callin' all cfl stealth growers


Well-Known Member
i didn't make that previous comment to bash cfl's.
i was simply talking about personal experience. to that douche who was making fun of dense bud.. isn't the chronic that you buy for that nice $50.00 an 8th nice and dense? or is it light and wispy. does a whole nug once it has been properly cured just collapse into itself when you try to break it up? or do you sometimes have to bust out the scissors because that dank is soooo sticky. if the chronic in your town isn't dense, i am truly, truly sorry for your unfortunate global positioning.

all i was saying is that i could never get buds like that when i was growin with cfls and t-5s. now, with hps, i can.

dense buds with swollen calyxs was my ultimate goal.
i couldn't do it with cfl's.
until i see it in front of me, i won't believe anyone can. my buds looked just like all the skinny wispy buds that everyone is posting pictures of on this thread. i never got a cured cola that was a solid 3" in diameter without my hps. and no one else has either... sorry

cfl's were my geteway into growing cannabis indoors. for that i am eternally gratefull.

masterbation was my gateway to sexual intercourse. I'm gald i don't have to rely on masterbation to get by. it was a fine way to learn, but the real deal is sooooooooo much better.

so it is with hps.

when you're sick of all those extra cords, crazy mutant light fixtures, home-made pop-can reflectors, and skinny buds... you'll switch. just like I did. and you may find yourself wondering just what it was that was so satisfying about masterbation...

then again...
maybe that's all some people need


it depends where you live to, some countries dont have all those fixtures like y splitters etc so CFLs work out to be more trouble then they are worth. thats where i started, but im so over it.


Active Member
If you're having sex with a girl and she gives you a hand job, it's not as good as one you could give yourself. Therefor CFL's are better than HPS:hump: It just makes sense dude, think about for a while.


Well-Known Member
i didn't make that previous comment to bash cfl's.
i was simply talking about personal experience. to that douche who was making fun of dense bud.. isn't the chronic that you buy for that nice $50.00 an 8th nice and dense? or is it light and wispy. does a whole nug once it has been properly cured just collapse into itself when you try to break it up? or do you sometimes have to bust out the scissors because that dank is soooo sticky. if the chronic in your town isn't dense, i am truly, truly sorry for your unfortunate global positioning.

all i was saying is that i could never get buds like that when i was growin with cfls and t-5s. now, with hps, i can.

dense buds with swollen calyxs was my ultimate goal.
i couldn't do it with cfl's.
until i see it in front of me, i won't believe anyone can. my buds looked just like all the skinny wispy buds that everyone is posting pictures of on this thread. i never got a cured cola that was a solid 3" in diameter without my hps. and no one else has either... sorry

cfl's were my geteway into growing cannabis indoors. for that i am eternally gratefull.

masterbation was my gateway to sexual intercourse. I'm gald i don't have to rely on masterbation to get by. it was a fine way to learn, but the real deal is sooooooooo much better.

so it is with hps.

when you're sick of all those extra cords, crazy mutant light fixtures, home-made pop-can reflectors, and skinny buds... you'll switch. just like I did. and you may find yourself wondering just what it was that was so satisfying about masterbation...

then again...
maybe that's all some people need
Dude....3 in diameter I supposed to be impressed. My plants have 3 inch diameter colas all the time. Also, whether a bud is dense or fluffy, 1 gram = 1 gram regardless if its made of gold or feathers. Ive never turned down pot becuz it was "fluffy", that is retarded. Hell, Ill take a pound of shake if it smokes good, LOL. Its so lame when some one comes into thread devoted to growing with CFL's, and starts that "oh well the buds are fluffy with cfls compared to my HPS". No shit Sherlock. How about this... Ill go out tommorow and buy a 400 watt HPS and stick in my 4h x 2l x 2w grow space with sub-par ventilation during 105 degree days. And as the fire department puts out the last of my burning house, ill have Steadmanclan to thank for making me feel shitty about my CFL's. 3 in. buds, pffff...even with HPS, you still suck. Get Ya' Grow Up, Fool !!!kiss-ass


Active Member
I dont have any pics of my grow. I have just started to harvest and my buds are so thick and sticky. I grew from just bag seed and I am so impressed with the cfl grow setup I have gotten from stealth that my wife has told me that we are gonna get another. These lights and the stealth hydro ste up with the nutes are the ticket. Low heat output and a small dent in the electric bill! Whats not to love! Hey everybody they work,and work well!Nuff Said


My CFL stealth grow is 3 weeks into veg, you can check it out in my albums. It would appear things are going well. I will keep updated pictures when i start getting pistols, i just switched the lighting to 12/12 2 days ago


Active Member
A 13 watt bulb is enough for a seed you planted 5 days ago....poopy-pants.
Hope this helps.

