The Second Amendment according to


Well-Known Member

The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to bear arms

Whats wrong with this picture here...

Lets see the REAL Second Amendment

Amendment II

A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.

Amendment II
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

Interesting Why isn't it correct on

Dolce Vita

Active Member
ya know it bothers me that we are losing our rights left and right latley but what really torkes me is that the people like it wtf!!!

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
The second amendment doesn't give us the right, it simply states the government shall not infringe upon the right we already have. It SHOULD never be implied that any of our rights are "given" to us by government...but they seem to be working on the subtle shift. Limitations were supposed to be placed on government, and we were supposed to have certain inalienable rights. We know what's happening there don't we? Where we are in the transformation from freedom to being subjects is debatable what isn't debatable is that the transformation IS happening.


Well-Known Member
Interesting I think that the white house dumbed them all down so that people could better understand them while Cornell put up the accurate articles.

1st Amendment was subtly different, I am sure if you go down the entire list its the same. Yeah look at the third amendment it is more a history lesson there.

Take a breath a government official is not going to kick your door and stuff you in a black bag anytime soon.... Well at least I hope not.

I think you all need to pick a ism for Obama, is he facist, communist, socialist, pugelist, elitist, racist or all the other things that he has been called?


Well-Known Member
I think you all need to pick a ism for Obama, is he facist, communist, socialist, pugelist, elitist, racist or all the other things that he has been called?
Or you can call him Lying Puppet of Satan. I sure wouldn't call him President until he proves he's a American.


Well-Known Member
Or you can call him Lying Puppet of Satan. I sure wouldn't call him President until he proves he's a American.
Wow and you have look at your sig from time to time, when your just regurgitating what the Becks and Levins of the world say.

In religion and politics, people's beliefs and convictions are in almost every case gotten at second hand, and without examination. Mark Twain
His birth certificate is out there it was posted a loong time ago when the talking heads that cry conspiracy theory for everything Obama. But I am sure a old document is not good enough proof and since peoples dna cannot tell you what country you where born doesn't help. And I am guessing you were not the doctor that smacked his ass when he was born.

His mom being a white American isn't good enough, living in Hawaii on and on.

Hell cut him open and see if he bleeds red white and blue, maybe that'll convince you.

It sucks that I feel like I am defending him so much. I don't want to be defender of all things Obama, he will screw up make bad decisions, try to pass laws that are lobbied by corporations that don't benefit us, pass laws that in the future will be used in ways only a few people envisioned, on and on.

We need to keep an eye on what is happening in our counrty and government, but we need to find things that are real and not just things that sell commercials. The problem is the 'right' or maybe better named 'newly christened anti-government' are throwing everything and the kitchen sink at Obama, making us that don't follow your messiah's (That wa a pun for the beck, lavine, Covuto, Rush, people out there) quest to have the highest ratings and make the most money, second guess everything you say and quickly jump to Obama's defence.

Try to unite us by putting stuff out there that is really happening and not loose string theaories. That is eventually used as well with everything that might have happened somethign must be true about it.

Just like our guys (Moore, Stewart) did with Bush.


Well-Known Member
Wow and you have look at your sig from time to time, when your just regurgitating what the Becks and Levins of the world say.

His birth certificate is out there it was posted a loong time ago when the talking heads that cry conspiracy theory for everything Obama. But I am sure a old document is not good enough proof and since peoples dna cannot tell you what country you where born doesn't help. And I am guessing you were not the doctor that smacked his ass when he was born.

His mom being a white American isn't good enough, living in Hawaii on and on.

Hell cut him open and see if he bleeds red white and blue, maybe that'll convince you.

It sucks that I feel like I am defending him so much. I don't want to be defender of all things Obama, he will screw up make bad decisions, try to pass laws that are lobbied by corporations that don't benefit us, pass laws that in the future will be used in ways only a few people envisioned, on and on.

We need to keep an eye on what is happening in our counrty and government, but we need to find things that are real and not just things that sell commercials. The problem is the 'right' or maybe better named 'newly christened anti-government' are throwing everything and the kitchen sink at Obama, making us that don't follow your messiah's (That wa a pun for the beck, lavine, Covuto, Rush, people out there) quest to have the highest ratings and make the most money, second guess everything you say and quickly jump to Obama's defence.

Try to unite us by putting stuff out there that is really happening and not loose string theaories. That is eventually used as well with everything that might have happened somethign must be true about it.

Just like our guys (Moore, Stewart) did with Bush.

Why must you people ALWAYS GO LEFT RIGHT BLAH BLAH... If you haven't noticed I DO NOT LIKE BECK. I rarely watch TV. Regardless this wasn't a thread about his birthing or him PERIOD. It was just to show that the OFFICIAL White House site isn't displaying the bill of rights correctly. That is a BIG deal. Also Just because his mother is white and lived in hawaii doesn't mean she was there when he was born.


Well-Known Member
Why must you people ALWAYS GO LEFT RIGHT BLAH BLAH... If you haven't noticed I DO NOT LIKE BECK. I rarely watch TV. Regardless this wasn't a thread about his birthing or him PERIOD. It was just to show that the OFFICIAL White House site isn't displaying the bill of rights correctly. That is a BIG deal. Also Just because his mother is white and lived in hawaii doesn't mean she was there when he was born.
So where did you come up with your unique theory that Obama is not American?

Here is the OFFICIAL government site for the bill of rights:

Not only does it have a transcript, it also has high resolution pics of the actual document. So no I don't think that it matters much that a dumbed down copy (possibly for the benefit of a quick look up for kids doing a paper for school) on the link you provided is a big deal.

If someone insignificant questioned your being an American, after you already did the nessecary paperwork to prove to the government your an American citizen, and then went a step further and posted your birth certificate on the internet, would/could you do anything to 'prove' it further, enough to convince someone that is convinced your not and not going to beleive it anyway?

But your right, I shouldn't have tossed out left/right wing. So your not a right winger, I assumed you were since that was a huge talking points of all the rights media for a while. So I will apologize for that.


Well-Known Member
So where did you come up with your unique theory that Obama is not American?

Here is the OFFICIAL government site for the bill of rights:

Not only does it have a transcript, it also has high resolution pics of the actual document. So no I don't think that it matters much that a dumbed down copy (possibly for the benefit of a quick look up for kids doing a paper for school) on the link you provided is a big deal.

If someone insignificant questioned your being an American, after you already did the nessecary paperwork to prove to the government your an American citizen, and then went a step further and posted your birth certificate on the internet, would/could you do anything to 'prove' it further, enough to convince someone that is convinced your not and not going to beleive it anyway?

But your right, I shouldn't have tossed out left/right wing. So your not a right winger, I assumed you were since that was a huge talking points of all the rights media for a while. So I will apologize for that.
If your saying that Americans asking a legitimate question about the so called president is "Insignificant" you are ill. This country was founded on dissent. There is no real birth certificate that states where he was born.If he was born in Hawaii why hasn't the doctors,nurses,hospital came forward. That would be historic The Birth Place of the 2nd or 3rd Biracial person to be the president.

No person except a natural born citizen, or a citizen of the United States, at the time of the adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the office of President; neither shall any person be eligible to that office who shall not have attained to the age of thirty five years, and been fourteen Years a resident within the United States.

Him, Bush, Congress, ect. committed Treason by passing the banker bailout and the rest of that nonsense.

Section 3. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.

The Congress shall have power to declare the punishment of treason, but no attainder of treason shall work corruption of blood, or forfeiture except during the life of the person attainted.


Well-Known Member
If your saying that Americans asking a legitimate question about the so called president is "Insignificant" you are ill. This country was founded on dissent. There is no real birth certificate that states where he was born.If he was born in Hawaii why hasn't the doctors,nurses,hospital came forward. That would be historic The Birth Place of the 2nd or 3rd Biracial person to be the president.
He has born August 4, 1961 so almost 50 years ago. Lets say that the doctor was fresh out of med school and finished his residency so 30 years old at the time making him/her 80 by now.

