Ordering From Nirvana Shop

Dr. Conrad

Active Member
Ok so i have everything ready now all i need is my seeds. I am ready to order them and have come to the part where i fill out my billing information. I am very cautious about this part and am wandering how safe it is. is there anyway i can use a fake name for my billing info even if i put the right CC number in there? Or is it just fine to put my real info?:confused:


Well-Known Member
ive always used my real info..it says on the billing information not to try to use fake names or none matching cc numbers they wont send the seeds


Well-Known Member
The billing goes through a security company, and is not suppose to be tracked to nirvana.

Either way, I got my seeds from there and I got them np.

Jerry Garcia

Well-Known Member
I like to use pre-paid credit cards. I can buy them in amounts up to $100, pay with cash, and therefore cannot be tracked back to me.

It works way better than sending a money order and waiting 3 weeks for processing...this way it happens immediately and seeds are on the way within a day or two.

I got mine from attitude in 5 business days to the states.

And as Golden said...never ever ever send cash!

Dolce Vita

Active Member
dude absolute wost case is ur pkg is randomly inspected and confiscated at customs and they send u a letter which u ignore.


Well-Known Member
Thats cool, but I am legal and not worried about too much. I carry a O most of the time, becuase I can and you never know when you might run into someone who needs to get straight.


Active Member
If you send cash wrap it in something so you can not see it looking threw the envelope and dont send anything you cant afford to lose. i have sent cash twice only got product once :(


Well-Known Member
ordered from them several times worldwidemarijuanaseeds several times grew many times no legal problems thus far.

Though I will say... i've ordered from nirvana 4 times no probs, get seeds and all seeds germinate. My brother ordered one time and every seed was crushed. Nirvana wouldn't replace. that's why i switched to worldwidemjseeds b/c they ship in a dvd case and they guarantee a replacement.