Why I hate WalMart


Well-Known Member
i wa also disapointed when i went to the garden center of my wal-mart and onnly found mg and no plastic pots (go figure) though my disapointment soon turned to excitement when i found a machete and a leather sheeth for $6.61 check out the camping section


Well-Known Member
That's funny...you hate Wal-Mart because they don't have the SOIL you are looking for? Why did you go to Wal-Mart looking for appropriate soil? Wouldn't you go to, I dunno, a nursery or a true gardening store?

The expectations people have are often out of control. Wal-Mart has soil, they have electrical equipment and they have just about everything under the sun. What they don't have is one of every kind of every thing under the sun. That's why the other shops are still around at all.

And don't hate Wal-Mart just because they do it right and do it better than anyone else in history. That's just ridiculous.

No, I hate WalMart because like I said - it's full of cheap, plastic crap and fat redneck women in stretch pants with screaming, dirty children.

Nurseries don't typically carry hardware items like, say, Y splitters either. So a department store is much more practical than driving all over town to hit 2 different stores.


Well-Known Member
my wal-mart sells about 4 different types of soil. and those y splitter for the bulbs in the eletric department. i dont know whats up with your wal- mart but mines fine --granted they could add a few more items to their list but so far the only thing iv had to go outside of wal-mart or lowes for is to get my hps ep. or for more of the finer quilties stuff for my set up..PEACE-- you know you be eye balllin the women-hehe lol. its ok to look


Well-Known Member
Well, Lowe's had everything I needed. I'd have gone there first, but they were closed when I went out last night. Y splitters were hard to find, but less than $2 apiece and got some non-MG organic soil. Now to repot the babies and re-arrange the lighting! Never thought I'd be so excited about screwing in a couple of light bulbs, lol.

EDIT: yes, my neighborhood WalMart is ghetto. It seems they are always "out" of exactly the one thing I need most, or don't carry it at all. The garden section leaves a lot to be desired, but I guess in the middle of the city there isn't much of a demand for high-quality gardening products.


Well-Known Member
Well, Lowe's had everything I needed. I'd have gone there first, but they were closed when I went out last night. Y splitters were hard to find, but less than $2 apiece and got some non-MG organic soil. Now to repot the babies and re-arrange the lighting! Never thought I'd be so excited about screwing in a couple of light bulbs, lol.

EDIT: yes, my neighborhood WalMart is ghetto. It seems they are always "out" of exactly the one thing I need most, or don't carry it at all. The garden section leaves a lot to be desired, but I guess in the middle of the city there isn't much of a demand for high-quality gardening products.
yeah that makes sense i live in camden new jersey and we barely have a garden section more like a garden shelf


here is some of the stuff i do buy at walmart soda, hair stuff, tooth paste, tp, soap all kinds, raddit food, cat food, eggs, vacum, ds, clothes my kids grow out in 2 min, common why pay more for the exact same shit some where else. do you think better people own those other stores? as far as soil i do buy stear shit to mix in my garden for 99 cents and my plants love it. its not for all your grow needs, thats why theres grow stores, duh


Well-Known Member
Walmart != hardware store.

That aside walmart is the only place in our town with those plastic red and yellow ketchup bottles for nutes lol.

So i hate walmart a little less now.

I hate em because of the way they treat their employees, ect....i only shop there in the middle of the night when no walmart zombies are around, or if no where else has the thing I need.


Well-Known Member
You mean the way that they employ their employees and give them jobs? What about their treatment of employees don't you like?

Have you ever been employed by Wal-Mart? How many other companies will even hire employees over the age of 60 anymore?


Well-Known Member
Walmart != hardware store.

That aside walmart is the only place in our town with those plastic red and yellow ketchup bottles for nutes lol.

So i hate walmart a little less now.

I hate em because of the way they treat their employees, ect....i only shop there in the middle of the night when no walmart zombies are around, or if no where else has the thing I need.
HAHA. We have 3 24/7 Wal-Marts IN MY TOWN !!! I get all my grow supply from there. I love going there At like 2 am when the only people there are crackheads using the Coinstar machine and me. No one ever seems suspicios of the young guy buying loads of gardening equipment at 2 in the morning.


