Congratulations, Mr. Grower, your new baby is . . . a Hermaphrodite!! EEEk!!

Again, I seek out the expertise of my betters.
My very small grow room, a 2'x6' closet, after selecting the best growers and then weeding out the males, contains 4 plants. Three look gorgeous; after switching to 12 hours of light 3 weeks ago, the buds are coming out beautifully. But plant number 4 looks weak and spindly. The buds are much smaller and somehow different than the others. On close examination, it appears that there are male flowers appearing. Eek! I have posted a picture taken just now showing what I believe to be evidence that it is a hermaphrodite. The other picture, taken 5 days ago, is a nice bud from an adjacent plant.
So tell me, my mentors, is it a . . hermaphrodite??! And if so, does it look like there is a chance any male pods have opened and released their dreaded pollen on to my virgin females?



New Member
my lord thats a hermie and a half!

Kill it get rid of it now. It's too far gone.

You may be lucky, i dont think it's going to have pollinated yet, but get it out NOWOWWWW!!!!!

As SOON as you think theres males parts showing on plants, segregate and kill them, never let them go for another week just to be sure... cos sods law is by then they WILL have pollinated.

Your just in time.


Well-Known Member
Your post is really funny for some reason... I guess it's the circumstances and the way you just came in here and was like, "Damn, that thing sucks". HAHA
Even the new guy knows a sucky plant when he sees one, that is funny.

Honestly I' have seen a ton of 'hermie alerts' on here, but this is the first true looking one i've have had the pleasure of viewing. I'm so proud to be an RIU member.

Hairy Bob

Well-Known Member
Unlucky mate, go burn that shemale before it shakes it's seed all over your innocent little girls.
Then find whatever caused it, look for light leaks during the dark cycle, and if you can't find anything, keep a real close eye on the rest.


Well-Known Member
With all those balls its hard to believe not one has not popped. I'd be checking on your plants more often later on in the flowering cycle to see if any seeds start showing up. Don't be surprised if you see a few.