what do you like to smoke out of???????


Well-Known Member
like it says... whats your favorite way to smoke????

right now, mine is my home made single perc bong but i got a feeling the bubbler i just ordered is gonna be amazing.. (how do you all feel about bubblers??)
i love the bong! i never heard of bubblers till i joind riu, and still dont or mybe i do know what they are and just dont realize it! peace out!:peace:


Well-Known Member
oh yea then yes i have seen those! by the way is that site a cool place to order from? peace out bro:peace:
Yea that site has a good rep as far as I know. I've personally never ordered from them but I think someone on here said theyre official and they ship really fast.


Well-Known Member
nah dude I saw a stand for those things at a mall and they looked official. The salesmen guy was smoking in the middle of the mall, but I guess it didn't matter cause its vapor or something.
so id be better of tryin to get one at my locol head shop ( about 20 min away )??


Well-Known Member
so id be better of tryin to get one at my locol head shop ( about 20 min away )??
What a e-cig or whatever? Idk I don't know much about that. If you mean a bubbler then yea you'd be better off going to your local headshop cause you don't have to pay shipping and you don't have to wait for it to get to you. Also in a smokeshop you can really look at the piece instead of seeing just 1 pic.


Well-Known Member
Yea that site has a good rep as far as I know. I've personally never ordered from them but I think someone on here said theyre official and they ship really fast.
cool i`ll probaly check them out! the onlything iv smoked out of so far is just a bong and a gr. bong and a pipe ( not excludeing joints and blunts ) peace im out


Well-Known Member
Nice collection, veeryyy nice giant bong. Dont tell me you can fill her and clear her in one brea.th

hahaha, thats almost impossible ive never gotten close to that in one breath but 2 will do the trick man. Its seriously a 1 hitter quitter for sure bro. If you ever come out to CO to go skiing or snowboarding lemme no we will rip that bitch.



Well-Known Member
What a e-cig or whatever? Idk I don't know much about that. If you mean a bubbler then yea you'd be better off going to your local headshop cause you don't have to pay shipping and you don't have to wait for it to get to you. Also in a smokeshop you can really look at the piece instead of seeing just 1 pic.
yea theirs a headshop about 20min. from my place called smokers edge they sell nothing but herb exceseries! bongs-pips-flavoerd warps-grinders -ect-the norm. stuff a headshop would have. they just dont have huge selection their just a little shop. thats why i thought about checking somewhere online! peace out bro


Well-Known Member
hahaha, thats almost impossible ive never gotten close to that in one breath but 2 will do the trick man. Its seriously a 1 hitter quitter for sure bro. If you ever come out to CO to go skiing or snowboarding lemme no we will rip that bitch.

A nine foot bong and the colorado rockies to ride all day, you got it made :mrgreen: haha


Well-Known Member
i have a 420 bong that is really tall and the smoke travels throught the 420 then back down to perk and ice notches .. its sweet. ill try to post a pic later


Well-Known Member
This thread is old but I thought I'd update. I've recently bought a legacy phire bubbler. I must say the thing is small but packs a punc and is very efficient.