Question #2


ok my plant is 5 wweeks old it had some major nute burn and then i transplanted it into normal soil but most of teh root got riped up.....

But here the real question im going on vaction for 3 days so im put my plant out side will he die from teh inside ot outside change + my plant is just starting to recover from the nute burn.?!


Well-Known Member
no it should be ok as long as the photo period is close it might go in to shock from the harsher climet try to put it in a shady spot durring high noon


no it should be ok as long as the photo period is close it might go in to shock from the harsher climet try to put it in a shady spot durring high noon
put it out out on my front porch it has a roof over it and shade and i just put 2 cup of water since im gaun b gone 3 days.....