As an example, how long could 20 inch plants in 12 inch pots go without watering before they get damaged if you give them a good soak before?


Well-Known Member
You could put them into a closed propagator just after watering, this should stop them drying out for a few days longer. Anything to keep the moisture in there. Obviously a short term fix.


New Member
YOU can also soak a towel and sit your girl on top of it, the roots at the bottom will draw up from the towel, it will work for about a week, give a good feed before you go, some sort of tray would be best to sit in the soaked towel so its not on the floor, hope thats a cheap help.


Well-Known Member
i am going on holiday in august and i will need to water my plant whilst i am away as i dont really wanna tell any1 im growing it is there a simple method that i can use do acheive this or am i gonna have to ask some1. i am only away from monday mornin till friday night but i am a bit worried as i am currently giving my girl 200ml every other day any tips would be very welcome
one thing you could do is get a pump put it on a timer so it waters your plants for you or rig up a drip system that gets its water from a res that the pump fills. use clamps to regulate the flow from drip res to your plants. an idea for the res would be a tolit tank. then you could use the ball float to re fill it. i might be over thinking this. gl may you be cursed with many buds


New Member
one thing you could do is get a pump put it on a timer so it waters your plants for you or rig up a drip system that gets its water from a res that the pump fills. use clamps to regulate the flow from drip res to your plants. an idea for the res would be a tolit tank. then you could use the ball float to re fill it. i might be over thinking this. gl may you be cursed with many buds
I would not be doing anything electric, 2 words, power cut. if anything is to happen it always does when your gone.