First Grow…So Don’t Harsh my Stoke


Active Member
Here's some photos of the girls in their new bondage rigs, one topped. I bought them at a hydro store for a buck a piece. They're legit.

It is SO hard for me to just cut off the top of my babies.

I did one of the bigger side tops the other day and two stems popped up next to it. I didn't post photos of that cause they're terrible quality.

So today I cut an actual top off one that was throwing off my canopy after tiedown. But not too low. I'm still scared:-(. I musta stood over it for 20 minutes before I finally did it lol. Did I do okay? Did I cut too high up on the plant?



Active Member
bi carb and vinegar helped so much after my 1st grow i went out and brought reg, solenoid and computer controller. i would not have yielded no where near what i did without it. HIGHLY recommended if u can be fuct! well worth it. i did it once a day using a coke bottle with a hose coming out of lid, i put the hose behind my fan. then put bi carb soda around a teaspoon in coke bottle then pour about 200ml of vinegar in QUICKLY do lid up, the reaction creates co2 gasses. these gases fill the bottle and force the gas through the pipe to my fan where its blown around he room. did that 2 or 3 times once a day and after a week i could fully notice. what was funny was All my mates were doing it after that!
good luck with the grow looks like it should be good, come check out mine its im my sig at the bottom. i started growing years ago with 1 400 w hps and a few pots of perlite and bagseed from that i now have what i got. & still more to come.
Bi carb soda? Is that short for something? I can get it at the grocery store? Cuz I don't like the way I'm doing it right now. Sorta messy. What kinda hose do you use? I'm worried if I accidently get one that has PYC or something it will put off toxic fumes with the CO2.

I've talked with a lot of people who swear that 85 degrees Farenheight (or even higher) is the optimal temp for plants to take up the CO2. What do you think? Ima start putting a space heater in there shen I do the CO2 cuz my room stays pretty cool even with the door shut.

damn looks good!
Thank you kindly :hug:. I really appreciate encouragement, as this is my first grow.


Active Member
My temp stays between 75 and 80. My Humidity is always between 58 and 65. It stays on the higher end of that. Should I try to lower it a little?


Well-Known Member
You can raise temp a bit if using Co2, but most Co2 applications are ineffective. You really almost have to grow in a vacuum to get the benefits from it. Air movement and venting should screech to a halt for a bit or it just gets washed off and wasted.
i cant really see where you made the cut but ive heard that FIM (fuck i missed) pruning is the best way to go.. google 'FIM technique' .

personally, LST has worked fantastically for me. it spreads the growth hormones to every branch you basically see even growth all around and nice colas everywhere. i havent tried FIM yet.
btw dont worry too much about the PH and Co2 .. weed will grow almost in spite of you.. just give it some good nutes, lighting and ventilation and youll be fine


Active Member
btw dont worry too much about the PH and Co2 .. weed will grow almost in spite of you.. just give it some good nutes, lighting and ventilation and youll be fine
i cant really see where you made the cut but ive heard that FIM (fuck i missed) pruning is the best way to go.. google 'FIM technique' .

personally, LST has worked fantastically for me. it spreads the growth hormones to every branch you basically see even growth all around and nice colas everywhere. i havent tried FIM yet.
Thanks for checking out my shit dude. I always appreciate any input.

I'm loving LST right now. I was away for a couple days and I came home to find multiple strong tops growing out of the sides of all 4 plants, even Choppy over there.

The shoots immediately next to the cut have done NOTHING but 3 of her other branches have reached way up to the point that one is throwing off my canopy fact that whole plant is growing out of hand...teenagers.

I did my best to fuck it up, but you just can't keep Mary J. down LOL. In reality, I've probably lost what would have been the biggest cola of my first project, but I bet I'll still get a lot out of such a very healthy plant.

Whatever happens it's worth learning about these things now. Next time I'll try topping a bit earlier, and Ill cut much lower.
yes i believe lst is the way to go. i hate mutilating my plants lol. i will post a pic of my 'The Black' mother that is the pride and joy of my grow op right now .. as soon as i find some batteries for the camera
i leave it outdoors all day from like 9-am to 8pm then i take it inside and put it under a fluorescent (all i can do right now until i get my grow room finished).
actually not fluorescent -- the new 'energy-efficient' bulbs i think their CFL bulbs. its in a 10gallon bin. i have to redo all my tiedowns every few days. theres always new shoots growing hella fast in the middle


Active Member
It's getting crowded in there. Have a look. Is it gonna be a problem to flower those in that space? I need to switch to flower cycle but I still need a few things and I'm kinda broke. So I'm putting a priorotized wish list at the bottom so I spend my next paycheck on the things I really need.

The two shoots immediately next to the top cut I made havent' become tops like I thought they would. In fact they did basically nothing, but the rest of the plant is still bushin and stretchin, so I'm not too worried.

The LST is going great. I'm a big fan. But I feel they are getting so wide that they may rob light from eachother as they mature, so I'm taking the tiedowns off tonight I think. Then I'll begin the 12/12 cycle on Friday hopefully. I'll post some more photos then.

Wish List
1. Panda film
2. Bloom nutes
3. Mychorrizade stuff
4. pH stick

...more later

I'm only posting a couple photos cause now my McGuyver CO2 system is running so I don't wanna open the door.




