What would YOU DO in this situation?


Well-Known Member

I'm just wanting to get some input on something that has come to my attention.

Here's the story.....

Last night some friends dropped by my house, they asked me if I wanted to go to their house for a smoke.

I say "sure", jump in the car and off we went to my buddy's house. My friend smokes A LOT more than I do. He's an everyday type of smoker whereas I tend to smoke a few times a month.

I've always been wondering where he gets the money from to fuel his everyday routine. He's a student, lives by himself and works once, maybe twice a week. But what little money he does get must be spent on food and fuel. So I couldn't see how he was affording to smoke so often.

Anyway.... I was still at his house this morning before he went to work. And we were joking around, and then he said something like "well, I'm off to work to steal some money". I laughed. But soon stopped as i noticed he wasn't.

He then explains to me what he does...

Basically he works in a shop, the customers often barter with him (he's allowed to drop the price of certain items).

He sold a rather large item the other day, the customer didn't bother trying to barter. They pay full price, which they are happy to do.

However, when my friend writes down what has been sold he'll say he did it at a slight discount.

Say he sells something for £100. He'll put into the PC or whatever that it Went for £80 and he pockets the £20 difference.

He said he doesn't see a problem with this as the customer is happy to pay the full amount and the shop isn't really losing any money.

I can kind of see what he means.... but I don't agree with it. Maybe I'm too honest? I could never do anything like that!

I just can't believe that he has resorted to a form of stealing just to pay for marijuana. Not cool in my opinion.

Should i say something? or let him make his own mistakes? I mean.... when he gets caught he could be in quite a bit of trouble. It just doesn't seem worth it.


P.S Sorry for the essay :?
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Well-Known Member
I would be with you on this. I couldn't do that myself. I'm to honest.

As far as saying something... Thats a tuff one, It would depend on the situation. If I knew the ppl he worked for then maybe, but if not I think your dudes your dude you can't snitch on him. He'll get his in the end. Jusy my opinion.

old pothead

Well-Known Member
What goes around comes around.It will catch up with him soon enough.One of those people who bought from him will try to return a item one day and his game will blow up in his face.
I am like you,i cannnot stand dishonesty.There is not a big difference from stealing from a stranger and stealing from a freind.I have lost to many freinds because i could not TRUST them due to their lying and stealing.You can talk to him,but it sounds like he will not stop.In his mind he thinks what he is doing is not hurting anyone.Good luck and watch your back.OPH


Well-Known Member
Don't snitch on him...just be serious...be like "Dude...if you keep it up your going to get fired...and then have to move back with the rents. Then where am I gonna toke up?" haha


New Member
how fucking old are you 15? Just shut up and stop being a pussy, you should be making a deal with him........tell him you'll start reffering his store to everyone and take 1/3 of the profit, that's what I'd do


Well-Known Member
What goes around comes around.It will catch up with him soon enough.One of those people who bought from him will try to return a item one day and his game will blow up in his face.
I am like you,i cannnot stand dishonesty.There is not a big difference from stealing from a stranger and stealing from a freind.I have lost to many freinds because i could not TRUST them due to their lying and stealing.You can talk to him,but it sounds like he will not stop.In his mind he thinks what he is doing is not hurting anyone.Good luck and watch your back.OPH
I feel ya man. I have had more things stolen from "friends" then strangers. Well...they were friends. ahaha

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
yeah, he;ll get caught. if he's doing it once every few months, then well that's his call to make, but if he's doing it every day just because why not, it's working, then you should advise him against it, he'll get caught.

just one customer comes in with a complaint and wants a refund for their £100, what happens then? he'll get it in the neck before too long. so unless he's doing it because he's been cheated out of wages, or paid leave etc and it's a personal thing against the shop, tell him to sort his act out, get a better paid job, or cut down on the smoking


Well-Known Member
how fucking old are you 15? Just shut up and stop being a pussy, you should be making a deal with him........tell him you'll start reffering his store to everyone and take 1/3 of the profit, that's what I'd do
You must be 15 as well.

That...or just a shady, little douche.

grow space

Well-Known Member
if i was able to do that then i would def. to it-il get some in my pocket, the store gets also something, and the customer gets the item-Everybody happy:)


Well-Known Member
Cheers for the replies guys :) much appreciated.

I would be with you on this. I couldn't do that myself. I'm to honest.
I know, it is a rather tough call for me to make.

