My attempt at a SCROG 09


Well-Known Member
Holy shit man.

My sincerest condolences.

There are some low fucking people on this planet.


New Member
That sucks were they on someone elses property? Now That I think about it those bags were a dead giveaway I bet they could be seen from pretty far off. I hope your other plot is a lot harder to get too. Anyways best of luck on your other plot.


New Member
damn B thats hella shitty!!! im sorry bro! u should look into the camo bags they are pretty cool!! ive got a buddy who uses them and hes does great nobody has every jacked or even seen his at all! They are virtually impossible to see from the sky too!

check em out they have tree stands for them too!!


Well-Known Member
No they weren't in my yard. they were close by my house but not close enough that I wouldve saw anyone doing it. and it was hidden well but yea the white bags probably didn't help much. and those ones were pretty easily accessible if you they were back there. just didn't think anyone would ever go back there. so my guess it was someone I know.. :evil: only a handful of people knew where they were so that's why I think it was someone I know..
but yea my other garden is a lot harder to get to and you really have to know how to get there. so Im not too worried about that one cuz my gf and I, and one other real close friend have only been out there.
soo hopefully thats my only loss of the season and my other garden produces heavy. just sucks cuz you feel like someone took some of your children from you. just some bad karma for them if you ask me :blsmoke:

Zig Zag Zane

Well-Known Member
Damnnnn B, just saw this! So sorry bro...fucking assholes cant grow their own shit:cuss:...
anyways bro keep your head up and keep on growin...:peace:


Well-Known Member
I checked and watered my other garden this morning though and that really lifted my spirits seeing those birds alive and doing well :blsmoke: just cant get too mad about the others being gone cuz I mean, there's nothing I can do about it now, and what's the point of stressin on the uncontrollable ya know? just reeeeeeaaaally hoping my main garden pulls through to the end.
haha definitely appreciate all the support on RIU that everyone's showin. it's really like being at a support group for growing weed in here haha :eyesmoke:

thanks again everyone


Well-Known Member
first rule of fight club dont talk about fight club..ppl know ppl talk ppl take.. keep it quiet n no one can jack your shit