I agree there are a few rude people here but there are anywhere you go, not everyone is an ass... have fun on your new board.
he is right,this is a good board ,i did not know what they were either,and i am fifty years old,i now do as i looked up the info they had on this site,i dont think they are putting shit on you,they really are helpful,and i have not been a member long myself,and any posts i do ,i have a bit of fun with,as i have said i am no expert on indoor growing,outdoor i have grown since a lad,but lots of folk really know there stuff,i read what you asked also,i did not reply as i did not know,but lots on this site do,and i think most folk are fair dinkum,and try to help,i entertain for a living,so i find it hard not to put silly things in,but only to give folk a laugh,not to put them down,and if you leave to go to others i think you will find this is one of the better ones,any way that is up to you,but ,i will try one thing that i had in my mind,when you described wattage used,i think 400 watts was mentioned,i also did not understand what a c.f.l was ,but i do know clones like less powerful light at first,then build up,so if your wattage was what i thought,it may be you are frying your clones,but i was not sure if i was correct in what i had read,so best not to put my two bobs worth in ,anyway hope you stay at least you can have a laugh,and i have learnt a lot,just by looking at what the others say,i hope i am not one to upset you as i am always sending stuff to the wrong threads,or people and they seem pretty tolerent,of my stuff ups,i am good at taking the piss,but i will also do it to myself if it gets a laugh,and if you stay you will learn more than if you go,as many sites are not as good as this one,but up to you ,peace from oz.