only one seed


Active Member
I have one good seed and a ton of shwag seeds. I've heard that you can't plant only one seed so I was wondering:
1:is that true
2: if that's true then should I plant the other seeds with my good seed and hope for the best?
(I'm a noob to growing, had a couple plants get about 3 inches tall but then they all die)


Well-Known Member
Why can't you plant 1 seed? Whats gonna happen? The reason people say plant more then one seed is cause if you get a male your shit out of luck and need to start over again. So plant more then one seed to up your chances of getting a female. I have planted 1 seed before and did get a female. So I didn't have to start over. I just keep cloning it.


Well-Known Member
if your dealing with Bag seed. It is always good to plant many at a time due to the 50/50 chance that it will be a female.


Well-Known Member
I have one good seed and a ton of shwag seeds. I've heard that you can't plant only one seed so I was wondering:
1:is that true
2: if that's true then should I plant the other seeds with my good seed and hope for the best?
(I'm a noob to growing, had a couple plants get about 3 inches tall but then they all die)
Yes, you can plant just one seed. That seed will grow to be one plant. Where did you get that info from? totally false. I would recommend you(as a noob) to just plant the seed in moist soil instead of germinating it first. after about a week that seed should now be a seedling. It is usually not recommended to plant multiple plants the same container because they "compete" for food and water. And as with any competition, someone is gonna be the loser..... Whats the story with the 3 plants that died? Alot of people have this problem and its usually due to lack of knowledge.


Active Member
you can plant as few or as manny as you want. My first time i grew only one. I took great care of it, it was looking great and then when i went to sex it, it was male. last time i planted 4 seeds and only got one girl.


Well-Known Member
I planted 1 seed. Got lucky, a nl#5 female, about a week to harvest.
Plants dieing? We'll need some more info. Usually too much fert, over watering, on a seedling.


Active Member
all right, It's all coming back to me. I read Widow Makers thread about a year ago about growing (like, a step-by-step guide or something) and I just found it again! what I did was take the dirt from my front yard and mixed it with some of what I think was manure and mulch and also some miracle grow I then germinated my seeds filled about 5-7 clear plastic cups with my soil mix and planted the seeds. I had no clue what I was doing, so I watered it when the soil wasn't damp, and I left it in my window sill to use the natural light. I live in texas and get a good amount of light in my room so I thought it would be enough. here I'm going to sound ignorant but... isn't it just a weed?


Well-Known Member
if you want to only have 1 plant, just buy 1 feminized seed from an online seed bank. it's like a 95% chance you'll get a female.

fried at 420

Well-Known Member
get some plasic dixie cups and a 35qt. bag of MG for like 8 bux n put 2 shwag seeds in each cup separated about an inch and a half apart
the bud from the seeds is always gunna be better than the plant before it!


Active Member
all right, It's all coming back to me. I read Widow Makers thread about a year ago about growing (like, a step-by-step guide or something) and I just found it again! what I did was take the dirt from my front yard and mixed it with some of what I think was manure and mulch and also some miracle grow I then germinated my seeds filled about 5-7 clear plastic cups with my soil mix and planted the seeds. I had no clue what I was doing, so I watered it when the soil wasn't damp, and I left it in my window sill to use the natural light. I live in texas and get a good amount of light in my room so I thought it would be enough. here I'm going to sound ignorant but... isn't it just a weed?
LOL - yep, it is just a weed, but if you want juicy dank buds, you are going to have to give a lot of love. I'm in Texas as well, so here are some pointers:

1. Get to the nearest Hydroponic store...Texas Hydroponic on Burnet Rd. is a good place to start. If you are on a budget, get your dirt and nutes from this place, and lights elsewhere (not that their lights are over priced, I just don't know your budget) - NICE selection & very helpful folks.

2. Search Craig's List under "Farm & Garden" a search for "HPS", and you will come up with a plethora of folks selling their lights and other various needed materials for growing. You may also find some ads in the "General" section. BE WARNED - just because they are selling grow equipment does NOT mean they are 420 friendly, so don't mention what the grow is for...if they ask - just say veggies.

3. No window sill is going to provide enough light...not even in Texas. If you want to start your seedlings outside, May is a good month. Other than that, it's too darned hot.

4. Get a DECENT PH meter...grow shops everywhere have these. Make no mistake...Austin water has HIGH PH (9-10) and you WILL need some "PH down". IOW if you are using tap water without letting it breathe out the chlorine for 24 hours, then hitting it up with PH down before you water, your plants will either grow very poorly or die.
Remember - nutes can change PH, so if you are going to add nutes, take your PH reading after the nutes are added to the water. I like to see a PH of around 6.3 to 6.5 (digital is the way to go).

5. Do not germinate in clear plastic cups...quite simply, the roots will get confused. If you are going to use cups, use the solid colored ones, and make sure they have drain holes in the bottom.

6. Spend as much of your spare time as possible reading RIU...LOTS of great information here.


Well-Known Member
A couple of key things with soil that may have given you trouble.

Outside dirt - you can use it but it usually brings more grief than it is worth - pests often come with it
raw manure - raw manure is probably what fried your plants - composted manure is much better

It may rub against the grain, but unless you're doing a large grow, buying soil is a much better way to go.


Well-Known Member
weed is a delicate yet gentle plant. it can be chopped nearly in half and regenerate itself, but will die easier than you know.

the plant will grow regardless of what you do, but to get your desired yield, you must keep the plant at optimum conditions, especially lighting.