What are signs of a female?

is it a good sign if you touch the main steam and your fingers smell like bud? this plant is growing taller than my other plant, the smaller one looks like a bush. the taller one is the younger and they both around a month and half old. do they have a good chance of being female?

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
is it a good sign if you touch the main steam and your fingers smell like bud? this plant is growing taller than my other plant, the smaller one looks like a bush. the taller one is the younger and they both around a month and half old. do they have a good chance of being female?
The short stocky plant has a better chance of being a female. Males tend ti have half as much foliage and taller. It's true; I recently picked 4 females from 20 bag-seed, just by going by choosing the stockiest most lush plants.


Active Member
is it a good sign if you touch the main steam and your fingers smell like bud? this plant is growing taller than my other plant, the smaller one looks like a bush. the taller one is the younger and they both around a month and half old. do they have a good chance of being female?
males most of the time are bigger.. theres no telling untill they ethier grow balls or white hairs


Well-Known Member
What the people in the above posts said is generally true regarding female and male growth. However I have had plants that are the exact opposites of what they described - I have been fooled many times. I would never cut a plant down based on its growth rate and size - thinking it was a male until I see balls. Most plants will show pre-flowers at about 6 weeks of veg.