Outdoor in NY and have some questions (with Pics)


Well-Known Member
Hey All.

A friend of mine and myself are winging this and seeing what happens. We planted back in May.. about mothers day and everything has been growing great until recently. SHe is huge.. growing outside in a pot. We arent really doing anything other than giving as much sun possible and watering every so often.

Recently, her leaves have drooped--regardless of the size and several of the leaves had turned yellow, a couple even brown and died. I read that it could be lack of water, too much water, Nitrogen, etc.. its all pretty confusing!

I have read countless threads here and all the info is great, but very overwhelming. Under the idea that a pic is worth a thousand words, any thoughts on this?

Any and all help is greatly appreciated!!



Well-Known Member
Flush it with 6.5 ph water.
Make sure you bring it inside when it rains for a wile. The drooping leaves is caused by all the fu*king rain we have been getting up here.

The nitrogen toc should clear up with a few flushings, and dryings.

Crapy season up here, Right


Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm in NY state as well. Yes we got alot of rain but lately things have been shaping up nicely. I have three hoes outside, one was put out in march, another april and yet another in June. One in a 10 gallon pot, one in a five gallon and one in the ground for experimentation. My biggest hoe is six to seven feet tall and has ten to eleven shoots, she was started inside in march and put out in april, she is in the ten gallon pot, she is a sativa dominant hoe with skinny, short leaves (weird), she is from bagseed. The other's look indica dominant and are not too impressive yet. Anyway, I have been watering every 4-6 days unless we get a downpour, then I hold off two days or more until I water again. The hoes are stinky, especially big mama. I use foxfarm original soil and supplement with schultz's plant food every other water. I harvested an indoor in early June, using the same soil and nutes, she was a short, fat, indica dominant hoe. I harvested well over three ounces off of her of sticky, mostly dense bud. The top cola was a thick as a coke can and about ten inches long. Anyway, add nutes and make sure they get as much sun as possible, preferably high noon to sunset sun. Morning sun not as appealing. Good luck, peace.


Well-Known Member
The pot looks too small for the plant, maybe rootbound, get a bigger pot to transplant in, preferably ten gallon. Use good soil and don't overwater, only water every four to six days, weed likes to fully dry out in between waterings. peace

Juan Valdez

Active Member
Overwatering due to all the rain recently may have flushed alot of the available N out of the soil. Regardless at some point you are going to want to transplant into a bigger pot or the ground. Supplying the plant with fresh nutrient rich soil should inhibit the yellowing most likely caused from N deficiency.

If tranplanting isnt an option right now for whatever reasons, I would let the soil dry up a bit and give it about a half dose of veg nutrients. If ya have to... get yourself some miracle grow all purpose for the time being, it's not the greatest but its cheap and convieniant. Once the leaves turn yellow they cannot be salvaged and it will continue up the stalk taking out branch after branch.

Good luck, lets hope we dont get this much rain this fall, ehh!

P.S. She doesnt look too bad at all, dont go gettin all stressed out and over do it. Im sure once the rain calms she'll perk right up.


Well-Known Member
ahh crap..

I just read this..

I read that to bring the N up, you can add Humus to the soil? I mixed the humus with some new soil and then watered it in on top to get the N into the soil.

SInce the basic agreement is that there is too much water, I wont water for the next week or so? We are expecting some rain here in NY on THursday or so, so maybe I move her into into a bigger home over the weekend?

Sounds good? THis shit is stressing me out! LOL

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
Hi, I'm in NY state as well. Yes we got alot of rain but lately things have been shaping up nicely. I have three hoes outside, one was put out in march, another april and yet another in June. One in a 10 gallon pot, one in a five gallon and one in the ground for experimentation. My biggest hoe is six to seven feet tall and has ten to eleven shoots, she was started inside in march and put out in april, she is in the ten gallon pot, she is a sativa dominant hoe with skinny, short leaves (weird), she is from bagseed. The other's look indica dominant and are not too impressive yet. Anyway, I have been watering every 4-6 days unless we get a downpour, then I hold off two days or more until I water again. The hoes are stinky, especially big mama. I use foxfarm original soil and supplement with schultz's plant food every other water. I harvested an indoor in early June, using the same soil and nutes, she was a short, fat, indica dominant hoe. I harvested well over three ounces off of her of sticky, mostly dense bud. The top cola was a thick as a coke can and about ten inches long. Anyway, add nutes and make sure they get as much sun as possible, preferably high noon to sunset sun. Morning sun not as appealing. Good luck, peace.
hey so are are you expecting your sativa to finish? I as well have a sativa in the ground in ny am not so sure about finishing time
I'm thinking they won't.

u better of asking what region hes in ... as i would also like to know ..im in upstate my plants did the same thing perked up today though ...
Hey goose, also upstate ny, what sort of plants you have going?


Active Member
Hey goose said:
sorry if this is thread jacking .. but im growing some of the finest bag seed i could find over the past 6 months as i just moved back after 15 years ..... us new yorkes should start a fourm ..... seeing how them damn massholes got one now lol

ultimate procrastinator

Well-Known Member
sorry if this is thread jacking .. but im growing some of the finest bag seed i could find over the past 6 months as i just moved back after 15 years ..... us new yorkes should start a fourm ..... seeing how them damn massholes got one now lol

Sorry to OP I didn't mean to change the subject, I have never added much nutes to my plants because I have them in the ground, but why not try half strength to see if they respond

EDIT: yeah goose riu should, maybe a section for the northeast and a ny thread in there


Well-Known Member
ok.. so the plan is to move her inside when/if there is rain and then transplant to a bigger pot. Ill put in some organic soil and mix in some humus and then cut back on the watering.. DOes that sound like a plan? We think this is a female, the baby is 34" tall and we think she sprouted somewhere around mothers day.

Any other advise is greatly appreciated!!

Hook me up!!