LOL...Moose (My dog) is pissed, but it's weird.Need advice


Well-Known Member
His hair is standing up which shows he's Upset, "aggrivated, mad...something".
But he isn't barking. He isn't being really loud. He's doing these really low, gravelly barks,and growls. It's almost like he's talking under his breath or doing the dog form of "Chatting". Anyone have any clues?


Well-Known Member
has he ever behaved this way before? sounds kinda like the, "the shits about to go down" growl to me.

i hope the shits not about to go down!


Well-Known Member
That's weird. Is he hurt? Does he growl while outside or in?
That's what I thought at first. That maybe someone did something to him, and he's pissed. But as far as I know he's not hurt. A little of both. He's looking outside shaking and growling very softly. When he goes out it gets a little louder.

has he ever behaved this way before? sounds kinda like the, "the shits about to go down" growl to me.

i hope the shits not about to go down!
Nope...He's never behaved like this before. To make it more confusing he's doing it to a neighbor I thought he liked. Maybe it's the guy he has with him...who knows? It's actually funny. I know it shouldn't be, but I've just never heard him act like this before.

Just to let you know for the past 5 minutes he has not left my side...something is up...


Well-Known Member
you are to check back every ten minutes. that way if you go missing we can organize a rescue team in a timely fashion.:hump:

seriously, i hope all is well.


Well-Known Member
you are to check back every ten minutes. that way if you go missing we can organize a rescue team in a timely fashion.:hump:

seriously, i hope all is well.
LOL. I'm cool. They're shook. They keep looking over like he's about to unleash the wrath of god on them. He's all done barking and shit...but they're still concerned. He's the sweetest dog in the world, but when he's better keep it One Hunnned.


Well-Known Member
has the dog has his distemper shots?.... cant tell but looks like a pit in the picture me and my fiance have two gotti pits one bluenose/brindle and the other is all white, and I did alot of research on the breed before paying 2g's a dog but distemper would seem like the cause of what hes doing he cant control it, thats why there is a shot for it. just FYI hope that helps


Well-Known Member
has the dog has his distemper shots?.... cant tell but looks like a pit in the picture me and my fiance have two gotti pits one bluenose/brindle and the other is all white, and I did alot of research on the breed before paying 2g's a dog but distemper would seem like the cause of what hes doing he cant control it, thats why there is a shot for it. just FYI hope that helps
He can control it. I tell him to be quiet and he get's quiet, then he starts back up. He's vaccinated for it...he got his annual in I think he's good. Just disturbed.


Well-Known Member
My dog does that but only when she senses something wrong. Last time she did it I went to investigate and found mountain lion tracks in the snow.


Well-Known Member
My dog does that but only when she senses something wrong. Last time she did it I went to investigate and found mountain lion tracks in the snow.
I knew something was wrong. He was completely fixed. He'd look back at me for a second, and then turn right around to survey what was going on. He was not happy at all. I wonder how he will act later if he sees them when we go on our walk.


Well-Known Member
Hey gravvy has moose taking a shit lately? my dog chewed up some old runners and was on edge for like two days i didnt kno what was wrong with him and had to keep watching him to make sure he was alright and i realised he wasnt shiting at all so i call the vet and he said the probably had some kinda blockage and to give him some lacitives(spelled wrong) i gave them to him and about two or three hours later he kept scratching at the back door i let him out and he did his business and i went to check there was no blood in it, truns out he had a bit of rubber stoping him from shitting and thats what had him pissed i guess i would be to!


Well-Known Member
Hey gravvy has moose taking a shit lately? my dog chewed up some old runners and was on edge for like two days i didnt kno what was wrong with him and had to keep watching him to make sure he was alright and i realised he wasnt shiting at all so i call the vet and he said the probably had some kinda blockage and to give him some lacitives(spelled wrong) i gave them to him and about two or three hours later he kept scratching at the back door i let him out and he did his business and i went to check there was no blood in it, truns out he had a bit of rubber stoping him from shitting and thats what had him pissed i guess i would be to!

Yeah he's been shitting. He's been very regular. He'd just taken a poo right before this happened...This was so spur of the was funny/scary all at the same time. He is getting over an ear infection though...That may have effected his irritability.


Well-Known Member
I would keep a close eye on him - my male acted like that for a while, when we took him in to the Vet they found a tumor.

The pain was making him cranky, Bully breeds don't show pain like most dogs.

Good luck.


Well-Known Member
I would keep a close eye on him - my male acted like that for a while, when we took him in to the Vet they found a tumor.

The pain was making him cranky, Bully breeds don't show pain like most dogs.

Good luck.
Yeah I know. We'll see. But it's over and done with now, and has been for some hours. Nothing else has happened prior or after this morning. So we'll see.


Well-Known Member
Im sure hes just fine. i think he just had a little flair. My pit has had a few. Someone walks by ecspecialy in uniform and his hair will stand. lol People get scared. you can tell they dont want to look at him lol. im stoned.


Well-Known Member
Yeah he's cool. It was just momentary insanity. He didn't display any other types of aggressive behavior. I think he was just trying to protect me from whatever threat he suspected there was. He's back to his super suck self. You should have heard him whine when he got kicked out the bed. lol