Well-Known Member
correction: he wasnt allowed to make his case. one should not have to raise their voice, point their finger, act hostile, and make their opponent submit into silence in order to present a case. that is not a debate.
For me the debate is over...You wanted a Glenn Beck thread to show how great he was? Good luck with that...only people with there TV glued to fox news could think this man is a good person....
Next to the other fox scum hes still a peice of shit.
Recovering alcoholic my ass hes on booze right now...he looks it. For the money hes gonna spit whatever rupert murdock and his puppet master tell him to spit.
Taking up a partisian left and right battle is exactly what the controling faction wants you to do and expects you to do. I watched the idot on the oboma video now im about 4:08 dumber then I was. He was probally cheering for us to go after the WMD's and sparking up some illeagl wars. fox news profits from war and uses there brainwashing propoganda to incite vilonce. Beck is just a talking Head...but im sure if you met him he's also an A-hole.
Hes about as much a lubraterian as I am a chimpanzee.
And OMG...we wouldn't want any illeagl imagrants becomming leagl...then they will have the right to vote? You think that guy is great? This is country founded on imagration, theres plenty of room let em in.
The Enemployment isn't caused by imigration is by lack of production, One of the first things done under the bush regime was reclassifying fast food workers as manufactures (hamberger This offset the numbers while they broke the production jobs of the country.
Big tax breaks for the big corporations dont lead to more jobs and more money for us....Trickle down economics for the regan bush lovers....dosen't work. Im tired of getting tricked on...I need some hard working med patients with jobs producing american goods and spending there paychecks in the local comunities.
Beck and your big business friends are handing our country over to the highest bidder.