My closet gets real hot real quick, have some pics, what do you recommend?? HELP!

I'm new to this and have 12 CFL's that put off 2,100 lumens each. I just put mylar surrounding the closet. And when I turn the lights on the thermometer zooms right up. What do you recommend based on my pictures that I do to keep it cool.would like to keep the sliding doors closed as much as possible.



Well-Known Member
Do you have an intake/exhaust? If you want to keep the temps down u need fresh air moving in and out. So you got a few options.. if you want to keep the doors open you could have a rotating stand fan just blowing into the closet. which would cirulate air as well as blow on your plants. You need somesort of fan always blowing on your plants to thicken the stem.. And with stale air your growth wont work to well. What are your temps reaching dude?


Well-Known Member
no no no.. lol if its at 90 that quick man hold on... you need some air flow lol.. your gonna fry your plants. Heat stress is not fun. My opinion is atleast get a fan blowing into the closet and keep the doors open... or cut a intake and exhaust port and get some fans blowing...
ya, thats why i havn't put any plants in. I was afraid they would die. I wonder if that mylar is making it like a sauna in there or the metal light reflectors on each light are heating up. I am unable to cut a whole in any of the doors or walls. So I guess my best bet is keep the door open a little bit?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
I'm new to this and have 12 CFL's that put off 2,100 lumens each. I just put mylar surrounding the closet. And when I turn the lights on the thermometer zooms right up. What do you recommend based on my pictures that I do to keep it cool.would like to keep the sliding doors closed as much as possible.

do what all these guys say and get air moving all the time atlest whin the light are on
might i surgest take the doors off and put up plywood if you donot own the doors then you could put holes in the plywood

you are welcome in advance


Well-Known Member
ya if you can cut holes i would leave the doors open some and blow a fan in there. Also yes mylar does create the "oven" effect. White paint works just as good without the heat issue :P


Active Member
I know that Mylar does have a tendency to reflect a tonne of heat, people here have suggested going with flat white paint or black/white poly if your temps are really high.
awesome, thanks alot. I wonder if taking the mylar down and finding a nice flat white paint is worth me doing?? will this keep the temp down enought with my CFL's to just run a fan if I do and not have to set up some hi-tech system?

That 5hit

Well-Known Member
awesome, thanks alot. I wonder if taking the mylar down and finding a nice flat white paint is worth me doing??
i use dryeraseer board it about 15$ usd a sheet it strong and flat white home depote check mypage for more angle
theboard comes in the same size as drywall (about the size of you closet opening with out doors but just use one side keep doors on and measure what you need) they will cut it for you free

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
awesome, thanks alot. I wonder if taking the mylar down and finding a nice flat white paint is worth me doing?? will this keep the temp down enought with my CFL's to just run a fan if I do and not have to set up some hi-tech system?
Have you tried running with only 6 bulbs lit? You have to exhaust the heat from the top and have cool air coming in near the bottom, but that may still not be enough to keep 250w (?) cool


I had 6 at first but I was told I needed more lumens. Each light is 2100 lumens

hey man,

I have a similar size closet grow with a 400hps. I did my homework first.

I have a 240cfm fan with carbon scrubber and 2x 120mm case fans bringing in fresh air. My temps are 75-80 but i also leave the door open during the lights are on and it keeps it down. Like everyone said here, you need a exhaust fan sucking out the hot air and then you need a passive, i suggest active, air venting in fresh air. there is no way around this. You cannot keep temps down without exhaust and intake, impossible.

And again, you need a fan circulating the air within the closet to have the stems thickin up.

Please do your homework first before setting up. Look into the FAQ's and start reading. There is plenty of info all over the web!

good luck!:joint:

Bill Gates

Active Member
It don't matter how hot it gets, if it is past 90 your plants are not going to fair well. You must move the air. if this is your home, a hole in the ceiling to the attic and a fan with ducts is the answer, if not. forget about growing. In an apartment, if your not moving air, your not moving smell and will get busted before your shit is dried. Look into something like a homebox (google) and use that with a filter and duct to do what you need. it is less obvious than that closet with all the light baking your goodies. Please be careful. the delight of a corp is shortlived when they are giving you a cavity seardh in lockup. Get venting and odor in order


Active Member
Its possible with an enclosure within the closet. A sealed box inside the closet could have intakes on the bottom, and exhaust out the top of the box.