Active Member
I finally got my shit light tight. It's way harder than I expected.

In hindsight, I shoulda done it before I started.

I knew I had spoken too soon when I said I had it easy. I found something yesterday.

Found out it's mold or mildew or both and a bug as well. Don't know what it is but hit it with a Perenthemum bomb today, neem oil as preventative protectant yesterday, and No Tolerance by Ed Rosenthal three days ago but I don't think that did much, not sure.
I think it's kinda new. It's supposed to be for basically everything.

My 12/12 cycle can wait. I don't wanna put them into bloom with shit on em cause I know that could be even worse. Plus I'm returning the 250w hps and getting a 600w.

My humidity has been peaking at 69% lately, but it usually stays between 53 and 63.

I hung up a bag of damprid cause I've heard if I keep it dryer there's nothing that really has much of a chance to grow or live.

I got an accurate pH kit and found out my soil is fine (6.0-6.3), and the distilled water I bought a while back is good, too (I think it was a little less than 7.0).

I got a PPM meter and found out my tap water is just a little bit too high (250), but not horrible.

I got my bloom nutes (Foxfarm), but I wanna get more; the Foxfarm solubles. I'd also like to get that beneficial fungus stuff and start experimenting. One thing at a time, though. Exhausting 600w could get expensive.

So, even though I'm having a mysterious and terrifying problem right now, I'm still pretty excited about things to come and all my new toys lol.

But seriously, it might sound like I'm getting into a bunch of complicated shit thats out of my league and not necessary for a noob to worry about, but thats how I approach things.

I wanna start learning everything as soon as possible so one day I can have this mastered to the point that it's easy for me

Rambling. Check out the weirdness. I don't know why I don't have any really clear photos of it, but the most worrisome thing is this black sticky resiny kinda film that's on the top sides of some lower leaves. It looks like what mold would look like I think. A few leaves seem like they're getting wrinkeld up and papery, like your grandma's skin. Often around that is this whiteish/yellowish protrusion-like spotting that makes me think of mildew. Then some show slight spotting that's yellow/orange.

Its much worse now than it is in the pictures. The mold is everywhere. I sprayed two and I'm gonna spray the other two soon as long as the first two don't burst into flames lol.



Active Member
The first photo shows a bug hole in a leaf. It's not a real bad one. There are worse, but that one shows up well


good on the yeast, water and sugar. The yeast should grow for a few days and then will need to be refreshed.


Active Member
good on the yeast, water and sugar. The yeast should grow for a few days and then will need to be refreshed.
Ya I figured that out. Adding more active yeast works for a while, too, I think. I have much bigger concerns now. Check it out. The last photo shows them after I trimmed a bunch of black off. Tried not to clip more than 30% but there was a LOT of black. Do you know anything about this stuff?



Active Member

- Not building panda film dark room before starting meant I let them get too big and wide before the stretch of early flowering
- Watering inside closet and allowing runoff to sit...lazy :? this is probably why I got the mold and bugs in the first place.
- Attacking a small problem too aggressively
- Choosing the wrong light wasted more time

How I will avoid them:

- Well now I have the panda film in and it's light tight.
- I have plans for a tray that will sit at a slant. The low end will have a hole drilled with a hose attached (caulking at seams) that will run into a bucket below. That way I don't always have to take them out of the closet to water and feed.
- I definitely know more about how plants react to treatments, clipping etc. and have learned countless things about the ins and outs of my environment. And I'll probably never bomb again, especially in my tiny ass room.
- I traded my big ass hood that had a heavy ass 250 watt ballast attached for a 400 watt digital ballast, a much smaller, lighter, and more efficient hood, and a hortilux bulb (hps). This one fits nicley with venting and all.

So it wasn't a complete waste because I learned A LOT and I'm not just chuckin these. I'm putting three in a friend's yard and one in a guerilla outdoor location as an experiment (it's my property, just not really approved of there the way it is here).

Now I have a better outline of how things will go and a ton more confidence in my ability. I also have an AC hooked up and I will soon have an operational exhaust venting from the closet to outside (probably tomorrow).

Now when it's time to go to 12/12 I won't be stuck with my head up my ass. I even have the hps/mh hood hanging up already. Its on its own risers hanging above the T5. So there should be nothing slowing me down when I want to go to 12/12 this time. Just throw on the bulb and glass cover, pull out the T5, and flip a switch.

Thanks to all who help, all who take the time to read, and thank you RIU. I would be lost without this place.




Active Member
Nice journal bro, Girls are looking good. Have you thought of a bog? (Barrel of green) I was always quite sceptical about both scrog and bog, but harvested my first bog grow the other day and i've gotta say it works really well. High yield while maximizing space. Gotta love that.


Active Member
Bog ftw. Very good journal. Pitty the crowd hasnt come yet.

Nice journal bro, Girls are looking good. Have you thought of a bog? (Barrel of green) I was always quite sceptical about both scrog and bog, but harvested my first bog grow the other day and i've gotta say it works really well. High yield while maximizing space. Gotta love that.
Thanks for the love yall. I've got some things in the works and I'll have more girls arriving shortly. I'm staying busy with planning (and finagling my roommates into letting me use a corner of our study haha). I'll definitely check out bog tonight while I'm researching stuff.

More photos soon.

Thanks again :joint::peace: