iBlaze Dro's ---CFL G13 Thai Super Skunk Grow


Well-Known Member
Hey dude looking good. Are you still vegging? If so I would try to get some 6500k cfls in there if you have any. The 6500k is suited for vegging and from the looks of your lights they are 2700k (pics seem orange like the 2700ks)


iBlaze DrO

Well-Known Member
Hey dude looking good. Are you still vegging? If so I would try to get some 6500k cfls in there if you have any. The 6500k is suited for vegging and from the looks of your lights they are 2700k (pics seem orange like the 2700ks)


Yea im still veggin walmart was out of the 6500ks so i had to get the 2700's but im goin to get em soon


Well-Known Member
Looking good bro. Did you pick those seeds up for free from the attitude? I have a 5 pack of them germing right now for shits a giggles. I'm loving the look of the leaves on those plants I'll be keeping my fingers crossed for girls bro.


iBlaze DrO

Well-Known Member
no nutes yet. yea they were the freebie seeds they are good quality too alot of people badmouth them including me but they are growing strong so far


Well-Known Member
don't diss seeds, ive seen amazing plants grown from crappy bag seed. In the end weed is weed, but anyway excellent job on the grow so far.


Well-Known Member
I am just now finishing up on my Thai Super Skunk grow and it is a great strain!

I will admit that it is hard to wait 12- 14 weeks for flowering but it is well worth it in my opinion. Mine are @ 12 weeks flowering and I am going to let them go for another 2 weeks. People say this strain sucks but they don't know jack shit about it. There are barely any grow reports on it and people trash it because it was either given away for free or because they take long to flower.

You will like this strain if you are a Sativa fan like me, it's a fucking CRAZY ass plant bro!

Don't want to jack your thread but here is a bud @ 12 weeks flowering (still needs more time :))...



Active Member
WOW ^^^^^^^^^^^

great looking nug man :mrgreen:

some times the wait is worth ittttt

help in this thread is awesome
as well side by side finished result pretty nice to have
keeps a grower inspired none the less
Mr.Ganja's doin there job

iBlaze DrO

Well-Known Member
Just to clarify folks I badmouthed the seeds before but realized it was me messin up. Overstressing the seedlings but now I thinkin nothing but good of all types of strain. Btw sikk buds any chance on a smoke/grow report??


Well-Known Member
Ya I too have badmouthed the thai x super skunk. Only reason is cause the 12-14 week flower period. That just seems like way to freaking long. DownonWax how tall did your lady get?? And is she an early bloomer or a late bloomer? Anyways thanks in advance I got my 5 seeds germin as we speak lol.



Well-Known Member
Like I said before, sorry to jack your thread but this is what my plants looked like...

The best advice I can give you is that this plant LOVES nutrients during veg and early flowering but be careful at the end. Mine started to shed an ASS load of leaves during late flowering and basically only has small fan leaves now.

Keep this plant manicured Every Day because it needs some care and attention coming down the stretch :)

I am about 2-3 weeks away from a good Smoke/ Strain Report but I will keep you guys posted. The "TSS" is an extremely fun and interesting plant, long time to wait but so far well worth it ;)