sphagnum peat moss

I am currently growing two plants in sphagnum peat moss. Is this a good substrate to grow in? Also, there is some white/yellow stuff on top of the peat moss. Does anybody know what this is?


Well-Known Member
I am currently growing two plants in sphagnum peat moss. Is this a good substrate to grow in? Also, there is some white/yellow stuff on top of the peat moss. Does anybody know what this is?
You really should switch to a soil, but add some things to it to lighten it up. Vermiculite, perilite, Turface MVP, etc. etc.

The white/yellow stuff is most likely calcium or something else from your water. You using tap water? If so, then you need to switch to distilled or bottled water, IMO!

Fallen Buckshot

yeah the peat is fine .. you should realy mix it up as follows tho :
2-3 parts peatmoss
1 part vermiculite
1-2 parts pearlite
half cup of Espoma Bio-tone
thats what i use and have had good results