The REAL Reason Cannabis is Illegal.


Active Member
I believe your human rights are being violated because marijuana is illegal, they system was designed to deprived the human race from cannabis. If it was legal the whole world would be free from mental slavery. I think we're making that progress that's why marijuana laws are getting worst instead of getting better, because whoever is in control doesn't want that to happen, they want you to be mentally enslaved so you can live life in their matrix. We are living in a chaotic time period, if you haven't notice. Every time you put on TV and watch the news 99% of the time their reporting something negative. And with all the benefits we can get from cannabis ask yourself why is this product of nature illegal, if you don't know how we can benefit from cannabis Google It!
I am an idealist myself, but even if everyone in the world was puffin 24/7 the world would still be ruled by the elite and the corporations. Smoking has opened up a lot of avenues as far as my writing, photography, philosophy, music - but it was not like I had a massive paradigm shift that opened my eyes to an unseen utopia. I have to admit though, we do need people who think like you to push the boundaries; just make sure you put rationality in front of idealism.


Active Member
I am an idealist myself, but even if everyone in the world was puffin 24/7 the world would still be ruled by the elite and the corporations. Smoking has opened up a lot of avenues as far as my writing, photography, philosophy, music - but it was not like I had a massive paradigm shift that opened my eyes to an unseen utopia. I have to admit though, we do need people who think like you to push the boundaries; just make sure you put rationality in front of idealism.
Thanks for the tip bout putting rationality infront of idealism, i'll remember that. Anyways whats your thought on 2012? Do you believe in the rebirth the mayans predicted?


While I agree with what you're saying, I don't think laws are getting worse, and I don't think it's mental slavery. I think the reason pot is illegal now is the same reason it was illegal back in the 30's. Propaganda. Hemp threatening the timber industry, we all know the story. The real issue here is not that we have some sort of governmental, omniscient force ruling over us and trying to get us to accept every condensed, pill form line of bs they throw at us, but rather we are blinded by propaganda and upbringing rather than our own personal experiences and thoughts.

edit/reply to yogi:

I don't think the world is going to end in 2012. If someone could predict that...then I would atleast know what I'm going to have for dinner tonight. All of this 2012 armageddon thing is kind of silly. It's really just all the same people who preached about Y2K and still haven't gotten to use their bomb shelters trying to stay hopeful
Thanks for the tip bout putting rationality infront of idealism, i'll remember that. Anyways whats your thought on 2012? Do you believe in the rebirth the mayans predicted?
I always put science in front of mysticism or religion. I don't think we are quite in a position to have a rebirth that will bring about universal understanding/telepathy. It is pretty amazing that a civilization like the Mayan's were able to put together a 26,000 year calendar cycle... I just can't bring myself to believe they had the ability to have premonitions about the future.


Active Member
While I agree with what you're saying, I don't think laws are getting worse, and I don't think it's mental slavery. I think the reason pot is illegal now is the same reason it was illegal back in the 30's. Propaganda. Hemp threatening the timber industry, we all know the story. The real issue here is not that we have some sort of governmental, omniscient force ruling over us and trying to get us to accept every condensed, pill form line of bs they throw at us, but rather we are blinded by propaganda and upbringing rather than our own personal experiences and thoughts.

Everything you just said helps prove my point, Thanks.


Active Member
I always put science in front of mysticism or religion. I don't think we are quite in a position to have a rebirth that will bring about universal understanding/telepathy. It is pretty amazing that a civilization like the Mayan's were able to put together a 26,000 year calendar cycle... I just can't bring myself to believe they had the ability to have premonitions about the future.
Me too i always put science before mysticism, So you must have heard of the Galactic Alignment which will occur on 2012?


i was more arguing with your details than anything else, but take it however you want lol

see my edit on my previous post about 2012


Active Member
i was more arguing with your details than anything else, but take it however you want lol

see my edit on my previous post about 2012
I believe the world as we know it will end, Society is gonna change for the better in the next few years and we'll have a rebirth on 2012.


This couldn't have gone in the thread about why cannabis is illegal that was on page one yesterday?
I mean...
I'm jus' sayin'.


I believe the world as we know it will end, Society is gonna change for the better in the next few years and we'll have a rebirth on 2012.

and WHAT exactly is going to bring about this change? what is going to happen that didn't happen in 2008? How could anyone possibly know whats going to happen next? Regardless of how many unexplained phenomenon we dig up from previous cultures, our technology today is most advanced and more sensitive than ever. If there was anything that was actually THERE to see, we would see it. 2012 is no more our dooms day than 2011 or 2013. It's just another number dude...another year...nothing special. The world is only going to change/end when whoever it was that decided to create it decides to end it.


Active Member
This couldn't have gone in the thread about why cannabis is illegal that was on page one yesterday?
I mean...
I'm jus' sayin'.
No, that topic was filled with a lot of spam. This is more of a serious discussion. Feel free to join.


Active Member
and WHAT exactly is going to bring about this change? what is going to happen that didn't happen in 2008? How could anyone possibly know whats going to happen next? Regardless of how many unexplained phenomenon we dig up from previous cultures, our technology today is most advanced and more sensitive than ever. If there was anything that was actually THERE to see, we would see it. 2012 is no more our dooms day than 2011 or 2013. It's just another number dude...another year...nothing special. The world is only going to change/end when whoever it was that decided to create it decides to end it.
Your lacking a lot of knowledge my man, anyways read up on the Galactic Alignment which will occur on 2012. And to answer your question Michal Jackson's death has a start a Eat Good, Live Better Movement once most of the world starts living a healthier lifestyle people will be able think and feel better make the right choices in life. Everything happens for a good reason.


Your lacking a lot of knowledge my man, anyways read up on the Galactic Alignment which will occur on 2012. And to answer your question Michal Jackson's death has a start a Eat Good, Live Better Movement once most of the world starts living a healthier lifestyle people will be able think and feel better make the right choices in life. Everything happens for a good reason.

I am not lacking alot of knowledge, I read alot, about alot of things, and that was a rather presumptuous thing to say. I just don't buy into the whole end of the world thing. And as for the galactic alignment...even so, when did that ever have anything to do with the end of the world? If I told you the day rain falls exactly into certain cracks in the earth in 3064 it will cool down the earths core and stop life as we know it, because I predicted it, would you beleive me? probably not, but someone thousands of years from now might. It's all speculation dude, none of it comes from any type of information gathered from A. a reliable source or B. the scientific method. Personally I'll leave the astrology and predictions to the coke heads. I take stuff for what it is man, and when you show me how exactly the world is going to end and don't just feed me cultural and economical cycles we've seen before then I'll take you seriously.