The UK Growers Thread!

yo yo guys just wondering if anyone knew where i could get a nice carbon filter for a PC grow? obviously size is an issue. anyone used one before with PC grows? i only ask here cause i would prefer to buy from the uk rather than over seas :) any help would be good
looks like a good page there.

i got my filter from aqua-culture and taht is certainly not small :D think half the size of your computer case :P

it's not really todo with the case being small or not, if he's growing weed, the plants will probably honk, and if he wants to grow well, he'd need to ventilate the case well, so yeah, he'd probably want some kind of filter or smell scrubber
damn been looking for a UK growers thread for ages!!
if you want to find a carbon filter your best bet is the website don gin and ton linked, they look pretty nice to me :)
it is a shame we cannot have a section, after the american posters uk ones come second, my first account wa in 07 and we tried to get one then ! always a no, never really a decent reason either, lets hope RIU change their minds....
we made a lovely diy filter, and it's been doing the job well up to now. It's plugged into a timer and only comes on for 15 mins an hour. there is an explaination in my journal.
My girlfriend stopped in this morning on her way to work and said she could smell the plants a bit. So tonight the timer gets changed to 30 mins every hour.

saying that this looks like it could be quite effective
sweet thanks for the help guys ill check out FAQ - didnt actually realise tht existed looks pretty packed with useful info :) lal
hey guys has anyone on here ever grown Big Buddha Cheese if so what yeild did you get off it? also your method of growing hydro, coco ,soil ,lights, nutes, ect

because im growing bbcheese at the min and i thought it would be good to find out what other people have acomplished. :peace: out .
Alright UK growers.. I'm in the North of Ireland trying the outdoor vibe seen as the sun is shining more often this summer and also my girlfriend wasn't happy with my perfectly constructed grow room in the attic. :cry: I've four AK47 feminised seeds on the go. Week four after germination and I've got them in one of those plastic green house things ye can pick up for £13. I also bought a temp sensor which turned out to be a crucial piece of kit cause the temp can soar to 40 degrees in the day time if ye don't open the flap and can drop below 10 at night, in which case I bring them in.
I'm not convinced that they have ever experienced true darkness yet though:confused:. Maybe i should get some sort of black out blanket to throw over them in the evenings and then remove it come morning.
I also bought a moisture meter, which has prevented me from watering these wee babies on numerous occasions. I reckon if i didn't have that meter, they'd all probably be drowned by now.
I started off by putting them all directly into large pots in topsoil. Mixed results lead me to re-potting half of them in compost after four weeks. I'll keep ye posted on that one.

This is my 1st time posting, though I do enjoy the live chat from time to time. Very amusing, especially to think that for me its 1 in the morning and for those guys its not, and they're still cained, talkin about crazy sh!t. Anyway, I hope my grammar was ok.
Also, :rolleyes: I think we should have an Irish section (sic) for just Irish people (sic) to talk about Irish matters relating to weed (sic) lol!!! That British guy cracks me up :grin:

Oh yeah, and aren't most of the guys running this site Canadian?
Peace out.

here's a picture of some cheese. costs me €435 off if ye ask me!!


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hey guys has anyone on here ever grown Big Buddha Cheese if so what yeild did you get off it? also your method of growing hydro, coco ,soil ,lights, nutes, ect

because im growing bbcheese at the min and i thought it would be good to find out what other people have acomplished. :peace: out .

you need too check out MR WEST JOURNAL. he love,s the cheese.
Ye man i talk to westie he is the king of cheese his jurnal is the reason why i started growing in the first place i just thought id get a bit of convesation going on here but its ok
Ye man i talk to westie he is the king of cheese his jurnal is the reason why i started growing in the first place i just thought id get a bit of convesation going on here but its ok

oh sorry mate. well i grew out there blue cheese it was nice. dont know about the reg cheese cos pick and mix were all out when i was ordering.
Alright UK growers.. I'm in the North of Ireland trying the outdoor vibe seen as the sun is shining more often this summer and also my girlfriend wasn't happy with my perfectly constructed grow room in the attic. :cry: I've four AK47 feminised seeds on the go. Week four after germination and I've got them in one of those plastic green house things ye can pick up for £13. I also bought a temp sensor which turned out to be a crucial piece of kit cause the temp can soar to 40 degrees in the day time if ye don't open the flap and can drop below 10 at night, in which case I bring them in.
I'm not convinced that they have ever experienced true darkness yet though:confused:. Maybe i should get some sort of black out blanket to throw over them in the evenings and then remove it come morning.
I also bought a moisture meter, which has prevented me from watering these wee babies on numerous occasions. I reckon if i didn't have that meter, they'd all probably be drowned by now.
I started off by putting them all directly into large pots in topsoil. Mixed results lead me to re-potting half of them in compost after four weeks. I'll keep ye posted on that one.

This is my 1st time posting, though I do enjoy the live chat from time to time. Very amusing, especially to think that for me its 1 in the morning and for those guys its not, and they're still cained, talkin about crazy sh!t. Anyway, I hope my grammar was ok.
Also, :rolleyes: I think we should have an Irish section (sic) for just Irish people (sic) to talk about Irish matters relating to weed (sic) lol!!! That British guy cracks me up :grin:

Oh yeah, and aren't most of the guys running this site Canadian?
Peace out.

here's a picture of some cheese. costs me €435 off if ye ask me!!

alryt chum ni grower here myself i seen u takin abot an irish thread well here it is ...
yoyo, completely sobre post here :O

does anyone know of any pro-weed human rights lawyers in the UK? been doing research, getting on the yapper to some solicitors and such and such, and yeah, i'm pushing forward with this i reckon. as far as i can see, the goverment signed me a death centance, simple as that, all because of their policy. so yeah, i'm pushing ahead, doing my reaearch, and i want to get on the phone with someone who truly understands every word of this ungodly long document! unless i'm mistaking words like no for yes, then as far as can see, it really is in violation.