The REAL Reason Cannabis is Illegal.

Cap K

Well-Known Member
I really don't know what is going to happen in 2012, but I do think the world is being primed for something big. We can watch History channel about the Mayan calendar and the predictions of Nostradamus. It's all around us in pop culture. There is even a film coming out with John Cusack called 2012. You see even Hollywood is getting in on the act. We hear about Planet NIburu and the galactic alignment. In any event as I say I think we are being primed, conditioned if you will to expect the worst whether that be Thermonuclear war, global famine, plagues, etc. It should be noted that whatever massive tragedies that begin to befall us in 2012, most wil be man made and purposely orchestrated.

For instance the ruling elite are of the thinking that there are entirely too many peole in the world, that is too many for them to effectively control. So believe me population control is in the cards and how do we think they will achieve these goals? What better way to wipe out thousands or millions of people in one fell swoop than say a nuclear war between the US and N. Korea? It's not outside the realm of possiblities, neither is famine and disease which are already being employed in third world countries. We also see the current attempt to turn the US into a third world country. I'm just saying these are the ifs that I contemplate almost daily.


Well-Known Member
If I told you the day rain falls exactly into certain cracks in the earth in 3064 it will cool down the earths core and stop life as we know it, because I predicted it, would you beleive me?
i don't know, have you created a calender more accurate than the one in use right now and create basically a farmers almanac that plotted out the next 26,000 years? if so, i might be inclined.

i agree with the op. you're clueless.


Active Member
I am not lacking alot of knowledge, I read alot, about alot of things, and that was a rather presumptuous thing to say. I just don't buy into the whole end of the world thing. And as for the galactic alignment...even so, when did that ever have anything to do with the end of the world? If I told you the day rain falls exactly into certain cracks in the earth in 3064 it will cool down the earths core and stop life as we know it, because I predicted it, would you beleive me? probably not, but someone thousands of years from now might. It's all speculation dude, none of it comes from any type of information gathered from A. a reliable source or B. the scientific method. Personally I'll leave the astrology and predictions to the coke heads. I take stuff for what it is man, and when you show me how exactly the world is going to end and don't just feed me cultural and economical cycles we've seen before then I'll take you seriously.
I said in a previous post the world as we know it will end and society will change for the better. When i say the world will end as we know it i mean society as we know it not literally the world will end.


Active Member
I really don't know what is going to happen in 2012, but I do think the world is being primed for something big. We can watch History channel about the Mayan calendar and the predictions of Nostradamus. It's all around us in pop culture. There is even a film coming out with John Cusack called 2012. You see even Hollywood is getting in on the act. We hear about Planet NIburu and the galactic alignment. In any event as I say I think we are being primed, conditioned if you will to expect the worst whether that be Thermonuclear war, global famine, plagues, etc. It should be noted that whatever massive tragedies that begin to befall us in 2012, most wil be man made and purposely orchestrated.

For instance the ruling elite are of the thinking that there are entirely too many peole in the world, that is too many for them to effectively control. So believe me population control is in the cards and how do we think they will achieve these goals? What better way to wipe out thousands or millions of people in one fell swoop than say a nuclear war between the US and N. Korea? It's not outside the realm of possiblities, neither is famine and disease which are already being employed in third world countries. We also see the current attempt to turn the US into a third world country. I'm just saying these are the ifs that I contemplate almost daily.
Thank you i agree with you on every point you made. The ruling elites as you said have already made a a virus that could whipe out our race from this planet. The swine flu aka H1N1 is just a the first version of it. It's only gonna get worst, they US Govement already warned us. If they have their way the world will be as the movie I Am Legend depicted.


I said in a previous post the world as we know it will end and society will change for the better. When i say the world will end as we know it i mean society as we know it not literally the world will end.

I know this. I realize the world is not going to literally end but society as we know it.

But, I still don't see how a galactic alignment predicts certain doom. And I don't see how refusing to accept that makes me "clueless"

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
loving it yogifresh, i'm not sure on "mental slavery" in regard to the whole world, but man, keep up the thoughts! i love getting blazed and letting my mind wander off onto a controversial and highly debated subjetc, i start picking apart arguments down to the letter :D

and as to liking the sound of your own voice, i normally can't help myself either. i find i open up a whole load of tabs on the net, start replying, then just close the tab halfway through as i realise i've alreayd written an essay that is fast going off course :D


Active Member
loving it yogifresh, i'm not sure on "mental slavery" in regard to the whole world, but man, keep up the thoughts! i love getting blazed and letting my mind wander off onto a controversial and highly debated subjetc, i start picking apart arguments down to the letter :D

and as to liking the sound of your own voice, i normally can't help myself either. i find i open up a whole load of tabs on the net, start replying, then just close the tab halfway through as i realise i've alreayd written an essay that is fast going off course :D
Thank you, and not the whole world is mentally enslaved, i live in the US and most of the population is.

@wildkard91 Let's just say i have knowledge you don't as you have knowledge i don't have, but feel free to ask any questions.


Well-Known Member
First off its illegal because of Mexicans(not their fault, they were just the catalyst and excuse) And i thing legalization is going in the right direction. There are what 13 states you can grow leagally, new states vote on it each year almost, some states have made under an OZ a misdemeanor, we are in better shape than we have ever been.


Well-Known Member
Oh god i just read the 2012 comments, now we are getting out there. You know the world will end new years 2000, oh wait it didnt? And those were scientist!


Active Member
Oh god i just read the 2012 comments, now we are getting out there. You know the world will end new years 2000, oh wait it didnt? And those were scientist!
If you had read threw the entire topic, you wouldn't have made this post.


Well-Known Member
I did read the entire post, doesnt change what i wrote. Is 2012 a date for something? Yes. Does anybody know what it is? No. Maybe its just when we make a new calendar.


I did read the entire post, doesnt change what i wrote. Is 2012 a date for something? Yes. Does anybody know what it is? No. Maybe its just when we make a new calendar.

that's exactly what I'm getting at. Where are the signs of this impending doom exactly other than a bunch of speculation

I'm not denying the significance of the myan's or anything like that, but why does the world have to end as we know it?


Well-Known Member
No...the Reagon administration really were the ones that all the bad low on weed and got it twisted in the sum research.I remember that.


Well-Known Member
Anyways whats your thought on 2012? Do you believe in the rebirth the mayans predicted?
you know the thing that kills me about the whole 2012 thing? people are like, "how can civilizations thousands of miles and years apart all predict the same date?" but its so simple i cant believe anyone still buys this HooDoo.

all these ancient civilizations all basically revolved around astronomy and used it to control the masses(modern day religion?). the mayan priests were just astronomers. they charted the skies to predict things like eclipses, then when the eclipse came they shouted some mumbo jumbo about the gods being pissed and they need a heap of gold and a dead guys heart to make it better and low and behold....the sun comes back out!

the same is with the 2012 predictions. these ancient people were able to predict this great alignment of planets through astronomy not some great cosmic warning via spirits of the dead.:roll:

in 2012 some planets are going to line up and in 2013 the earth will continue spinning.


Well-Known Member
First off its illegal because of Mexicans(not their fault, they were just the catalyst and excuse) And i thing legalization is going in the right direction. There are what 13 states you can grow leagally, new states vote on it each year almost, some states have made under an OZ a misdemeanor, we are in better shape than we have ever been.
You know weed was perfectly legal in the US till just a few decades ago, right? In fight I read somewhere that it was legal when Reagan was a kid.


Active Member
You know weed was perfectly legal in the US till just a few decades ago, right? In fight I read somewhere that it was legal when Reagan was a kid.
Yea it was legal back in the slave days, i was watching the documentary on the history channel. Most drugs that are illegal today was legal back then..


Well-Known Member
Back then rape and murder were pretty much legal too. Not to mention slavery. So I'm not so sure that's what we want to look at as the golden age. :p


Active Member
Back then rape and murder were pretty much legal too. Not to mention slavery. So I'm not so sure that's what we want to look at as the golden age. :p
Yea i agree, i thought it was funny they mention a salve smoked weed got high and killed his master, which was one reason that lead for it being illegal.