He's a really good guy and i just don't want to see him get into trouble for something like this. Just doesn't seem worth it. And i wont be snitching, of course. :)

What goes around comes around.It will catch up with him soon enough.One of those people who bought from him will try to return a item one day and his game will blow up in his face.OPH
EXACTLY my thoughts. This will catch up with him and bite him in the bum!

I've never known him to steal before. It does seem quite out of character. Maybe he'll realise the dangers and stop soon.

how fucking old are you 15? Just shut up and stop being a pussy, you should be making a deal with him........tell him you'll start reffering his store to everyone and take 1/3 of the profit, that's what I'd do
OMG Dude what a freaking good idea!

I love stealing honest peoples money, i mean... they only have to make a living.

At least I wont have to do my paper round any more. I could be the richest 15 year old in town!

Douche.... (not a personal attack)


Active Member
think of it as him giving himself a commission. the store sees an increased profit from his sale, so they're happy.
the customers are happy, and i'm assuming there are no receipts. so to everyone saying "he'll get caught"......how exactly?


Well-Known Member
think of it as him giving himself a commission. the store sees an increased profit from his sale, so they're happy.
the customers are happy, and i'm assuming there are no receipts. so to everyone saying "he'll get caught"......how exactly?
lol...how do you assume there are no receipts...

I've never gone to ANY store...and not gotten a receipt.

How will he get caught? Many variables. Like someone said, when someone goes to return it...they're not gonna get all that they paid...and get pissed. Or a manager or supervisor will catch him in the act. It's not hard to fuck up...


Well-Known Member
lol...how do you assume there are no receipts...

I've never gone to ANY store...and not gotten a receipt.

How will he get caught? Many variables. Like someone said, when someone goes to return it...they're not gonna get all that they paid...and get pissed. Or a manager or supervisor will catch him in the act. It's not hard to fuck up...
I was gonna say the same thing about no receipts haha so i could answer this

There couldnt be a receipt because if he were to punch it into the computer as being 100 so it could print a receipt to give to the customer, then he cant pocket the extra 20 as its been documented.


Well-Known Member
However I still dont think its right in anyway... I couldnt steal like that. Not only because I hate theives, but because I would get so paranoid after doing that a couple times.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
think of it as him giving himself a commission. the store sees an increased profit from his sale, so they're happy.
the customers are happy, and i'm assuming there are no receipts. so to everyone saying "he'll get caught"......how exactly?
if they're not giving the customer a reciept, then it would be becuase the business works on a trust of word basis, in which case he'll still get screwed. as has been said, i haven't been into a shop and not been offered a reciept.

and you don't enter employment on your terms... if they feel that you've worked hard ennough to earn a commission, then they'll (prob not :P) give it to you. you don't get to decide that, it's plain stealing from the company. you get paid what they say you will, and that's what you're working for.

oh, and from a lot of experience, i can tell you that a company will look at all of it's records to see where it can save money (especially at present!) and most of the companies i've worked for and with, they've always done monthly reviews, to see how much money their discounts are costng them etc, they HAVE to do it, else thay can't say how many discounts, how large etc, they can justify giving out, and this guys name is gonna be alongside an alarming number of discounts, hey, fishy?!? they'll get suspicious


Active Member
lol...how do you assume there are no receipts...

I've never gone to ANY store...and not gotten a receipt.

He then explains to me what he does...

Basically he works in a shop, the customers often barter with him (he's allowed to drop the price of certain items).

He sold a rather large item the other day, the customer didn't bother trying to barter. They pay full price, which they are happy to do.

However, when my friend writes down what has been sold he'll say he did it at a slight discount.
i'm assuming that he 'writes it down' in his manager's book and doesnt give the customer a reciept. i mean, he'd get caught pretty damn quick if the customer pays $100 and gets a receipt for $80, right? then again he might be incredibly stupid but i was justgiving him the benefit of the doubt.

How will he get caught? Many variables. Like someone said, when someone goes to return it...they're not gonna get all that they paid...and get pissed. Or a manager or supervisor will catch him in the act. It's not hard to fuck up...
that depends on their return policy. have we established exactly what type of store this is? seems pretty informal to just 'write down' sales so its concievable that its an 'all sales final' deal. as for a manager or supervisor easily catching them, thats a bit presumptuous. i managed a small shop before, and while i never was dishonest like this kid, i certainly knew exactly where the owner was at all times, how long they would be gone for, etc.

im just saying that given the right conditions this kid might easily stay under the radar.