
Well-Known Member
yeah those are massive Lol like a fucking cage of sativa monsters...

your prolly referring to hempy buckets, check out my buddy Someguy's thread, he kinda explained it a lil bit in his thread:

Other than that, any DWC question can be answered by roseman:hug:

thanks for stopping by bro, stick around and lemme know what you figure out...
No I don't think hempy is the same it's basically top fed dwc with the same bucket in a bucket the same 2" or so of water in the bottom bucket but the difference is the addition of a massive industrial air pump and special permiable pvc "airstone" all around the bottom of the bucket throwing so much air into the water at the bottom of each bucket that it froths voilently. Plus a chiller to keep the water temp perfect. That's how you get colas the size of this krusty pic I posted a few posts up:

The reason it's not done more often is it's way more compicated maintenance wise a full time job and then some with frequent chemical swap outs and cleaning and constant fiddling to keep the plants healthy as they tear through different chemicals and on and on and on. The most difficult way to grow bar none and very expensive chemicals wise.
Plus the industrial regenerating air pump to do it is over $1000 way over, I'm sure you know what chillers cost, then the permiable pvc is a special order thing. Are you familiar with any of this already?

Here is a current growers journal, first run if you want to know more and see how it goes for him as a newbie to it:

This system has been around for years with modifications along the way.


Well-Known Member
jesus na man never heard of that. Closest thing i can think of is getting flexible tubing wrapped around in a bucket hooked up to some kinda air or water pump, that mists the roots. Thats about it, lol.

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
Hey Motif this looks brilliant. :joint:How long was your total flush? Was that all the girls chopped? cause if so, we're gonna guess about... 60 gs finished? That sounds about right to us dude. Great job! You should reward yourself with a little popcorn nug if you haven't tasted the stuff yet.



Well-Known Member
The flush was a total of 8 days:: first 4 days was the pre-harvest formula; last 4 days just pH'd water. The flush worked out great for the taste of the herb. The smoke is no where near harsh on the throat, very smooth;) can't remember what it tasted like but the smell is absolutely amazing.. I don't know how to describe it though, wish you guys could smell it from over there!

That is only the indica, the sativa is taking a longgg time:(

I taste tested a few bowls last night off a skimpy lower branch. Man let me tell you, if this shit is already this potent (dried for 2 days from chop), then I'm scared to see how strong it is cured.. ! Very strong heady high and a comfy body buzz, no couch lock here. Maybe I should call this strain "that down syndrome weed" cuz I was fucking vegged out last night off just 3 small bowls!

2.5 oz's would be a nice yeild!

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
I taste tested a few bowls last night off a skimpy lower branch. Man let me tell you, if this shit is already this potent (dried for 2 days from chop), then I'm scared to see how strong it is cured.. ! Very strong heady high and a comfy body buzz, no couch lock here. Maybe I should call this strain "that down syndrome weed" cuz I was fucking vegged out last night off just 3 small bowls!

2.5 oz's would be a nice yeild!

Dude, that 3rd bowl will do it to you. Now that we can toke our own, its really kinda mind blowing how great organic, homegrown really is.


Well-Known Member
Dude, that 3rd bowl will do it to you. Now that we can toke our own, its really kinda mind blowing how great organic, homegrown really is.
oh yeah for sure ray, totally kicks ass! No more stale dro, its soo FRESH!!

my favorite part is after learning all this, im able to see the bud being sold around here and i KNOW how good it is, you can fucking check out the color of the trichs, you can tell if they chopped it too soon, or if they flushed it well enough etc.

Very intriguing stuff indeed:mrgreen:

Ray Fox

Well-Known Member
oh yeah for sure ray, totally kicks ass! No more stale dro, its soo FRESH!!

my favorite part is after learning all this, im able to see the bud being sold around here and i KNOW how good it is, you can fucking check out the color of the trichs, you can tell if they chopped it too soon, or if they flushed it well enough etc.

Very intriguing stuff indeed:mrgreen:
We try to tell our friends all about it, the way the bud has grown, how dense the nug is, the resin that comes off. People really, honestly don't know shit when it comes to pot. When our friends pick up weed they just end up saying "Shut up! We just wanna smoke it already!":mrgreen: Alas, the true price of knowledge.


