Fly Agaric. Expirienced Shroomers Report!


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I was out by the ocean and I found what I think is a fly agaric mushroom. I am in new england and I am 99% sure I am correct classifying it. I have never done or seen these mushrooms before and am just interested any one elses experience with them? I am drying it in front of a fan because I read it is better to eat dry. Any input on drying or how to consume it? I can post pics if anyone is interested.


Well-Known Member
I don't know you or how much you know about shrooms. That being said, look at the possible outcomes.
1. Eat the shroom, have a good trip - Best outcome
2. Eat the shroom, Die or become permanently retarded - Pretty fucking bad outcome
3. Don't eat the shroom, miss out on a trip - kinda sucks
4. Don't eat the shroom, save your life - pretty good outcome.

So basically, best case = a few hours of fun
worst case = well... death

If the risk is 1% that you make the wrong classification... is it worth risking your life?

Now, i am no power hungry politician, so I'm not gonna tell you what you can or cannot eat. So if you eat it, have fun :-) If you die, that sucks, hope u dont. :-)
Live Free!


Well-Known Member
Haha thanks polar.
Since I am not experienced with this species of shroom (Amanita muscaria) I have done a lot of research.
I am going to try it after drying and only 2 people have died from this species in 1000 years of recorded use, which is good!
I will post in later in the week to explain the trip and with pictures of the shroom.


Active Member
With that species.... But what if your wrong and its not that species lol. Then im sure there is a way greater chance of death. I would toss it


Well-Known Member
With that species.... But what if your wrong and its not that species lol. Then im sure there is a way greater chance of death. I would toss it
I am sure of the species. I said it in the post up there. ^^^
I looked up the species closest to it that are poisonous and this one isn't one of those.
If I die I will make sure to let all of you guys know.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
actually there are no recorded deaths from fly agaric mushys but a close relative called death puffs
they are of the amanita family they are white white a tint of green if the mushroom you picked was yllow with those warty things on it or red than im sure its safe ive tryed these before
but 1-3 caps aint gunna do any thing im thinkin if you have like 6-8 than youll have a crazy trip thats wat i did lucky me i have a birch tree in my yard and they wre just popin up i wiggled them around a bit to relese sum spore and low and behold the next day more showed up theyre fun


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I was out by the ocean and I found what I think is a fly agaric mushroom. I am in new england and I am 99% sure I am correct classifying it. I have never done or seen these mushrooms before and am just interested any one elses experience with them? I am drying it in front of a fan because I read it is better to eat dry. Any input on drying or how to consume it? I can post pics if anyone is interested.

Dude, I cannot stress enough how carefull you must be!!! Amanitas are a very dangerous family of mushrooms. There are more than a few that can make you very sick or kill you, and they all resemble one another, especially to an inexperienced mushroom hunter.

You REALLY need to post some pics of them, or check out for more info.

If you really NEED to trip that badly, there are other much safer ways of doing so. Amanitas typically are not that good of a trip, compared to a psilocybin shroom trip.


Well-Known Member
Dude, I cannot stress enough how carefull you must be!!! Amanitas are a very dangerous family of mushrooms. There are more than a few that can make you very sick or kill you, and they all resemble one another, especially to an inexperienced mushroom hunter.

You REALLY need to post some pics of them, or check out for more info.

If you really NEED to trip that badly, there are other much safer ways of doing so. Amanitas typically are not that good of a trip, compared to a psilocybin shroom trip.
this is very true amnitas are the one of the only non poisonous mushrooms in muscaria family, and its a legal mushroom its so cheap online just buy some! Your organs with thank you for not potentially killing them.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I did the shroom last night.
I am still here obvioiously.
It didn't do much. Some euphoria at first and deep thinking. Nothing visual.
I did 10g dried. Next time I am going to go for 30g and I am going to buy it offline.