The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Hi. Prices at the moment in Mcr seem to vary from about £140 an oz for pretty average weed to £200 for Blueberry. Sad thing is that it's all rushed, never dried out properly let alone cured.. it's all about profit and not the weed.
same story up here in scotland mate, never dried properly let alone cured. 200 for an o of blueberry thats steep. Maybe 160 an o up here tops.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
120 in the toon average chink wet gear. decent gear 140 on the O, really top draw skunk is 20bags only and usually just under 3grams sometimes worth getting the odd 1/8th of really nice when its about


Active Member
looks like its the same all over the uk ladies and gents so all we can do is help each other out and put these con-artist dealers out of bussiness!!

im paying £180 an oz for cheese that as you ppl have said is wet and not cured!...........anything to make the bud weigh more so us people have to pay through the nose!if it gets dried you lose a quater of the wieght!

edit:welcome to the forum lukekush!


Well-Known Member
No need to say shit like that... It's offensive.
i dont really think you can call him on that with the amount of offensive things said on this site. i once seen someone talking about shooting niggers (their words not mine) on here with nothing said to them. but slander towards an american is picked up straight away.
^no doubt i will probably get an infraction for speaking up.

Green Gardener

Active Member
You should be happy, in Latvia 1 gram cost - 12.5$ (UK value) :D
And 10 grams - 75 - 85& (UK value), some months ago i was buying shit, it was wet and also some grams missed.
But now I found new spot where to buy, and weed is perfectly dried and no G`s missin`.


Well-Known Member
oh i know, i read into it and was,nt defending him just stating that i have heard much more offensive shit on this website.
i myself feel that something can only offend you if you let it offend you, anyone can say what they want to me and i just try to give a response without rising too it. at the end of the day its all just letters on a screen and nothing said on here can really hurt anyone. i suppose if the guy cant take a little abuse then he should,nt be on this website or any other forum. people are open too say what they feel on the internet because they can hide behind their screen,s and never have to meet the other person. people need to understand that when opinions clash arguments can brake out, but at the end of the day we all need to just be grown up and handle it as a discussion rather than an argument. the guy kept mentioning he was a grown man and not some kid, so why act like one? i am only 22 and never went to school yet i would like to think of myself as alot more grown up/educated than him.

oh and the bit about the infraction was sarcasm but i forgot the lol. :joint::hump::peace:


Active Member
why cant people lighten up a little and let people have there say!as 0neeyedwilly44 said if we all act like adults none of this really matters cos its only words on a screen!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
these guys come and go fairly quick, they either piss off a mod fairly quick or decide to go to another website in a fit of rage.

like you say if your intolerant of others views and yours is the only opinion that matters what the f@ck are you doing on the internet interacting with the rest of us?!

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
oh i do like how very british this thread has got were all talking about the price of goods, the weather, importance of good gramma and speling and generally how people should be good to one another ahahahah love it.

next topic: how to queue in an orderly fashion Or favourite monty python sketches?


Well-Known Member
this is an ex parrot lmao
yeah i love cleese got all the fawlty towers episodes streamed threw my xbox. i like the major aswell he is old school.