Your first time high

I felt like an outcast! lol.... i think i was by myself and did a really shitty job at trying to roll a joint. Now that im a little more experienced its fun to blaze with a couple close friends.
My first time was on a halloween when i was 13 or so. Dressed up as homer simpson and went door to door getting candy with the most amazing feeling in the back of my head laughing my ass off everytime someone opened the door.
The first time I smoked I didn't get high, got like one hit and the lighter went out. The second time I smoked I got beeelazzzeeedd. A friend and I smoked one bowl of mids (worse than regs imo) behind some abandoned house. We left with the weed and pipe in my pocket and we walked to a conveniece store from a drink. For some reason my friend told me to wait outside which I did, and the second I stepped out a cop pulled in the parking lot and creeped around but he left thank god. When we got to his house my heart was racing and I didn't like it (I would love for those feelings again) and we played some GTA VC.

I quit smoking for two months when I smoked for the first time it was from my one and only grow that I had saved for months. The strain was Electric Fruit Punch from HighGrade-Seeds and it was incredible. I watched an episode of family guy but I had to pause it a lot because my stomach was hurting so much from laughing so frickin hard. I was paranoid, my heart felt like it was going to jump out, and I loved every second of it.
First time I got high was totally unexpected.

My friend had been joking for a while that he was gonna get me to smoke so one day I jokingly told him to pick some up and I'd smoke it. Sure enough he calls me up about an hour later and says "Come outside".

So we went out to this nature reserve and he rolled up a blunt and...well...I felt nothing.

I don't know if it's because as a non-smoker previously my body just didn't really know what to do or what, but I got NO effect whatsoever.

The next day he rolled another one up out of the same stuff and BANG! I was off into loo-loo land.

Those first couple months were the most fun, I had people coming out of the wood work wanting to smoke with me because I had always been straight edge up until that point.
First time I got high was totally unexpected.

My friend had been joking for a while that he was gonna get me to smoke so one day I jokingly told him to pick some up and I'd smoke it. Sure enough he calls me up about an hour later and says "Come outside".

So we went out to this nature reserve and he rolled up a blunt and...well...I felt nothing.

I don't know if it's because as a non-smoker previously my body just didn't really know what to do or what, but I got NO effect whatsoever.

The next day he rolled another one up out of the same stuff and BANG! I was off into loo-loo land.

Those first couple months were the most fun, I had people coming out of the wood work wanting to smoke with me because I had always been straight edge up until that point.

You draw big X's on the back of your hands and wear your sisters pants too?
You draw big X's on the back of your hands and wear your sisters pants too?

Not quite.

It was just that up until around that period I was really focused on what I was doing in school and work, so I didn't want to do anything to distract me, not like I was pushing it on people or shoving it in their face.
My first time was awesome...I was in The Roosevelt hotel in Hollywood, in a fucking awesome room and damn luxurious, my dad had gotten it for free basically because he did a huge job for the hotel(hes a painting contractor)...I am 13 years old at the time...and I had tried weed before but hadn't gotten high at all because I just didnt know how to inhale I guess, so I consider this my first we're are just walking around Hollywood checkin everthing out early in the my ears was new years so it was crazy down there...and I remember exactly how it all happened. We were just waiting to cross the street, and My dad tells me and my brother out of the blue..."I made some brownies" with a smile on his face...and and me and my brother immediately asked..."what kind?"...even though we both very well knew because are dad would tell us stories from back in the day about always making super strong brownies...keep in mind even though our dad was open and told us about how he used to be a stonecold hippie and smoke weed and temple ball hash all the time, we just werent super eager or anything to try it, but if the opportunity came, we would...and we also never knew his position on us smoking weed, and we had never asked to smoke weed with him...we just figured that part of his life was in the past, anyways we were educated and we knew weed wasnt a dangerous drug ...anyways me and my bro are then super stoked that we would be eating brownies, so I decide to ask if he has any weed, and he says "yeah I got quite a bit"...from that day on, life hasnt been the same(in a great way)...our relationship w/our dad became so much much more open and honest...he went into a headshop...bought a pipe, this was all amazing to us, we were in awe of the situation lol...anyways in the end...we ended up being completely RIPPED from the brownies...and high as fuck from his joints that couldnt stay lit because the weed was so dank lol and it all took place in an awesome and secure environment up in the hotel room where no one would bother us, ended up passing out, and sleeping deep, ill never forget how good of sleep I got...and we've been smokin weed ever since....
uh i was 15 with my fat friend tommy who had smoked earlier that summer (it was october now) and so i wanted to try, so i talked to a kid in my english class and he hooked me up, and my friend came up to my house in the middle of no where and then we walked to this abandoned cabin and packed a bowl. I dont remember being high, i just remember laughing at the littlest thing....probably thought i was high but then next time i blazed i got fucked up
first time consisted of me and 2 of my closest friends.