So they find the doctor who made it and ask him/her if you can remember the kid that he delivered that was mixed race 50 years ago that only just got a bit of small fame in 2004, and blew up in 2007. You would expect them to really remember that? And the hospital was Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children which is a hawiian innercity hospital which would make that more unlikely.

So I would actually be more apt to believe it was a lie if they did actually have a doctor come out and claim he remembers delivering him after all this time, since it would scream of conspiracy.

Bad picture sorry here is the link

McCain was, in fact, born in a U.S. military hospital in the Panama Canal Zone, where his father was serving in the Navy. That was, in fact, American-controlled territory at the time. More importantly, his parents were both American citizens, so he could have been born on Mars and still been an American at birth. And a sense of the Senate resolution took care of any lingering doubts.

Now come the rumors about Barack Obama's birthplace, that he was really born in his father's native Kenya, so like Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger, who was born in Austria, he can't become a U.S. president.

Same rule would apply as for McCain. Obama's mother was an American. So is her son.
So yes the Obama birth scandle is a joke in every way to me.


New Member
the second amendment doesn't give us the right, it simply states the government shall not infringe upon the right we already have. It should never be implied that any of our rights are "given" to us by government...but they seem to be working on the subtle shift. Limitations were supposed to be placed on government, and we were supposed to have certain inalienable rights. We know what's happening there don't we? Where we are in the transformation from freedom to being subjects is debatable what isn't debatable is that the transformation is happening.
^^^^ bingo! :)


Well-Known Member
He has born August 4, 1961 so almost 50 years ago. Lets say that the doctor was fresh out of med school and finished his residency so 30 years old at the time making him/her 80 by now.

So they find the doctor who made it and ask him/her if you can remember the kid that he delivered that was mixed race 50 years ago that only just got a bit of small fame in 2004, and blew up in 2007. You would expect them to really remember that? And the hospital was Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children which is a hawiian innercity hospital which would make that more unlikely.

So I would actually be more apt to believe it was a lie if they did actually have a doctor come out and claim he remembers delivering him after all this time, since it would scream of conspiracy.

Bad picture sorry here is the link

So yes the Obama birth scandle is a joke in every way to me.
Keep drinking the Kool-Aid. Look at your own Birth Certificate you will see the differences.

Birth Certificate Vs. Certification Of Live Birth

July 17, 2009 · carl · Print This Article

We just did a story bringing to light how the U.S. Army revoked the orders of a Major scheduled to deploy to Afghanistan after he filed a lawsuit claiming that the deployment would be illegal due to the fact that Barack Obama has failed to produce a birth certificate, therefore he has not proven his eligibility to be Commander-In-Chief.
To say that we started a firestorm would be putting it mildly.
We had our fair share of rational responses, as well as the usual off-topic comments, accusations of being right-wing nuts, etc.
As well as a few that were too obscene to put into print.
It turns out that our theory that the document presented by Obama appears to be homemade has some support, in that it seems that there is a difference between a “Certification of Live Birth” as opposed to a “Certificate of Live Birth.”
Our friend Pamela at Atlas Shrugs also presents a compelling case that the document presented as proof that Obama is a natural-born American citizen is indeed a forgery.
And for you Obamanites who claim that there is no difference between a Certification of Live Birth and a Birth Certificate, we, as well as the State of Hawaii, would have to disagree with you.
Pay close attention to the following Hawaiian legal statute:
“[§338-17.8] Certificates for children born out of State.
(a) Upon application of an adult or the legal parents of a minor child, the director of health shall issue a birth certificate for such adult or minor, provided that proof has been submitted to the director of health that the legal parents of such individual while living without the Territory or State of Hawaii had declared the Territory or State of Hawaii as their legal residence for at least one year immediately preceding the birth or adoption of such child.
(b) Proof of legal residency shall be submitted to the director of health in any manner that the director shall deem appropriate. The director of health may also adopt any rules pursuant to chapter 91 that he or she may deem necessary or proper to prevent fraudulent applications for birth certificates and to require any further information or proof of events necessary for completion of a birth certificate.
(c) The fee for each application for registration shall be established by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 91. [L 1982, c 182, §1]”
Everybody get that?
As long as an adult can walk into Hawaii’s version of the Department of Records and provide proof that they are a legal resident of Hawaii, the document is issued.
The child, on the other hand, could have been born in Hawaii, Kenya, or a back-alley in Budapest.
How much more proof do you disciples of the Messiah need before you will admit that there are legitimate reasons to demand answers on this issue?
Of course the fact that Obama may have been elected to our nation’s highest office in direct violation of the United States Constitution is not something that would greatly trouble a dedicated Kool-Aid drinker.


Well-Known Member
So where did you come up with your unique theory that Obama is not American?

Here is the OFFICIAL government site for the bill of rights:

Not only does it have a transcript, it also has high resolution pics of the actual document. So no I don't think that it matters much that a dumbed down copy (possibly for the benefit of a quick look up for kids doing a paper for school) on the link you provided is a big deal.

If someone insignificant questioned your being an American, after you already did the nessecary paperwork to prove to the government your an American citizen, and then went a step further and posted your birth certificate on the internet, would/could you do anything to 'prove' it further, enough to convince someone that is convinced your not and not going to beleive it anyway?

But your right, I shouldn't have tossed out left/right wing. So your not a right winger, I assumed you were since that was a huge talking points of all the rights media for a while. So I will apologize for that.

The problem is that it's not a Birth Certificate, it is just a Certificate of Live Birth, and to explain again the problems with the Certificate of Live Birth that was posted let me reiterate.

First, it was not posted by Obama, or the Obama Campaign
Second, a COLB is not the same as a Birth Certificate,
Third, it does not prove live birth on Hawaiian Soil, because it was possible for foreign born children to receive it.
Fourth, It does not provide necessary information to verify its authenticity, namely facility and attending physician.
Fifth, If Obama really was a Citizen, then why is he wasting millions trying to block lawsuits demanding access to paperwork that would allow for the verification of his citizenship, unless he has something to hide (such as not being a citizen, which would mean that he engaged in a great many federal felonies, ranging from wire and securities fraud, to false advertising?)
Sixth, If Obama really was a Citizen, why has the media been caught so many times changing where he was born?
Seventh, Are you really stating that 400,000 citizens ranging from Officers in the Military, to businessmen, politicians (on both sides), lawyers, and common citizens are incorrect in their desire to see proof that Obama is a Citizen? Regardless of his desires, the moment he decided to become a public figure, he allowed the public carte blanche to investigate is claims. Something that he is fighting, quite possible because he not only lied about his agenda, but lied about his credentials.

No, the question is a valid one, and should concern any one that has consistently has had to answer the same question when they seek to get a drivers' license, which for the average American requires showing proof of identity, via a Birth Certificate issued by whatever State they were born in.

President, we aren't even sure who the hell he is...

Barry Soetoro, Barrack Hussein Obama, or perhaps we can just address him as Tyrannus Rex, because it is clear with his unAmerican usage of the disgusting term Czar to describe mere bureaucrats that he is not American, does not understand the Republic or its Constitution (despite his claims to being a Constitutional Liar, or Lawyer), and does not respect the rights that this country was built upon, namely the rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Clearly, he does not understand that the Constitution was intended to prevent the creation of a Welfare-State that pursues its idiocy by stealing from those that produce to give to the lazy.

He has been taped as accusing the Constitution of being full of "Negative Rights" when the truth is that it is a document intended to define the limits upon the Federal Government, and thus preserve the Federal Democratic Republic that is the United States.

Of course, his knowledge of the Constitution might be so basic that he never got beyond the original text, towards studying the Bill of Rights.


Well-Known Member
but he's black. we should live him like good little sheep shouldn't we? :roll:


:: snap, crack, whining ::

Oops, the sheep has met the WOLF :: grins ::

Fark being a sheep, we either stand up for ourselves and be wolves, or we become wolf-food.

Dolce Vita

Active Member


:: snap, crack, whining ::

Oops, the sheep has met the WOLF :: grins ::

Fark being a sheep, we either stand up for ourselves and be wolves, or we become wolf-food.
if we r gonna be wolves does that mean we have to be cannibal wolves to eat the other wolves or are we gonna eat the sheep? or can i just be a shark, and eat the sea lions? im hungry, when do we get to eat?


Well-Known Member
if we r gonna be wolves does that mean we have to be cannibal wolves to eat the other wolves or are we gonna eat the sheep? or can i just be a shark, and eat the sea lions? im hungry, when do we get to eat?
Baby Seals, don't neglect to club them first thought :)


Well-Known Member
Wow, the rediculousness of this is amazing.

No I never said that McCain or any other person that is an American citizen via parents having them while out of the country are not Americans, actually the complete opposite. I was just pointing out the stupidity of the argument the quacks use to cry for more information.

Here is the rules of a natural American Citizen:
Currently, Title 8 of the U.S. Code fills in those gaps. Section 1401 defines the following as people who are "citizens of the United States at birth:"

  • Anyone born inside the United States *
  • Any Indian or Eskimo born in the United States, provided being a citizen of the U.S. does not impair the person's status as a citizen of the tribe
  • Any one born outside the United States, both of whose parents are citizens of the U.S., as long as one parent has lived in the U.S.
  • Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year and the other parent is a U.S. national
  • Any one born in a U.S. possession, if one parent is a citizen and lived in the U.S. for at least one year
  • Any one found in the U.S. under the age of five, whose parentage cannot be determined, as long as proof of non-citizenship is not provided by age 21
  • Any one born outside the United States, if one parent is an alien and as long as the other parent is a citizen of the U.S. who lived in the U.S. for at least five years (with military and diplomatic service included in this time)
  • A final, historical condition: a person born before 5/24/1934 of an alien father and a U.S. citizen mother who has lived in the U.S.
* There is an exception in the law — the person must be "subject to the jurisdiction" of the United States. This would exempt the child of a diplomat, for example, from this provision.

So even if someone has came up with proof (weird concept in our country sometimes) that he was born somewhere else, it wouldn't matter since his mom is an American.

Besides if you were about to pop out a kid would you want to do it in a third world country, or at home with your parents in America?

Fifth, If Obama really was a Citizen, then why is he wasting millions trying to block lawsuits demanding access to paperwork that would allow for the verification of his citizenship, unless he has something to hide (such as not being a citizen, which would mean that he engaged in a great many federal felonies, ranging from wire and securities fraud, to false advertising?)
If you would be so kind and point me to the websites claiming this so I can see what your talking about, I did a quick google search with Obama, Lawsuits, blocking and got over a million hits, Top

Illegal wiretapping (from patriot act),
Torture lawsuits (you know who has their hands in this one),
Blocking state secrets (more with torture, but maybe this is what those people are jumping on,
Another that Obama filed to block the GOP from not allowing voters whose homes were forclosed at the polls... hes so evil. Oh! here is one on Yahoo answers about your question!!

And here is the best answer to that:
This is one of the reasons i support the loser pays in the court system. Stupid lawsuits are filed every day by stupid people and marginal lawyers. If the loser has to pay this would cut out courts overcrowding by at least 50%.
Does make a good point. How much money would Obama (or I guess us now since he is our president) stand to lose to pay his very good lawyers on these rediculous jokes of lawsuits.

Lets say Michael Moore decided instead of making a few commercials for his movies he used that couple million to start a bunch of rediculous lawsuits (like say warcrimes) against Bush. Do you really think he would have answered them all? Would you?

You need to quit drinking the nut flavored coolaid at times man. If you want to bring down an American President, especially the first black President you have to come with better than this.

Hell I will try to find something for you.