PS, buy a clamp-on reflector.


Active Member
Im doing a CFL grow, i think it is theeee way to go...

Look at the difference between Day 13 (PIC 1), and day 19 (Today, PIC 2)... fast, bushy growth (I would believe, i have no experience with HPS, MH, or LED... I did an ouutdoor grow that got ROBBED! the joke was on them though, they went male 2 days prior. suckers!)




Well-Known Member
i didn't make that previous comment to bash cfl's.
i was simply talking about personal experience. to that douche who was making fun of dense bud.. isn't the chronic that you buy for that nice $50.00 an 8th nice and dense? or is it light and wispy. does a whole nug once it has been properly cured just collapse into itself when you try to break it up? or do you sometimes have to bust out the scissors because that dank is soooo sticky. if the chronic in your town isn't dense, i am truly, truly sorry for your unfortunate global positioning.

all i was saying is that i could never get buds like that when i was growin with cfls and t-5s. now, with hps, i can.

dense buds with swollen calyxs was my ultimate goal.
i couldn't do it with cfl's.
until i see it in front of me, i won't believe anyone can. my buds looked just like all the skinny wispy buds that everyone is posting pictures of on this thread. i never got a cured cola that was a solid 3" in diameter without my hps. and no one else has either... sorry

cfl's were my geteway into growing cannabis indoors. for that i am eternally gratefull.

masterbation was my gateway to sexual intercourse. I'm gald i don't have to rely on masterbation to get by. it was a fine way to learn, but the real deal is sooooooooo much better.

so it is with hps.

when you're sick of all those extra cords, crazy mutant light fixtures, home-made pop-can reflectors, and skinny buds... you'll switch. just like I did. and you may find yourself wondering just what it was that was so satisfying about masterbation...

then again...
maybe that's all some people need
You're trolling a cfl thread telling us we're all wankers and you have the audacity to call me a douche? I'd insult you back but I doubt you would understand it.
The point I was trying to make seems to have been missed too. Do you ever stand on your bud to compress it any more? Do you think that would be good? So exactly how compact is ideal and how much is not? You have no fucking idea do you?
I take my cue's as to what bud should look like from what I've grown outside and what I grow under cfl looks pretty close. That's good enough for me, as indeed is my bud.
I can't tell what your buds look like as you don't have a link to anything you've done, but it sounds like I'd look at yours and know immediately they were grown under hps. Sounds like chronic in your area is grown under it too. Big fucking deal.
I couldn't tell you what the chrinic is like here either. I grow my own so I don't need to find out. It says much of your buds that you can't say the same.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I am onto my second grow. First one done with just T8 floro tubes. They worked. I grew bud and it smoked very well. Many of the benefits have already been described in this thread and I am not continuing with the HPS/CFL war so to speak. As someone mentioned earlier, these lights can do things that HID can't. Just to put some info out there. T5 tubes is what most of you are calling CFL's. It is determined by the diameter of the tubing. CFL is just twisted to conserve space. This produces more heat because the tube is twisted around itself. For anyone who wants to try, touch your t5 tubes and then touch a CFL of the same power rating. CFL should be hotter. It should be noted that canopy control is very important when using CFL. I encourage all of you who are still subscribed to this thread to check out this journal. Side by side comparison of HID and Floro in identical setups. Both setups utilize the benefit of each light. The floro tubes cabinet have a flat canopy, where the HPS cabinet has a parabolic canopy that makes best use of each light source. Please, please check this out. To each his own, but this is a great journal regardless.

Oh yeah, forgot I posted this in my journal a while back. Enjoy!!

"Thanks doc.. I am going to make this post hoping to cause a stir and see if someone can confirm or deny this claim.

I bought Jorge Cervantes Indoor/Outdoor Bible a few months back and have read the whole thing through... more than once. I am particularly interested with the artificial light facts the book contains. These are the main things I took away from the reading pertaining to marijuana and how it uses light.

First...Forget about power ratings... all that tells you is how much money it will cost you to keep your lights on. 1000watt = 1Kw =.11 cents in most areas

Second... lumens are important but not the sole statistic to base your lighting decision on. The Color spectrum is also very important. Plants only use certain wavelengths of light for photosynthesis. Therefore using a ton of lumens of the wrong wavelength is like shooting a steel door with a million wooden arrows. Finding a light source that reproduces the wavelengths plants like is important. The research I have uncovered show that Flouresecent tubes, and LED are the best at reproducing these specific wavelengths.