Well-Known Member
Why I hate W-Mart . . . no shade in the parking lots (for my dogs) no visible clocks, and fat chix in stretch pants that cling to their disgusting cellulite! Ugh.
The bottleneck at the 3 open check-out counters mixed in with the 75 unmanned ones pisses me off, too.


Well-Known Member
You mean the way that they employ their employees and give them jobs? What about their treatment of employees don't you like?

Have you ever been employed by Wal-Mart? How many other companies will even hire employees over the age of 60 anymore?
Let me guess... you've worked there.

That would explain the defensive position you've taken up on their behalf.

I stand by my original statement. I hate WalMart for many reasons. In my experience as a bargain shopper, there are better deals on better quallity merchandise to be had elsewhere.

A few Christmases ago, I stopped at WalMart to check out their toy section for my kids. I found absolutely nothing. Not that they didn't have tons and tons of toys, just that they were all cheap, plastic noisemaker types of toys that looked like they would break the second you took them out of the box. So, I went to Target and found just about everything I was looking for.

I've rarely been to WalMart since.


Well-Known Member
Haha...I've never worked at Wal-Mart. I make 6 figures doing my work. Wal-Mart is unfairly bashed because of the immense success that they have enjoyed.

Not that the company is by any means perfect, they are far from it, but I am a free market capitolist and understand the Wal-Mart model. If quality products at a higher price sold off the shelves the store would be full of them. The company that I work for sells it's products inside of Wal-Mart as well as many Big Box Retail stores. Our product is the most expensive in it's market and by far the most superior. Our sales are the lowest in Wal-Mart and the highest (in our segment) in stores like Lowes.

This store didn't change the way America does business and they didn't 'destroy' the American community. They DISCOVERED the way American's desired to do business and for the lower-income and middle class it has supported the American community.


Well-Known Member
Haha...I've never worked at Wal-Mart. I make 6 figures doing my work. Wal-Mart is unfairly bashed because of the immense success that they have enjoyed.

Not that the company is by any means perfect, they are far from it, but I am a free market capitolist and understand the Wal-Mart model. If quality products at a higher price sold off the shelves the store would be full of them. The company that I work for sells it's products inside of Wal-Mart as well as many Big Box Retail stores. Our product is the most expensive in it's market and by far the most superior. Our sales are the lowest in Wal-Mart and the highest (in our segment) in stores like Lowes.

This store didn't change the way America does business and they didn't 'destroy' the American community. They DISCOVERED the way American's desired to do business and for the lower-income and middle class it has supported the American community.
Finally, someone with a brain :hump:


Active Member
Besides the fact that it's full of cheap, plastic crap and fat, redneck women in stretch pants - WTF is with WalMart and Miracle-Gro?

Went there last night to get some soil to repot my plants, and lo and behold - ALL they have is Miracle-Gro! MG Soil, MG fertilizers... that's it. NO other brands at all. I couldn't even find a bag of soilless mix like sphagnum or anything!

On top of that, they didn't have any Y splitters for my bulbs. :?

Anyway, just wanted to rant. I'm on my way to Lowe's now. Hopefully they'll have everything I'm looking for.

Anyone else hate WalMart with as much passion as I do?
Imagine me first time grower lol. i got most my stuff from there first cupple days. and ofc. No Y splitters and only crap MG soil. along with only low watt cfls and crap fixtures


Well-Known Member
why i hate walmart....their meat dept is a joke. the cashiers won't even load your shit in the buggy after you pay for it.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
so y not just steal what yo need like its simple and there are no reprocussions cuz ya never get caught...LESS YOU SUCKK!!


Well-Known Member
walmart is great. especially the 24 hour super centers. they are the best. try ge tting any fucking thing from your local hardware store at 330 in the morning when your high on vicadin and whiskey and want to play with your grow room.


Well-Known Member
Walmart SUCKS and we all know it,.....But this is the wrong forum to discuss it........I live near lots of walmarts and garden centers and its still hard to find good grow shit except for the one and only grow store in town:wall: