New Thread, New Farmer


This past weekend started my first attempt. I've done some research, but I haven't been able to spend much $$ yet. I got 2 cheap plant lights from wal-mart, but tomorrow I believe i'm going to purchase at least 2 26 watt CFL. I am working on the 18/6 light schedule. Here is a log of what has occured so far:

Day 1: Started germination set of seeds #1
Day 2: Started set of seeds #2
Day 3: Seeds from #1 began to open so I planted 6 in solo cups and Miracle Grow potting soil (Going to invest in better soil next transplant)
Day 5: 2 plants from set #1 sprouted. Also the seeds from set #2 were ready to be planted, so I beleive I planted around 8-10 of those.

I don't plan on growing a lot of plants as it is only for personal use, but I am assuming that my untested growing abilities are going to cause some fatal problems. With that said, I want to have a few to work with and space should not be a problem. Any advice from here on out will be appreciated!


Active Member
u shud get Miracle Grow moisture control til and just water tilll about 45 days or wenever feel like pre-flowering throw sum bat guano on top, use Blooming/Flowering fertz once Veg is over or after 45 days i guess?

when u transplant just transplant to a bigger portion of Miracle Grow but mix a good amount of worm casting in with miracle grow after a couple weeks in like 16 oz cups, preferably 5 gallon jugs of dirt

I got 2 cheap plant lights from wal-mart, but tomorrow I believe i'm going to purchase at least 2 26 watt CFL. I am working on the 18/6 light schedule. !
Id buy a bunch of the walmart grow lights and tape em together, ive seen this done and works very well on a small budget...I personally grow outdoor because i beileve the yield and growth is bigger, easier, and most of all cheaper than indoor setups.

but if u cant afford sum good grow lights just tape a bunch of walmart plant lights together for each place u want to put a light.


I don't believe i'm going to stick with MG since just about everything i've read has said to stay away from it. I figure i'll wait another week or so before I transport them to new soil/pots. Any suggestions for my next soil?

Regarding the lights, I think i'm going to use the CFL route since I can afford those in my budget.


Active Member
dont use any MG soil but moisture control, that is actually a good soil. just dont add any nutes besides bat guano(after 45 days) and bloom boosters

MG moisture control will prevent over-watering/under-watering not 100% prevent but will help.

beginner grower shud use MG moisture controller to get the hang of growing marijuana...because u mainly only have tofocus on nutes for flowering, less room for error unless u add souluable nutes of course....

once ur more expeirnced just get a regular soil that is recommonded for growing(i could really go in depth here)and use entire bio-bizz line

products for best yield is as follows
Bio-Grow(for vegitation
Bio-Bloom(for flowering Fox Farm blooming agent is just as good or i hear better)
Top Max(another BioBizz product helps increase cell division)
Alg-a-mic( another Biobizz product used for foilage feeding or for drenching soil good for preventing diesease and mainting green healthy leaves, ive spraid it on plants for rly good results

Im not sure bio-bizz has a any good root juice, so id go with Superthrive, you will only need 1 drop of superthrive per gallon this will help alot with helping ur roots grow alot faster and recover from shock quicker


Cool appreciate the advice. I probably will go with the Moisture Control when I replant them. Should I go ahead and move them into it, or will they be fine for maybe a week or so?

Also here's an update:

Day 7: 11 total have sprouted. A couple of them are already 2-3 in. tall and I assume that's a bad thing due to stretching. I just move the lights to about 4 in. I'd get closer but my current set up won't allow for it. I'm going to probably buy more lights tomorrow, which will either be CFLs or 4' florecents.

I'll try to get some pictures up soon.


Well-Known Member
Cool appreciate the advice. I probably will go with the Moisture Control when I replant them. Should I go ahead and move them into it, or will they be fine for maybe a week or so?

Also here's an update:

Day 7: 11 total have sprouted. A couple of them are already 2-3 in. tall and I assume that's a bad thing due to stretching. I just move the lights to about 4 in. I'd get closer but my current set up won't allow for it. I'm going to probably buy more lights tomorrow, which will either be CFLs or 4' florecents.

I'll try to get some pictures up soon.
Why won't your setup allow for the lights to get closer? Just set something under the seedling containers to raise them up?


Why won't your setup allow for the lights to get closer? Just set something under the seedling containers to raise them up?
It's the fixture that I have the bulbs in. Cone shaped metal, like something that you would use outside. The cones are almost touching the cups. I'm going to renovate my set up in the next few days.


Well-Known Member
It's the fixture that I have the bulbs in. Cone shaped metal, like something that you would use outside. The cones are almost touching the cups. I'm going to renovate my set up in the next few days.
Ah, just pick up some cheap fixtures from home depot. They're less than $2 apiece if you get the ones without a cord yet they want 4x that for a fixture with a cord. I bought a bunch of the cheap fixtures and some 99 cent extension cords to snip and use for the power cords. Even better get a Y splitter for each of the new fixtures, these cost another whole dollar and convert your single fixture into two. Not including bulbs, you can add a new fixture with two slots for about $4 each.


Ah, just pick up some cheap fixtures from home depot. They're less than $2 apiece if you get the ones without a cord yet they want 4x that for a fixture with a cord. I bought a bunch of the cheap fixtures and some 99 cent extension cords to snip and use for the power cords. Even better get a Y splitter for each of the new fixtures, these cost another whole dollar and convert your single fixture into two. Not including bulbs, you can add a new fixture with two slots for about $4 each.
The Y splitters are my plan. I couldn't find them at wal-mart so I need to figure out where the nearest Lowes or Home Depot is I suppose. I'm also going to pick up a fan so I can stick the kids in the closet. Wayyy to hot in there without a fan so i've been keeping them in the middle of a room under a cieling fan.


So I just figured out i'm retarded (actually I have known that) but the soil I have been using IS moisture control. I didn't even realize it until just now.


Well-Known Member
Computer fans work excellent for small grow areas. I had a few of these hung next to my fixtures last time.