Right so im around 3 weeks into flowering, was tieing my plants up and noticed dreaded spider mites, this is personally the first time iv had the problem, although my friends have had the problem a few times and have dealt with it unsuccesfully, at first inspection it didnt seem too bad only a few of the plants i had seemed to have the problem. So i decided 2000 predators should be able to deal with the pests, so i turned off one of my 3 600w lights to try and lower the temp and slow dwn the mites cycle. So it seems the predators worked and killed all the mites i thought i had, they now seem to have been replaced by these much bigger black mites and i mean the predators are dwarfed by these fuckers. So iv looked into alternatives keeping in mind my grow room , which i have 3 600w lights, big outtake with carbon smaller intake , and one big arse fan which accomdates 20 plants, is basically just half of my bedroom sheeted off. looked into cool air humidifiers since i could do with raising the humidity and lowering the temp anyway but it seems this is a no no during flowering. Read something about garlic cloves and chillies driving them mad but with it being my bedroom the smell is a no no, There is obviously just spraying with insecticide i can get at the grow shop but like i said my mates have had the same problem and nothing they ever tried spraying them with actually got rid of the problem it just lowered the numbers for a short while and then they would come back, obviously i will be useing some sort of spray but i want to use it in conjunction with something else that will actually keep the fuckers away, also i dont know if this is of any help but there dont seem to be any webbing atall really, seen maybe one or 2 slight signs underneath a few small leaves but nothing atall which would indicate spider mites, only the speckling of leaves , Thanks for taking the time to read this and all your help is appreciated no matter how big or small thanks
just had a mad idea, would serious vibration disrupt them, i mean in my room i have a serious sound system now if removed the sheeting placed some big arse speakers facing the plants and hit em with abit of the sister nancy - Bam Bam you reckon it might annoy them??? just a thought lol
just had a mad idea, would serious vibration disrupt them, i mean in my room i have a serious sound system now if removed the sheeting placed some big arse speakers facing the plants and hit em with abit of the sister nancy - Bam Bam you reckon it might annoy them??? just a thought lol