all i can recall is my friends voice saying "this can't be happening" over and over and over, haha.

good times.

we'd smoked before, but hadn't really got high. we found this really elaborate pipe, it was a beautiful piece and one hit out of that did the job :D
Holy fucking shit, it was amazing. I remember everything too...weird.

It was back when I was 13, summer. My sister(15 at the time) and I went out back to this valley we have in our backyard, sitting on the rocks overlooking the valley. We smoked outta an old soda can.

I remember everything seemed to get brighter, the colors more rich, and I just could not stop smiling, my cheeks started hurting. We got hungry and decided to walk down to Mickie D's. It was a perfect day out, sunny, hot, no clouds. We got to McDonald's and we were standing in line. There were only a few people there at the time.

So my sister turns to me with wide eyes, "Oh shit, Sam did I just piss myself? It feels like I pissed myself." I look down, and you know how some jeans are designed in a way that makes it look darker around the crotch area? Well since I was high, it looked like she had pissed herself.

"Fuck, you might've I don't really know. Does it feel wet-Fuck did I just piss myself?" I fuckin felt like I had too. 'Cause it was hot out and we were sweating and stuff.

So we stood there in line, freaking out for a few minutes, thinking we pissed ourselves. We get so freaked we run into the bathroom to check.

We didn't piss ourselves :mrgreen: But it was mad funny 'cause when we walked outta the bathroom, everyone in there was staring o.O
I don't remember the first time i smoked but i remember the first time i was really really ripped. My friend and I had just killed this huge J and had some really bad munchies, decided to go to the store and get some food. On the way there we were discussing how not to look like you are high so we wont get busted (stupid paranoia, I know) I remember we walked in and were doing our best to keep our shit together for about ten seconds and then it turned into a fucking mess. we were almost crying we were laughing so hard by the time we left with our chips.
first time i got high I was 12 years old. I was at my buddy mikey's house and he told me to go get him a fruit rollup. I go down stairs and come back upstairs to a locked door and a the dankiest stench ever. He lets me in trying to act all secretive (afraid that I would snitch) and i ask about the stench then he breaks and explains all the weed business to me. Excited with curiosity I tell him well lets smoke so he makes a steam roller out of a toilet paper roll and aluminum, We smoke 12 bowls then played super mario bros for 6 hours and ate his whole kitchen. I loved middle school
:cry::cry::cry: i dont remember i was around 12-13--so dont know what my experience was like... but their are alot of times that i was high that i could not tell cuz i was just to :eyesmoke: to remember..sooooo...i dont know....:peace:
first time consisted of me and 2 of my closest friends.

all i can recall is my friends voice saying "this can't be happening" over and over and over, haha.

good times.

we'd smoked before, but hadn't really got high. we found this really elaborate pipe, it was a beautiful piece and one hit out of that did the job :D

Sad thing is My 14 year old sister somehow had weed and I caught her smoking back when I was 17 and well needless to say i joined in and havent stopped yet, 21 years old now... my sister stopped 2 years later and went on to do other stupid shit which I didnt let go on for more than a day... if you get my drift! Gotta remember green is the only way, Ive done pretty much everything in the book besides H which is for jackass's and I dont care what anyone else thinks and i must say I will only smoke weed for the rest of my life.. ill prob die with a bong in my hand.

Much Love,
I was 16, i went to my friends friends house and we bought some weed, my fruends rooled a blunt and we passed it around....i was in a bedroom with just blacklights on and a glow in the dar rug, with the stereo booming.....after the blunt i see my friend pull out some weed he says cost 25 bucks a gram....he said it was called "incredible hulk dro" that was the best shit i ever had, we passed the pipe around... i melted into the bed....good times