Well-Known Member
Wow i cant believe ur buds turned out that good with the leaves looking like that...those are some seriously resinous buds. Looks like youre going to have some great smoke. I hope my plants turn out looking like the ones in meds pic..jeeezzus


Well-Known Member
Wow i cant believe ur buds turned out that good with the leaves looking like that...those are some seriously resinous buds. Looks like youre going to have some great smoke. I hope my plants turn out looking like the ones in meds pic..jeeezzus
The leaves do that cause it is at its end of its life process.Look at my buds and look at the foliage..looks really damaged but growing just fine!:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
We try to tell our friends all about it, the way the bud has grown, how dense the nug is, the resin that comes off. People really, honestly don't know shit when it comes to pot. When our friends pick up weed they just end up saying "Shut up! We just wanna smoke it already!":mrgreen: Alas, the true price of knowledge.
haha im just like you bro, i inspect all my bags :roll:

Wow i cant believe ur buds turned out that good with the leaves looking like that...those are some seriously resinous buds. Looks like youre going to have some great smoke. I hope my plants turn out looking like the ones in meds pic..jeeezzus
wiz you just didnt think i knew what i was doing:joint::mrgreen:

The leaves do that cause it is at its end of its life process.Look at my buds and look at the foliage..looks really damaged but growing just fine!:mrgreen:
i didnt see hardly any damage on yours purp... ? that afghani looks sekC tho! Any guesses what strain this indy might be??

bad ass bro, hehe........teach a man to grow and you stone him for life....
thats an understatement ;)

bad ass .... yea ... that's it in really good terms. fukin A man!
Walk On! So Hard So Fast!


im gona upload some pics of the sativa tonight, and the indy bud is hanging, going into the jars either tonight, or tomorrow. Prolly tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
harder faster ..... longer deeper ...... greener stickier ....... ok now I'm really confused, I was on a good path there .... then ....... then ... the greener thing came along. ruin a good fantasy ..... nutha bowl please.


Well-Known Member
thanx bro..but i over nutted and alot of the fans got damaged,,but we in the "Fuck the Fans" stage.
Just stunts em and makes the trichs grow slower...As you can see at this stage you really gotta fux up to kill em!LOL


Well-Known Member
hahahahaha.....well put ma man ..... gotta fux up good ..... sorta like ....they be blowed up real good to make 'um die! hahahaha! walking On!~ :blsmoke:
thanx bro..but i over nutted and alot of the fans got damaged,,but we in the "Fuck the Fans" stage.
Just stunts em and makes the trichs grow slower...As you can see at this stage you really gotta fux up to kill em!LOL


Well-Known Member
simple but profitable ..... in one capacity or another ..... there's nuthin like having ur own stash with dirt on ur hands and the taint of resin in the aire. hmmmmm .... mmmmmm ..... good! I walk around the house with my fingers in my face after handling my plants .... its really fukin sttrange .... but hey .... ain't the first time I be called a freak LOL!


Well-Known Member
simple but profitable ..... in one capacity or another ..... there's nuthin like having ur own stash with dirt on ur hands and the taint of resin in the aire. hmmmmm .... mmmmmm ..... good! I walk around the house with my fingers in my face after handling my plants .... its really fukin sttrange .... but hey .... ain't the first time I be called a freak LOL!
i fuckeddd up this sativa man, shit its taking a long ass time to flower... Do you think it would be more suitable in 88-90F temp?? Its 79.7 F and 42% Humidity right now (lights on)

growth seems to be slow as fuck still...she must be super stressed:confused: Gonna give raise the ppm and see how she likes it..


Well-Known Member
I doubt uv fukd anything up. man I've heard of some longass times for sativa dominants .... like even 14-15wks ..... I still want to do that too, but I'm gonna wait till I can do it properly, vegeing indoors and giving them a big head start before putting them outdoors. and then just letum go to the moon.:mrgreen:
i fuckeddd up this sativa man, shit its taking a long ass time to flower... Do you think it would be more suitable in 88-90F temp?? Its 79.7 F and 42% Humidity right now (lights on)

growth seems to be slow as fuck still...she must be super stressed:confused: Gonna give raise the ppm and see how she likes it..


Well-Known Member
simple but profitable ..... in one capacity or another ..... there's nuthin like having ur own stash with dirt on ur hands and the taint of resin in the aire. hmmmmm .... mmmmmm ..... good! I walk around the house with my fingers in my face after handling my plants .... its really fukin sttrange .... but hey .... ain't the first time I be called a freak LOL!
Fuck no its not cause i do the same damn thing man it just leaves this sweet dank ass smell on your fingers thats just irresistable!:hump::hump::hump::peace: