First outdoor grow just wanna know what you think??


Active Member
Hi, a freind of mine gave me about two weeks ago two clones he had. One of them had already grown about 9 inches and the other was a small one. Both of them have look great my only concern is the amount of sunlight the recieve. I live in Puerto Rico and during these weeks my balcony only recieves from 9am to about 1230pm of direct sunlight but it recieves shady light til night. I also think I should cut a large leaf that is covering a couple of other leaves. I put a picture with a closeup on the leaf I talk so you can tell me if its okay to cut. Any help is very appreciated. And if some of you know about growing in puerto rico and when it should start flowerin. Thanks!!


Whatever you do don't cut that big leaf! the bigger leaves are the workhorses, they are the ones that make the most food for the plant. and as for the sun, yes they need more, if you could put mirrors or something around them to give more light to the smaller leaves that would help quite a bit.


Well-Known Member
yeah those plants need at least 5 hours light. really they need more to get more mature so when flowering starts happening around the 2nd week in october they could be much larger as long as they get the light. can you put them on the roof? or hide them in the hills around you or something?


Active Member
well right now they are recieving sunlight but not the most potent but in couple a weeks or even days the sun should be passing in front of my balony so im cool but thanks alot about not cutting the leaf I was going to do that. Yesterday was the first day I fead them on 20-20-20 but I gave them half strength and have reacted real well to it. Thanks alot and if someone has advie I would highly apreciate it.


Well-Known Member
careful with the 20-20-20...
A 10-10-10 is ok once every 2nd or third week feeding. But get yourself some good nutes online. Check out Fox Farm's Trio pack...has everything you need at all stages of growth Otherwise, your plants are really healthy looking. Are both clones from the same mother?


Active Member
careful with the 20-20-20...
A 10-10-10 is ok once every 2nd or third week feeding. But get yourself some good nutes online. Check out Fox Farm's Trio pack...has everything you need at all stages of growth Otherwise, your plants are really healthy looking. Are both clones from the same mother?
Definately they are from the same strain but dont know if from the same mother I have to check that. I always wanted foxfarm but right now im a little low on cash, so what im thinking is to buy Tiger Bloom when its time to flower. But definately gonna buy it for the clones Im going to cut from this ones. I am also not very comfortable giving it that 20-20-20 but a freind said I should do it.


Well-Known Member
Definately they are from the same strain but dont know if from the same mother I have to check that. I always wanted foxfarm but right now im a little low on cash, so what im thinking is to buy Tiger Bloom when its time to flower. But definately gonna buy it for the clones Im going to cut from this ones. I am also not very comfortable giving it that 20-20-20 but a freind said I should do it.
Yeah, should do it for now...I wouldn't use it again unless that's the last option you have. You shouldn't feed it with that fert for another 2 1/2-3 weeks anyways. That's plenty of gap for you to get another fert...Strongly suggest using the combo of all 3 nutes...grow/tiger/bloom....I haven't gotten to the bloom yet, but my results have been outstanding.:peace:


Well-Known Member
First office grow? That thing looks like an office plant by the context in which it thrives outdoors... Transplant it somewhere with a huge pot and lots of light and it will be outdoor.