N.W. Washington Guerilla Grow


Well-Known Member
Don't know what else I can say except keep up the good work.

Whatever you're doing, you're doing it right!


Well-Known Member
Still more......:mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
Here's a couple shots of the two plants with the most slug damage. The first couple are of the one that they ate half way through the main stalk; you can see she's still kickin' pretty good, and the other two are of the one they've munched pretty good. If she lives, I think she's gonna be a single cola, as most all of the lower nodes are gone. Check it out......



Well-Known Member
Ah fuck it, sorry bout my poor posting skills. I haven't figured this shit out yet. Someone tell me how to place a pic in a post with text next to it, instead of at the bottom of the post, filmstrip style!?!?!?!?!?!? I'm probly way toooo highbongsmilie:eyesmoke::bigjoint:;-).

So, morale of that story is

First pic: huckleberries= edible

Second pic: sumac? don't know, don't eat!

Third pic: hopefully the difference is obvious


Well-Known Member
no worries man you got it figured. I was having a similar prob. and didn't know what to do. The crowd here came to the rescue ..... and I am passing it along. in order for you to post within the text (using the little icon with the mountain/sun), the source of the photo has to be from a webaddress. so you can upload them as you do for riu and then open the photo in a new window (internet) and copy and paste the url into the box for inserting pics .... clear as mud right? sorry ... hope I didn't make it more complicated for u.


Well-Known Member
That's what we call them up here.....Widow Makers.... and you really do have to watch for them. You can hear 'em crashin to the ground, crushing the hell outta everything!! Gotta stay alert and be aware of your surroundings! I actually utilize them whenever I can once they're down to minimize leavin trace or trail, dig it?:blsmoke:



Well-Known Member
Here's just some random scenery pics. The purple flowered plants are called fireweed, named as such because they are usually the first plant to recolonize a burn area or clear cut. They are blommin' everywhere and can get over 12 ft. tall!!

Yeah, yeah. Hey! I told ya I took lots of pics!!:mrgreen: I jus' can' hep' it!! Hahaha

And the last ones, ahhh..... summer in the Pacific N.W. Isn't it lovely!! Yeah, right.



Well-Known Member
Don't know what else I can say except keep up the good work.

Whatever you're doing, you're doing it right!
Thanks Ang!! I'm doin' it all for you bro!!! Well, mostly for me actually:mrgreen: But if you were in need, and lived up here, I'd have you feelin' fine!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
no worries man you got it figured. I was having a similar prob. and didn't know what to do. The crowd here came to the rescue ..... and I am passing it along. in order for you to post within the text (using the little icon with the mountain/sun), the source of the photo has to be from a webaddress. so you can upload them as you do for riu and then open the photo in a new window (internet) and copy and paste the url into the box for inserting pics .... clear as mud right? sorry ... hope I didn't make it more complicated for u.

Alrighty Tahoe comin to the rescue!! Thank you my friend, and you're right as rain, cause it's clear as mud. WTF? Hahaha Nah, i'm not downin your advice, I just put in a hard ass day, so at this current moment i'm pretty medicated:eyesmoke: and I'd probably have trouble following the instructions on a bag of top ramen. Yeah!! But I'll give it a try!!

So, to clarify, do I upload the pic as an attachment as usual, THEN open up my pics folder on my harddrive, select pic, copy and then paste in text box, or copy then paste after opening up the little mountain/sun link thingy? Yeah, muddy water for sure. Hey, wasn't that a band way back when? My S.S.# has more than 2 digits in it, so I don't really know. Hahaha:mrgreen:

Progress Report: No progress:-?

I think i'm gettin lost on the whole open the photo in a new window internet thing. My pics aren't on the internet, just my external hard drive, so i'm lost. Sorry Tahoe, i guess i'll just medicate a little further and see if that helps!! :peace:


Active Member
What up bro, what a day I am beat !!!! If you can figure it out, send me some of those pic's when you get a chance.. Peace


Well-Known Member
You've certainly got some good wilderness and lots of scenery. Yeah on your pictures after you have them loaded up just insert them between the image tags <wherever you want them> and it will put them in your post.


Well-Known Member
Hey Man .... stay medicated ... I'll try and be moer clear ...

So, to clarify, do I upload the pic as an attachment as usual, THEN open up my pics folder on my harddrive (no ... you double click on the attachment, and it will open in a new internet window. then copy the url address from that picture internet page, and go back to your post, and then there is a little icon that is sun/mountain, click that, a window comes up for you to paste the address, press enter, and the picture is entered into your text wherever your cursor is at), select pic, copy and then paste in text box, or copy then paste after opening up the little mountain/sun link thingy? Yeah, muddy water for sure. Hey, wasn't that a band way back when? My S.S.# has more than 2 digits in it, so I don't really know. Hahaha:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Okay, thanks to my friends Slab & Tahoe!!! I might get the hang of this now!! Took me awhile to figure it out following their instructions, but I think I'm on the right track. Sheesh, you'd think I used to ride the short bus to school or somethin' !!!!:mrgreen::blsmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Had to go check my growbag setup yesterday, so I snapped a few more pics. I'm diggin' this shit!!!!:peace:



Well-Known Member
How's the watering needs on those grow bags. I tried 5 gal buckets before and they dried out way to fast. I like your supercropping there. Sweet!


Well-Known Member
How's the watering needs on those grow bags. I tried 5 gal buckets before and they dried out way to fast. I like your supercropping there. Sweet!

Slab, I gotta water 'em about once a week right now, maybe a little longer on the smaller ones. I have some SoilMoist natural stuff mixed in. It's an organic based starch or something that absorbs water then slow releases it. Also have the growbags pretty camo'd and covered, so that helps keep the direct sun off of 'em. As the summer progresses I might end up packing some loose coco-coir onto the top of the soil to help with retention also. We'll see how it goes!! Thank's for the props!!:peace: