Can i bud?


Well-Known Member
This is my first plant. I started it in may. it's about 15 inches tall know and i have one set of leaves at the top with 7 "fingers" and the rest have 5. i read somewhere that it should have alternating nodes before i make it bud??? is that right. please help me out
you can but you would be missin out! id wait till atleast 36in or so!! patince is a vertur!! :peace:


it depends on your set up and your lighting schudle 24/7 20/4/18/6 ect. soil grow or hydro grow.!!! :peace:

to tell yu the truth i have no system. i have no special lights i just keep it in my window so it gets the morning sun then move it to the backyard for the rest ofthe day to get afternoon and evening sun. and i planted it in miracle grow even though i know some sd they dont like it. O and i wate when dry every 2 to 3 days.


i would cut the top off after the first week of flowering. if u put it on 12/12 it might duble in height by the 6th week


Well-Known Member
to tell yu the truth i have no system. i have no special lights i just keep it in my window so it gets the morning sun then move it to the backyard for the rest ofthe day to get afternoon and evening sun. and i planted it in miracle grow even though i know some sd they dont like it. O and i wate when dry every 2 to 3 days.
then it would veg. at the rate as if it were outdoors. so when your ready to bud just make sure it gets 12hr of un interupted darkness. but why not just put it out side and let it finish out like that since you movein back and forth any way?? :peace:


then it would veg. at the rate as if it were outdoors. so when your ready to bud just make sure it gets 12hr of un interupted darkness. but why not just put it out side and let it finish out like that since you movein back and forth any way?? :peace:

well i dont leave it out side because it's rainy season here and we get some crazy thunderstorms with crazy wipping wind and im scared it will hurt my baby so i bring it in if it starts to rain and at night.


Well-Known Member
well i dont leave it out side because it's rainy season here and we get some crazy thunderstorms with crazy wipping wind and im scared it will hurt my baby so i bring it in if it starts to rain and at night.
i guess just do what you can then man! some rain and wind wont hurt it the wind can strenten it!( no tornados man ) best of luck to ya!! :peace: out

c 3

well i dont leave it out side because it's rainy season here and we get some crazy thunderstorms with crazy wipping wind and im scared it will hurt my baby so i bring it in if it starts to rain and at night.

You can flower that plant whenever you like. Remeber it double and somtimes triple sizes in the flowering stage