400-500nm is ideal for vegatative growth while 650-750nm are ideal for flowering cannabis plants. So plants are using light between 400nm and 750 nm. Photosythetic response is greatest between 600-700nm +/- 25 nm. Flourescent tubes actually compare very well with HID lighting when reproducing these specific wavelengths.

Third...light distribution over canapoy. so that all of the plant material receives equal amount of lumens is important to maximizing how efficiently a plant will photosynthesize. How you distribute those lumens is very important. If the bulb must be raised because of heat issues and 1 main branch that is outgrowing the rest... then light distribution is very uneven. I know reflectors come into play and redirect light...but if it comes down to only 2500-5000 lumens falling on most of the canpoy. 1000 watt HPS produces only 2500-4000 lumens at 3ft. If you can get it as close as 2 ft it is only 5500-8000. I have never grown HID but I am pretty sure it is hard to keep a 1000watter that close to a canpoy especially one that is uneven.

So here is the debate. T5 HO bulbs pump out 5000lumens each and can be bought in many different light spectrum ratings. I have never used T5 so I cannot vouch for how warm the bulbs get... but my T8 bulbs putting out 3000lumens each can touch foliage for hours and not burn the plant.

I am a little baked and I am losing my focus, but to wrap it up. Using SOG or SCROG technique to keep a flat canopy I am wondering if there might be a benefit to using flouros...Cost is much cheaper tan HID.. replace 1 tube at a time if need be...more work required to train the canopy to stay flat but much less power consumed and less heat generated.... definitely not for commercial growers...just maybe a new way for the hobbyist or someone on a low budget to grow....

Please comment!!!"


Well-Known Member
Just an update. I started my current SCROG with all floro and found myself some cheap HID lighting.. still can't make a final verdict yet.. but I call my 1000watt HPS lamp "the sun"


Well-Known Member
yo boulder thanks for that link!!! that grow was inspirational... i'm thinking CFL SCRoG for my next grow now (yeah i know he was using full size floro... but i was inspired by his screen)


Well-Known Member
No problem, I hope that everyone who posted in this forum will check it out as well. Shows what good things can be done with floro, and the difference between the 2 lighting setups. I started my scrog as all floro and bumped up to HID when it was convenient. I do have respect for CFLers out there as that is how I started this hobby. Grow on!


Well-Known Member
Dude....3 in diameter I supposed to be impressed. My plants have 3 inch diameter colas all the time. Also, whether a bud is dense or fluffy, 1 gram = 1 gram regardless if its made of gold or feathers. Ive never turned down pot becuz it was "fluffy", that is retarded. Hell, Ill take a pound of shake if it smokes good, LOL. Its so lame when some one comes into thread devoted to growing with CFL's, and starts that "oh well the buds are fluffy with cfls compared to my HPS". No shit Sherlock. How about this... Ill go out tommorow and buy a 400 watt HPS and stick in my 4h x 2l x 2w grow space with sub-par ventilation during 105 degree days. And as the fire department puts out the last of my burning house, ill have Steadmanclan to thank for making me feel shitty about my CFL's. 3 in. buds, pffff...even with HPS, you still suck. Get Ya' Grow Up, Fool !!!kiss-ass

really? 3" in diameter of solid bud, after the bud has been dried and cured completely isn't impressive? that means it's closer to 5 or 6 before it dries. You can really do that with CFL's? i was unable. my best buds that i grew with cfl's were closer to 1 1/2" thick after they were cured.

3 inches is about here[-------------------------------------]to here.

you grow buds that big with cfl's?
you're my fucking hero. even if i gave you this monster sourdiesel pheno that i have, im sure you couldn't get it as fat as i do with just your cfl set up.

p.s. it's hilarious how fast cfl growers get pissed off when you make fun of cfl growing.


Active Member
The argument between Steadman, Blackmask, and V12x is the most entertaining park of this thread now. To all you noobs pestering people to come see setups, it's getting kinda annoying. If you don't have anything rude to say about HPS please re-divert back to noob central. Thank you,


Well-Known Member
Sounds like northwest needs to take a midol this morning. Calling people noobs and bashing other people is not what this forum was designed for. Sharing information. Do what your mom always told you, if you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say it. You mind clarifying what your definition of a noob is??


Well-Known Member
so.. northwest, you have all the experience here, eh? you shouldn't speak poorly of v12 his PC grows has been inspirational for several other growers. his grow has inspired others to put out really respectable personal use harvests. so stop off a little man, we're all here to BS and talk about growing ganja, not pick fights.

bongsmilie peace pipe?
