if veg is 24/7 with lights on, does it take longer to budd?


New Member
exatly what the title says, I veged for almost 2 months and I'm on my 6th week is about to start, and I wanna know if my buds are gonna get any bigger
sorry, let me clear that up, I'm growing 10 plants, with 400 mh, and I left lights on for 24/7 for around 2 months, I was wondering if it takes longer to flower, I'm starting on my 6th week of budding, and the budds arn't very big, just wondering if they are gonna get big in the next 2 weeks, or are they gonna need more time, or if they're done already.


Well-Known Member
I grow (veg 24/7)
When I go 12/12 (you will see) the buds pack on wieght at the last 2 weeks. You canhelp them by adding 2 tbls per gallon of molases.


Active Member
I'm with golden on this one. The 24/0 lighting will produce shorter; bushier plants. As long as you have the right nutes and go 12/12, I dont see why you shouldn't produce bigger buds. I guess that cannabis is like a morphing bug; It goes through several stages and each one will depend on it's surrounding conditions. So dont worry and follow the book, you'll have fatter, denser nugs in no time.


Well-Known Member
Yeah My Northern Lights is looking good. She is 2 months old and I figure another 2-3 weeks before I flower her. I am going to flower Skunk #1 first, then as the rest get bigger and bushier I will put the rest in. You can see them all on the link below.
Bt here's my NL and Skunk #1 (last Friday).
Northern Lights

Top View

Skunk #1, ~20" and eats/nutes every other day, a full gallon.



New Member
I'm with golden on this one. The 24/0 lighting will produce shorter; bushier plants. As long as you have the right nutes and go 12/12, I dont see why you shouldn't produce bigger buds. I guess that cannabis is like a morphing bug; It goes through several stages and each one will depend on it's surrounding conditions. So dont worry and follow the book, you'll have fatter, denser nugs in no time.
sweet, thanks boyz. I was getting alittle worried, yea my plants are only about 21" tall, I thought maybe I stunted thier growth, cause I pinched 'em late, I also cut the bottem branches off in the late part of week 4 of 12/12. My humidity is high also, don't have a dehumidifyer, it's in the 70-80's, no mold though. I have been giving them bloom buster, and 1 tbls of molassas in a 4L jug.
thanks for the info, it's my first grow, all hints are welcome


Well-Known Member
As others have said its the last two weeks of flowering that most of the weight is put onto the buds. Depends on the strain as to how long flowering is usually between 8 and 10 weeks, so you would probably have between 2 and 4 weeks left. I'm probably gonna cause a row here but as your using MH lights I very much doubt you will get the big fat buds you want, would have been best to use HPS instead, but you will still get some nice potent shit.


In veg I really don't smell it. She is 18" tall now. Don't stink, but not 12/12 yet.

I'm curious, how much yield are you expecting from her? I know its not really possibly to know exactly . I want to grow 2 myself on my 250 MH/HPS and I wanna try for like 4-6 OZ's combined.


New Member
aggrrrrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! this fucking humidity is killing me!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I got FUCKING 90% humidity in there today, FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm too broke right now to get a dehumidifyer, I better not get mold