Need Help/Advice


So I just got this plant today and as far as I know it has been raised indoors. I put it outside for about 5 hrs today in direct sunlight.

1. I want to try to bring the plant in at night. Is this a good or bad idea? (I live in socal)

2. is it normal for the leaves to be yellow/brown at the ends like that or is it deficient in something? I checked the guide but it seems like it falls into the category of 3 or 4 different things.

3. What advice can you give me, a first time grower?

4. There are high walls in my designated growing area, is there any way to give the plant light when i bring it in at night?



Well-Known Member
I would say get some Miracle Grow (I dislike it) and plant her in some tomatoes or something and hope for the best. You might be able to pull a 1/2 oz per plant.


Also, I forgot to ask when i should be transplanting.... I have some pots that are about 10x the volume of the cup and already have potting soil in them.

The Kush Guy

Active Member
She's got a ways to go before transplanting, I use the same 16OZ beer cups to start my clones in, I dont transplant them till they are 2-4 nodes high, but I have grown 18" plants in beer cups, you just need to water more often.

If you are serious about growing this lady, you should get yourself some real nutrients, everyone has an opinion on what to use (I am a General Hydro guy myself), I've never tried miracle grow, but have never really heard any good success with it. What are you giving her for nutes now? Anything? If not then she could be deficient of lots of things, I would get her some nutrients soon, just use a mild nutes mix though, till she gets a few more leaves.

Is she from a clone or seeds? Strain?

You need to keep her under 18 hours light and 6 hours of dark so she doesnt start flowering. Go get yourself a 100 Watt equivalent CFL bulb (6500 Kelvin or Daylight color) and a $5 timer. I would grow her up a bit before I put her outside, one stray cat and she could be toast. But I am an inside grower so I cant give you first hand experience on growing outside.

Post on this thread if you have more questions and I'll keep an eye on it, see if I can give you a hand. Also read the FAQ on here, lots of great information to get you started.



She's got a ways to go before transplanting, I use the same 16OZ beer cups to start my clones in, I dont transplant them till they are 2-4 nodes high, but I have grown 18" plants in beer cups, you just need to water more often.

If you are serious about growing this lady, you should get yourself some real nutrients, everyone has an opinion on what to use (I am a General Hydro guy myself), I've never tried miracle grow, but have never really heard any good success with it. What are you giving her for nutes now? Anything? If not then she could be deficient of lots of things, I would get her some nutrients soon, just use a mild nutes mix though, till she gets a few more leaves.

Is she from a clone or seeds? Strain?

You need to keep her under 18 hours light and 6 hours of dark so she doesnt start flowering. Go get yourself a 100 Watt equivalent CFL bulb (6500 Kelvin or Daylight color) and a $5 timer. I would grow her up a bit before I put her outside, one stray cat and she could be toast. But I am an inside grower so I cant give you first hand experience on growing outside.

Post on this thread if you have more questions and I'll keep an eye on it, see if I can give you a hand. Also read the FAQ on here, lots of great information to get you started.


well i'll start with: THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR REPLYING! haha

I was all alone in here.

Anyways, I started reading FAQ's today and they all made me super anxious about transplanting so i went and did it it (pics soon)

It really didn't seem to be too stressful on the roots as all i did was cut down the sides of the cup and move the entire block (soil and roots) into the new pot.

Is there anything I can do to improve chances of survival? It seems like this may have been a mistake.

This plant was an anonymous gift so i have no idea whether it''s a clone or from a seed and what strain it is.

I would reaaaalllllllyyyyyyy prefer to try to grow this plant entirely outdoors but i understand it needs more light than i can give it. Until it gets bigger/stronger can i just put a clear 100w bulb in a normal lamp and grow under that for a few hours at the end of each day?

Nutrients.... I have some 30/10/10 orchid food laying around. Good enough?

The Kush Guy

Active Member
First I would get the bits of dirt off her leaves, she cant get light if dirt is covering up the leaves.

If you are growing one plant and never intend on growing another, then by all means use the 100 watt clear bulb and the orchid food. Your growing experience will be short lived.

Some people think all you need to do is get a plant, water it and out comes bud! Not really the case, not to maximize the effort you are going to be putting forward. Growing takes work, constant attention to what is going on and why and supplies to deal with what is happening. So it depends on the investment you are willing to make as to what is going to come back out.

If you are just looking for bud, best bet is take the money you are going to need to spend to grow this lady and buy yourself a sack from the dopeman.

Good luck.



Well-Known Member
First I would get the bits of dirt off her leaves, she cant get light if dirt is covering up the leaves.

If you are growing one plant and never intend on growing another, then by all means use the 100 watt clear bulb and the orchid food. Your growing experience will be short lived.

Some people think all you need to do is get a plant, water it and out comes bud! Not really the case, not to maximize the effort you are going to be putting forward. Growing takes work, constant attention to what is going on and why and supplies to deal with what is happening. So it depends on the investment you are willing to make as to what is going to come back out.

If you are just looking for bud, best bet is take the money you are going to need to spend to grow this lady and buy yourself a sack from the dopeman.

Good luck.

Best advice for you. The poor thing looks hacked and burnt. Doesn't look like a bad strain either.
Good luck


First I would get the bits of dirt off her leaves, she cant get light if dirt is covering up the leaves.
ya it was only there for a couple minutes as those pictures were taken immediately after the transplant

The Kush Guy said:
If you are growing one plant and never intend on growing another, then by all means use the 100 watt clear bulb and the orchid food. Your growing experience will be short lived.
not really sure what this means...? I do plan on growing more plants in the future but i wanted to practice on just one and then know what i'm doing when i have to manage 8 or 9 at a time.

The Kush Guy said:
Growing takes work, constant attention to what is going on and why and supplies to deal with what is happening. So it depends on the investment you are willing to make as to what is going to come back out.
I'm willing to make an investment i just don't know what to buy . That's why i made this thread haha.

The Kush Guy

Active Member
Ok, if you are growing outdoors, I think it might be too late in the season, you need 8 weeks of 14 light at least, check the almanac for your location.

If you are growing indoors you need lights, dirt or hydro, nutrients, PH tester for water and a place to grow.

If you want this plant to live till you figure the above out, you should get a 26 Watt CFL in a lamp, desk lamp, construction clamp lamp whatever. And some nutrients, I suggest General Hydroponics 3 part. FloraMicro, FloraBloom and FloraGro. Any hydro shop will have them or you can order them online.

Get the lamp over the plant in a closet or whatever and forget outside till you figure out what exactly you are doing long term. Start feeding it Mild Nutes as per the bottles.

This will buy you 2 weeks to start reading RIU cover to cover. read everything you can that pertains to what you decide to do and how to do it. There isnt much at your level you cant learn from RIU and the internet, I knew nothing when I started and learned it all here. Read, wipe the blood from your eyes and read some more.

RIU searches arent that great, use Google site specific search, just fill in the google box after what is already added by this link and you will get great info."View+Single+Post"&meta=

Try adding
CFL Grow in Dirt
in the above link and start there.

All I can do is buy you time to learn, you have to do the learning.
