Ever get your ass kicked? (or kicked ass)


Well-Known Member
Hey...heres an idea, why don't you guys argue through the PM system, and stop hi jacking the fucking thread.


New Member
You better stop,..... You're showing your age...

............................... Right, ok. I give up, your a fucking joke mate, it's not even funny anymore, you cant even have a good argument.

You gunna be pming me then? Or what? If you want an argument, you got one. PM me... go on, start it....


Well-Known Member
A friend of mine was about to get in a fight with this guy who was notorious for thinking he was the shit and could fuck anyone up....so he walk towards him, and when he gets close to him he barked(yes, barked) really loud, and the guy jumped back like a little girl...its was hilarious. My friend proceed to whoop his ass afterwards.

haha that reminds me of the big fight i explained up top (white caslte one) my one friend right before the fight was like "COME ON MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!" and was punching himself in the head and face. lol weird move but it really does sike people out.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
............................... Right, ok. I give up, your a fucking joke mate, it's not even funny anymore, you cant even have a good argument.

You gunna be pming me then? Or what? If you want an argument, you got one. PM me... go on, start it....
lets go back to the first post and see what you two ciber heavy weight contenders are really going to fight over :peace:


New Member
lets go back to the first post and see what you two ciber heavy weight contenders are really going to fight over :peace:
The fact [yeah, fact] my cars are better than VW's....

Well, that's what started it.

But then i get called a liar... i prove myself, invite everyone to a public car show [the biggest ford show in europe, actually] to prove myself and still get called a liar... thats what im pissed off about. I dont like little runts arguing with me on the net, when im right. Period. And yeah, i know im arrogant, but when your right, you can afford to be.

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
Hey! I've been... well, right now I'm okay I guess. Lol. Things have been crazy but I have these weird spurts of randomly appearing and then leaving again lol.

How are you man?!
doin fine ,,i do the same just get side tracked and stay away for a wile :peace: